اجلى | ajla. Arab. Clear; convincing—as a proof. |
اجماع | ijmâ‘. Arab. To come together; a gathering or meeting; Majm. al-Ahk., 12. |
اجمال | ijmâl. Arab. Definition.
Ijmâlkan: to define; to give a definition. |
اجمعون | ijmâ‘ûna. [Arab. Plur. of اجماع.] To come together; a gathering or meeting; Ht. Zaly., 14. |
اجن | ějan. To press out; to squeeze out. Cf. rějan. Kl. |
اجن | ajun. Widest from the mark; last in the race; worst in the competition. |
اجناس | ajnâs. [Arab., the plural of jins; varieties, sorts; v. jěnis.] Tuhfatu'l-ajnâs: a gift of various articles; a miscellaneous gift—a common expression in epistolary language—a survival of the period when gifts invariably accompanied letters. |
اجوجه | ajujah. = jujat, q. v. |
اجوف | ajuwaf. Arab. Hollow; cavernous. |
اجي | aji. I. Kawi. A king; kingly; royal.
Bapa a. or rama a.: royal father; sovereign; sire. Kakang sudah měmběri malu rama aji ibu suri: you, my brother, have brought shame upon the king, your father, and the queen, your mother; Ht. Sh.; Ht. Mas. Edan. Kakang aji: my royal brother—an expression used by the queen to the king; Ht. Sh. Paku aji: cyca. Sang aji: the king; the sacred person of the sovereign. Sang aji Běrunai: the ruler of Brunai; Sej. Mal., 155. Tuwanku aji mahkota: my lord, the reigning king; Ht. Koris. The word aji is used in literary but not in colloquial Malay. II. Měngaji: to study-especially in the sense of religious study; to read; to read religious books. Měngaji batang: v. batang. Pěngajiyan: the ability to read; the knowledge acquired by study. III. Jav. A secret magic formula. IV. Jav. Price, value. V. Hind. An interjection used to call or bespeak the attention of a person with whom one is familiar. |
اجير | ajîr. Arab. A coolie; a labourer for daily wages (ujrat). |
اچار | achara. [Skr. âchâra.] Rule of conduct; religious observance; regulated manner of life. |
اچت | achat. (Kedah.) A small leech, larger than a pachat but smaller than a lintah. |
اچت | achita. A kind of rice; Kl. |
اچر | achar. I. [Hind. achar.] Pickles; fruit or vegetables preserved in vinegar. Cf. jěrok and halwa. Kam. Kech., 11; Ht. Abd., 292.
II. (Kedah.) A sink; a gutter; a rubbish hole; a drain; a puddle; any place into which slops are emptied or dirt is thrown. Kain dalam achar; kutib chuchi diya hěndak ka-longkang juga: a garment thrown away in the sink; you may pick it up and clean it, but it will always find its way to the drain in the end; (irreclaimable); Prov. Acharan: id. |
اچڠ | achang. A messenger; an informer. |
اچڤ | achap. I. Deeply immersed or stuck in anything.
II. Achap-achap: swiftly; speedily; Kl. = (Kedah) chap-chap. |
اچم | achum. Stirring up anger by tale-bearing; repeating to one person what another person has said about him; Ht. Best., 42.
Achuman: a cause of such irritation; the malicious stirring up of enmity; Sh. Bid., 111. Mengachum: to libel; to excite enmity by slander. Di-chari bichara měngachum anak-ku: a pretext was sought to slander my child; Ht. Best., 56. |
اچن | achun. I. Interfering with a person's movements by continually getting in his way, either intentionally, by way of teasing him, or unintentionally, as sometimes happens when two people coming from different directions meet each other and both move aside in the same direction. Achan hantu: obstruction in the latter sense.
II. To attract small deer by imitating certain sounds. Cf. těkut. |
اچو | achu. Menacing, but not carrying out one's threat; a threatening gesture not followed by attack; an act such as lifting a stick but not striking, or shaking one's fist without further action. Di-gěnggam-nya tangan-nya di-achukan-nya di-muka tuwan itu: he closed his fist and shook it before that gentleman's face; Ht. Abd., 250.
The word is also used of a blow being actually attempted or a lunge being unsuccessfully made. Maka tangan-nya terkětar-kětar duwa tiga kali di-achu-nya tiyada dapat di-tikam-nya: his hand shook, and though he made two or three lunges he did not succeed in stabbing him; Ht. Perb. Jay. Achuwan: a matrix; a mould; a model; Ht. Abd., 234.
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