اتما | atma. Skr. The ancient and literary form of a word now pronounced utâma, v. اتام. II. |
اتو | atau. Skr. (Rian-Johor) Or; either; else; (Kedah) atawa. |
اتي | ati. Better hati, q. v. |
اثبات | ithbât. Arab. Affirmation; to affirm; Majm. al-Ahk., 410.
Ithbâtkan (and měngithbâtkan): to confess; to avow. Yang di-ithbâtkan itu melainkan Allah: he only avowed (his belief in) the one God; Ht. Sh. Mard. See also Sh. I. M. P., 10; Sh. Ungg. Bers., 10. |
اثر | athar. Arab. Trace; sign; impression; memorial.
Al-athar: the traditional sayings of the Prophet. |
اثقال | athkâl. [Arab. Plur. of ثقل.] Burden, load—especially the load of sin. |
اثنين | ithnain. [Arab.; yaumu'l-ithnaini: the second day of the week; Monday.] Hari ithnain: Monday; also pronounced isnên, sěnên and sěnayan.
This word is sometimes used as a proper noun. |
اجاب | ijâb. Arab. To hear (and fulfil) a prayer. Also written هجاب; Arabian Nights, 18. |
اجابة | ijâbat. Arab. The hearing of prayer. |
اجاد | ijâd. Arab. Kindhearted. |
اجادة | ijâdat. Arab. Kindheartedness. |
اجاره | ijârah. Arab. Wages (of a coolie); daily payment of ijrat, q. v. |
اجازه | ijâzah. Arab. Diploma; certificate; the certificate of competency given by a teacher to a pupil; a licence to practice; leave; permission. Měmohunkan ijâzah-ijâzah kaluwar mĕnchari bunga ubat-nya itu: asking for permission to depart in search of the flower which was to serve as a remedy; Ht. Gul. Bak., 6. Idzin dan ijâzah; permission and licence; Muj., 9. Cf. also Muj., 7, 15; Sh. Laili Mejn., 11. |
اجاص | ijâs. Arab. Damson-plums. |
اجب | ajab. Better عذب, q. v. |
اجبار | ijbâr. Arab. Compulsion. |
اجتهاد | ijtihâd. Arab. Zeal; solicitude; diligence; Ht. Gul. Bak., 128. |
اجر | ajar. I. Instruction; teaching.
Ajaran: instruction. Ajari and mengajari: to instruct (any one), Ajarkan, měmpělajarkan and měngajarkan: to teach (any subject). Bělajar: to learn. Měngajar: to teach; to be engaged in teaching. Pělajaran: teaching; instruction; the subject taught. Pěngajar: a teacher; an instructor. Pěngajaran: the work of instruction. Pělok tuboh mengajar diri: hug your body and lecture yourself; ponder on your own folly; Prov. J. S. A. S., I., 95. II. Ajar-ajar: [Skr. acharya?] A devotee; the disciple of an ascetic or of any one professing to teach supernatural wisdom; a hermit. Ada-pun hamba datang ka-mari hěndak měngislamkan ajar-ajar yang di-Bukit Feringgi itu: I have come here to convert to Muhammadanism the hermits upon Mt. Feringgi; Ht. Jaya Lengg. Sěgala jogi Běrhamman ajar-ajar sakaliyan: all the Yogis, Brahmins and ascetics. Ht. Sh. Cf. also Cr. Gr., 47; Sh. Panj. Sg.; etc. |
اجرة | ujrat. Arab. Wages, salary, rent. Cf. ijârah. |
اجڠ | ějing. Better jing, q. v. |
اجڠ | ějong. Better jong, q. v. |
اجق | ajak. Invitation; suasion to the performance of anything. Di-ajak-nya masok dudok: he invited him to come in and sit down; Ht. Abd., 310. Ajak-lah Jěnohati bersama-sama: invite Yajnawati as well; Ht. Sg. Samb. Cf. also Sej. Mal., 104.
Běrajak (Ht. P. J. P.) and měngajak (Ht. Ind. Jaya): to invite. |
اجق | ajok. Mimicry, imitation; ridicule by mimicry; "taking off" a person; ridiculing a person's mannerisms.
Měngajok: to mimic; to ridicule by mimicry. Těrlalu banyak yang měngasut dan yang měngajok: there were very many people ridiculing him and taking him off; Ht. Koris. |
اجل | ajal. Arab. Appointed time; term; destiny; the predestined period of death. Dari sěbab bělum sampai ajal-nya bělum-lah iya mati: as his hour had not yet come he did not then perish; Ht. Abd., 69. Hampir-lah sampai ajal-ku akan mati: my predestined time of death is drawing nigh; Sej. Mal., 71.
Wangkang berpintu ĕmpat; the stranger seeks a habitation, but his fate is in tow of the Angel of Death; Pel. Abd., 115. The form اجلي is also found in this sense; Sh. Bur. Pungg., 17.
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