اچه | achah. Měngachah: to feint; to pretend to be about to strike a certain kind of blow in order to cover a different attack. Kl. |
اچه | acheh. I. The name of a small wood-leech; Cr.
II. Acheen. |
اچي | achi. I. (Pahang?) Achi-achi: the lever by which the boom of a Malay boat is turned over and over and the sail furled; C. and S. = chachi, q. v.
II. Done?—an expression used by people in bargaining or betting to signify that everything is settled. Achi-achi: id. Ta'-achi: the bet is off, the offer is not closed with; = ta'-jadi. III. Tam. Elder sister; a respectful form of address in speaking to elderly Tamil women. |
احاطه | iḥaṭah. Arab. To surround. |
احتساب | iḥtisâb. Arab. Imputation; to impute. |
احتشام | iḥtishâm. Arab. Reverence; obedience. |
احتکار | iḥtikâr. Arab. Buying up and cornering food-grain (a great sin in Muhammadan eyes). |
احتمال | iḥtimâl. Arab. To bear; to suffer; to endure. |
احد | aḥad. Arab. One. Maka Kâdli pun tampil-lah ka-hadapan měngaḥad-kan kěduwa-nya: the Kali stepped forward to make the pair one (to unite them in marriage); Ht. Gul. Bak., 13.
Hari ahad: the first day of the week; Sunday. |
احده | aḥadah. [Arab. The feminine form of ahad.] Sole; single; first; Sh. I. M. P., 7. |
احدية | iḥtikâr. aḥadiyyat. Arab. Unity; concord; union. |
احرام | iḥrâm. Arab. Anathema; interdict; the period during which certain things are forbidden. |
احسان | iḥsân. Arab. Beneficence; favour; kindness. |
احكام | aḥkâm. [Arab. Plur. of حلم.] Laws; the law. Majma ‘u'l-ahkám: the Muhammadan Code of Laws; the (Johor) Code. |
احمد | aḥmad. Highly praiseworthy; a proper name often occurring among Muhammadans. |
احمر | aḥmar. ahmar. Arab. Red; Ht. Zaly., 16; Arabian Nights, 43. |
احمق | aḥmâḳ. Arab. Foolish; stupid; ignorant; easily angered; Ht. Abd., 280; Sej. Mal., 79; Ht. Kal. Dam., 77. |
احوال | aḥwâl. [Arab. Plural of hâl: state; thing; event] Ḥâl aḥwâl: events; occurrences of all sorts; general state of affairs. Sěgala ḥâl aḥwâl zamân-zamân yang těrsěbut itu: all the incidents of the period in question; Ht. Abd., 6.
Usually pronounced ahowâl. |
احيأ | iḥyâ'. Arab. To restore to life. |
اخاذة | ikhâdzat. Arab. A fief. |
اخبار | akhbâr. [Arab. Plur. of حلم, q. v.] News; information; (sometimes) a newspaper. |
اخبار | ikhbâr. Arab. News-giving; reporting; making known. |
اختصار | ikhtiṣâr. Arab. Definition. |
اختصاص | ikhtiṣâṣ. Arab. To belong to. |
اختلاص | ikhtilâṣ. Arab. Robbery; to rob; highway robbery. |
اختلاف | ikhtilâf. Arab. Discord; difference; disparity; inconsistency; Ht. Kal. Dam., 197. |
اختيار | ikhtiyâr. Arab. Choice; election; free will; a deliberate decision; a carefully thought out plan for attaining any object. Di-sěrah-kan ikhtiyâr kapada-nya daripada baik dan jahat-nya: he was permitted to choose freely between good and evil; Ht. Abd., 402. Měnchari ikhtiyar hendak mengambil gěmala itu: to think out a scheme for securing possession of that talismanic stone; Ht. Gul. Bak., 84. Děngan ikhtiyâr-nya sěndiri juga: of his own choice of his own free will.
Pulang ikhtiyâr: to allow another person to think a matter out; to hand over to another the responsibility of deciding any point. Bagaimana ikhtiyâr kamu: what do you think; what is your plan or proposal; Ht. Best., 91. |
اخذ | akhidz. Arab. A collector; a receiver. |
اخر | akhir. Arab. Last, remotest; the end.
Akhir-nya: in the end; ultimately; the end of anything. Akhirnya iya hinggap di-bělakang kěrbau: it finally perches on the buffalo's back; Ht. Abd., 115. Daripada awwal hingga akhir-nya: from first to finish; from first to last. Akhir zaman, or akhir dan zaman: for ever and ever; to the end of time.
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