اخرة | akhirat. Arab. The future life; eternity; the day of judgment. Dari dunya sampai ka-akhirat: from worldly to heavenly life; from our days on earth to those in heaven. |
اخضر | akhdlar. Arab. Dark green. |
اخفأ | ikhfâ'. Arab. To hide. |
اخلاص | ikhlâṣ. Arab. Sincerity; candour. Sûratu'l-ikhlâṣ: a letter written in sincere friendship; Ht. Abd., 222, 466; Ht. Koris; Muj., 14, etc. |
اد | ada. Arab. Existence; actual presence; present condition; to be. Ada laut ada-lah pěrompak: the existence of a sea (means) the existence of pirates; Prov. Ada bangkai ada-lah hěreng: where a carcase is, there will vultures also be; Prov.
Adakan and mengadakan. to bring into existence; to create; to appoint. Nyawa sěhaja tiyada buleh di-adakan-nya: life alone they cannot call into existence; Ht. Abd., 299. Hubongan huruf yang bukan-bukan di-adakan-nya: he kept making impossible combinations of letters; Ht. Abd., 185. Měngadakan běntara ěmpat puloh: to appoint forty poursuivants; Sej. Mal., 87. Kěadaan: state; conditions or mode of life ог existence. Hina kěadaan diri-ku: my position is a humble one. Ilmu kějadiyan dan tabi‘at dan kěadaan ‘âlam: the science of the creation, nature and present condition of the earth—i.e., cosmogony, geology and geography; Ht. Abd., 5. Ada-nya (literally) its state; it is so—an expression often used to close a sentence or paragraph. Tiyada: non-existence; not—the negative of ada. Ta'-dapat tiyada or tadapatiyada: there is no denying it; no negation is possible; must; of necessity. |
ادب | adab. Arab. Refinement of manners; courtesy; politeness. Děngan adab: courteously. Balek adab and biadab, q. v.: discourtesy; rudeness. |
ادار | udara. See udarâ. |
ادر | adar. I. Aged; advanced in years; Marsd., Cr., R. v. E. Also udar.
II. To sleep at a friend's house; = tandang or běrtandang. |
ادرا | udara. [Skr. adhara.] The atmosphere; the air; the folds of air round the earth. Burong yang di-udara: the birds of the air. Měnyuchikan udâra: to clear the atmosphere. Also pronounced udâra. |
ادان | udana. Sěri udana: a Kedah title of distinction. |
ادراج | adiraja. See adi. |
ادريس | idrîs. Arab. A proper name; Enoch. Nabî Idrîs: Enoch. |
ادس | adas. Adas manis: aniseed (ilicium anisatum); Kam. Kech., 9.
A. pědas: fennel; fœniculum vulgare. |
ادڠ | adang. I. Obstruction; barring a passage; lying in wait in an ambush to stop the progress of an enemy; intercepting a blow struck. Hamba adang diya di-jalan: I will waylay him; Ht. Sri. Rama.
Batu a.: wall-like masses of rock impeding operations in alluvial mining. Měngadang: to intercept; to stop; to oppose a barrier to. To' Laksamana měměrentah laut, the Dato Laksamana rules the sea, guarding us against foes and the wicked; J. I. A., Vol. I., 150. Měngadangkan: to interpose (anything) as a barrier or defence; Ht. Sh. Kub. Pěngadang: anything interposed as a protection; e. g., a shield. Sudah běrbunyi gěndang pěrang, when the drum of battle beats, when the armies appear on the field with swords, spears and pikes of state, then shields become useful for warding off (blows). Cf. sěkat, gědang, etc. II. Adang-adang: sometimes; at times. Better kadang-kadang, q. v. III. Měngadang-adang: to shake grain on a winnowing pan; Kl. |
ادڠ | ading. Younger brother or sister; Sh. Panj. Sg. Usually adek or adinda. |
ادڤ | adap. See hadap. |
ادڤ | ědap. I. A kind of tambourine. Also adap. Kl.
II. (Siam?) A long knife or sword. Better dap, q. v. |
ادفاتي | adipati. See adi. |
ادق | adaḳ. See těradaḳ. |
ادق | adeḳ. Younger brother or sister; a term of endearment used by an elder to a slightly younger person, especially by a husband to a wife.
Adeḳ běradeḳ: brothers and sisters. Di-pandang orang sapěrti adeḳ běradeḳ ada-nya: so
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