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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/92

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le'ka, dawdling.

le'kor, a word which may be used to form the numerals from twenty-one to twenty-nine. Cf. blas.

du'a le'kor, twenty-two.
s-le'kor, twenty-one.

le'la, a swivel-gun.

le'leh, m-le'leh, to flow, run (as liquids). Cf. linang and alir.

le'long (Port.), auction.

le'long-kan, to sell by auction.

lem'bak, m-lem'bak, overflowing; to overflow.

lem'pah, m-lem'pah, abounding, abundant, plentiful; to abound.

lem'pah-kan, to give liberally, lavish.
k-lem'pa-han, abundance.

lem'par, m-lem'par, to throw, fling. Cf. lontar.

le'na, deep, sound (of sleep). Cf. llap and nyadar.

le'ngah, m-le'ngah, indolent; to loiter, delay. Cf. lambat.

leng'kong, m-leng'kong, to encircle, surround.

leng'kar, m-leng'kar, a coil (of rope or a snake); to coil.

le'rang, s-le'rang, in one width (of sarongs) as opposed to kampoh, q.v.

le'reng, kre'ta le'reng, a bicycle.

le'tir, b-le'tir, to babble, chatter.

le'wat (Jav.), past = lalu; too late.

li'ang, a hole; usually lobang.

li'ar, wild (of animals) as opposed to tame; cf. buas, which means wild in the sense of ferocious.

li'at, tough, plastic, supple.

ta'nah liat, clay.

li'chin, smooth, slippery.

ba'tu li'chin, pebbles.

li'dah, the tongue; pronunciation.

li'dah a'pi, flames.
a'nak li'dah, the uvula.
pa'seh li'dah, eloquent.
pi'tah li'dah, eloquent.

li'dal (Port.), a thimble; also didal.

li'di, the midrib of a leaf of the coco-nut palm.

li'hat, m-li'hat, (149), to look, see, perceive. Cf. pandang, tengok and nampak.

li'ha-ti, to look at, view.
k-li-ha'tan, it was seen, there was seen (impers.).
png-li'ha-tan, the sense of sight; a vision, a thing seen.

li'lin, wax; a candle.

li'lit, m-li'lit, to twine, entwine (as a creeper). Cf. blit.

li'ma, five. (For derived forms see ampat).

lima wak'tu, the five stated periods of prayers; see waktu.
pnglima, see pnglima.

limau, the generic name for oranges, limes and similar fruits. Cf. jrok.

li'mau b-sar and limau jam-bu'a, the pumelo.
li'mau ma'nis, the orange.
limau ni'pis, the lime.

li'nang, ber-li'nang, flowing; to flow (of tears). Cf. leleh and alir.

lin'dong, m-lin'dong, -kan, to shelter, cover, screen, protect.

ber-lin'dong, sheltered, sheltering oneself.