per-lin'do-ngan, shelter, that which affords a covering; privy, latrine.
lin'tang, m-lin'tang, across, transverse; to go across, traverse, pass over. Cf. lintas and bujor.
lin'tang pu'kang, higgledy-piggledy.
ka'yu lin'tang, cross-bar. Cf. palang.
lin'tas, m-lin'tas, to pass through, cross, penetrate (through a tract of country, or of weapons through the body). Cf. lintang.
li'or, a'yer li'or, saliva.
li'pan, a large centipede = hlipan.
li'pas, cockroach.
li'pat, m-li'pat, a fold; to fold, double, turn down. Cf. lapis.
li'pat lu'tut, to bend the knees.
ber-li'pat, folded.
li'put, m-li'put, to encompass, cover.
l-kak, l-kak-l-kok', full of cavities, uneven, undulating.
l-kap', m-l-kap', to adhere (of flat surfaces).
l-kas', quick, rapid; quickly, immediately. Cf. bangat, dras, laju and pantas.
l-kas'kan, to hasten, expedite.
l-kat', m-l-kat' (149), to stick, adhere; to be fixed upon (of the eyes).
l-kat'kan, to cause to adhere, affix. Cf. kna and tampal.
l-kok', dent, indentation, hollow, cavity; dented, depressed, stove in.
l-kak-l-kok', full of cavities, uneven, undulating.
l'lah, labour, exertion, exhaustion, fatigue; weary, exhausted, tired. Cf. lteh and pnat.
ber-hen'ti-kan l'lah, to rest after fatigue.
ber-l'lah, to exert oneself.
l-lap', deep, sound (of sleep). Cf. nyadar and lena.
ti'dor l-lap', to sleep heavily.
l'mah, weak, powerless, deficient of strength. Cf. lteh.
l'mah lm'bot, gentle, mild, meek.
k-l'ma-han, weakness, debility.
l-mak', suet, animal fat. Cf. minyak.
l-ma'ri, wardrobe = almari.
l-mas', smothered, suffocated.
ma'ti l-mas', to die of suffocation or drowning.
l-mas'kan, to smother, suffocate.
lm-ba'ga, form, bodily shape, the material as distinguished from the spiritual.
lm'bah, a valley, a depression.
lm'bap, moist, damp.
lm'bar, a strand, thread.
lm'bek, soft, flabby, yielding to the touch. Cf. lmbot.
lm'bing, a spear, lighter than the tombak. Cf. sligi.
lm'bot, soft, pliant, gentle, tender. Cf. lmbek.
l'mah lm'bot, gentle, mild, meek.
lm'bot-kan, to soften, appease.
lm'bu, the ox. Cf. sapi.
lm'bu b-ti'na, cow.
lm'bu jan'tan, bull.
a'nak lm'bu, calf.
lm'poh, paralyzed. Cf. tepok.