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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/91

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la'tah, a nervous affection, the symptoms of which are somewhat similar to the effects of hypnotism.

la'uk, the food which is eaten with rice whether meat, fish or vegetables.

la'’ut, the sea.

la'’ut a'pi, hell.
ba'rat la'’ut, north-west.
timor la'’ut, north-east.
m-la'’ut, to go out to sea (as river fish).
la'’u-tan, the ocean.

la'wan, ber-la'wan, adversary, rival; to contend, strive, compete. Cf. langgar.

m-la'wan, to oppose, resist, withstand; opposed to, against.

la'wat, m-la'wat, to visit.

la'yak (Ar.), worthy, fit, proper.

la'yan, m-la'yan, -i, to serve, wait upon, minister to.

p-la'yan, a servant.

la'yang, m-la'yang, to soar, hover.

la-yang-la'yarg, a kite.
ber-ma'in la-yang-la'yang, to fly a kite.
bu'rong la-yang-la'yang, a swallow.
m-ngan'jong la-yang-la'yang, to throw a kite up in the air.
la'yang-kan su'rat, a poetic expression for sending a letter.

la'yer, a sail.

bu'ka la'yer, to set a sail.
i'kat la'yer, to furl sail.
b-la'yer (98), to sail, set sail, start on a voyage.
la'yer-kan, to sail (a vessel).
p-la'ye-ran, voyage.

la'yu, withered; to wither, fade.

la'zat (Ar.), pleasure, delight, enjoyment (of a sensual kind); pleasant to the senses.

la'zim (Ar.), indispensable; hence, in common use, common; also kla'ziman.

l'bah, bee.

sa'rang l'bah, honey-comb, a bee's nest.

l-bai', a mosque attendant.

l-bam', discoloured, as the result of a bruise.

bi'ru l-bam', black and blue.

l-bat', thick, dense, heavy (as foliage, insects or rain). Cf. rendang.

l'beh (89), more, more than; surplus. Cf. lagi.

l'beh d-hu'lu, previously.
l'beh ku'rang, more or less. Cf. kira-kira.
s-l-beh-l'beh-nya, at the most.
ter-l'beh (93, 94), most, very.
l'beh-kan, to make more of, aggrandize, consider of more importance.
k-l'be-han, excess, superiority.

l-bu', dust. Cf. dbu and habok.

l-bur', m-l-bur', to melt or fuse metals, smelt.

k-l-bu'ran, abyss, chasm.

le'bar, wide, broad; breadth (36, Note). Cf. lapang and luas.

le'cheh, protracted, slow, lingering.

le'chek, m-le'chek, to crush by a grinding motion, under the foot or in a vessel.

le'hir, neck, throat (external). Cf. krongkong.

ba'targ le'hir, the neck.
ch-kek' le'hir, to throttle.
p-lok' le'hir, to embrace.
po'tong le'hir, to cut the throat.