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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/90

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la'ngit, the sky, heavens.

la-ngit-la'ngit, ceiling, the roof of the mouth.
ka'ki la'ngit, the horizon.

lang'kah, m-lang'kah, -i, a pace, a step; to step, step over.

lang'kan (B.) (Chin.), open space round the chimchen.

langkap, see lngkap.

lang'sat, the name of an edible fruit.

lang'si, door curtains, portiere.

lang'song, outright, for good and all; also sometimes = lalu, especially in Penang and Perak.

lan'jur, t-lan'jur, lengthy, protracted; (B.) tlan'ju, during, while.

ka'ta su'dah t-lan'jur, “the murder's out.”

lan'jut, long (of time or of a story), of long duration, protracted. Cf. lama and panjang.

lan'jut-kan, to prolong.

lan'tai, floor, also the laths (usually of the nibong palm) of which Malavs make their floors.

pa'pan lan'tai, floor boards.

lan'tak, m-lan'tak, to drive in, ram.

p-lan'tak, ramrod.

lan'tas (Jav.), thereupon, then = Malay lalu.

lan'tek, m-lan'tek, to install, invest, inaugurate (princes and high officials).

la'nyak, m-la'nyak, to trample, tread down.

lap', lap'kan, to absorb.

ker'tas lap', blotting paper.

la'pah, to flay.

lapan, see dlapan.

la'pang, broad, extensive, spacious, wide. Cf. lebar and luas.

la'par, ber-la'par, hunger; to be hungry.

k-la'pa-ran, famine.

la'pen (B.) (Chin.), balcony open to the sky.

la'pis, fold, layer (84).

ba'ju du'a la'pis, two coats worn one over the other.
pin'tu tu'joh la'pis, seven doors or gates in succession.

la'pok, mould, mildew.

la'rang, m-la'rang, -kan, to forbid, prohibit. Cf. tgah and pantang.

la-ra'ngan, contraband, that which is tabooed or prohibited.

la'ras, barrel of a gun.

la'rat, m-la'rat, to spread, extend; to drift (of clouds, ships when their anchors drag, etc.).

la'rek, to turn on a lathe.

p-la'rek, lathe.

la'ri, ber-la'ri, to run, run away, flee, escape.

ba'wa la'ri, to run away with.
la'ri-kan, to cause to run, run away with, run off with, kidnap.
p-la'ri, fugitive, runaway.
p-la'ri-an, escape.

lash'kar (Pers.), soldier, army sailor. Cf. soldado and khalasi.

la'ta (Sk.), m-la'ta, to creep, crawl (of plants and animals).