ba'ris di ha'da-pan or ba'ris d-pan', the vowel sign corresponding to o and u; see baris.
ha'di-ah (Ar.), presented, offered; a gift, present. Cf. pmbrian and anugrah.
ha'dith or ha'dis (Ar.), the Mohammedan traditions.
ha'dlir or ha'lir (Ar.), present, arrived; prepared, ready.
ha'dlir-kan, to bring or place before a person, introduce = hadapkan.
ha'di-rat (Ar.), presence; lordship, majesty.
hafatl (Ar.), to learn by heart. Also hapal.
hai' (132), an interjection; oh!
hai'bat or he'bat (Ar.), dread, awe; terrible, awe-inspiring. Cf. dahshat.
hai'ran or he'ran (Ar.) (148), astonished; to wonder; wonderful. Cf. aja'ib.
ha'jat (Ar.), need, necessity; the wants of nature.
ber-ha'jat, needing, requiring; to require.
ha'ji (Ar.), a pilgrim, one who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca.
na'ik ha'ji, to perform the pilgrimage, become a haji.
hajrat, see hijrat.
hak' (Ar.), truth, right; due, claim; just, true. Cf. bnar.
am'bil hak o'rang lain, to usurp another's rights.
ti-a'da d'ngan hak'-nya, unjustly.
ha'kim (Ar.), a judge.
hal' (Ar.), state, condition, circumstance.
hal' ih'wal, circumstances and conditions.
de'ri-hal', about, concerning.
ha'la, direction, course.
ha'lal (Ar.), lawful, legitimate allowable; as opposed to haram, unlawful.
ha'lal-kan, to permit, declare lawful.
halaman, see hlaman.
ha'lau, mng-ha'lau, -kan, to drive away.
ha'li-a, ginger.
ha-li-lin'tar, a stroke of lightning, thunderbolt; also halalintar.
ha-li'pan or li'pan, a large centipede; see lipan.
haluan, see hluan.
ha'lus, fine, thin, delicate, refined. Cf. nipis and tipis.
hal'wa (Ar.), sweets, pastry confectionery.
ham'ba, slave; used as a pronoun of the 1st person in addressing superiors. Cf. sahya.
ham'ba Allah, a poor wretch.
ham'ba ra'ja, a king's servants or retainers.
tu'an ham'ba, sir: used as a pronoun of the 2nd person in addressing superiors.
per-ham'ba-kan, to enslave.
per-ham'ba-kan di'ri, to submit oneself.
per-ham'ba'an, slavery, servitude.
ham'bat, mg-ham'bat, to pursue, chase. Cf. kjar and usir.
ham'bat ha'ti o'rang, to seek to win people's affections.
ham'bur, mng-ham'bur, -kan, to scatter (as rice, pearls, money, etc., at festivals and ceremonies). Cf. tabur.