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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/57

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ha'mil (Ar.), pregnant. Cf. bunting.

hampa, see hmpa.

ham'par, mng-ham'par, -i, -kan, to spread out (as mats, carpets, grain, etc.). Cf. bntang.

ham'pa-ran, a carpet.
ham'pa-ran ba'tu, pavement.

ham'pas, refuse, residue.

ham'pas sa'gu, sago refuse.

ham'pir, mng-ham'pir, near, nearly, almost; to approach, draw near. Cf. dkat.

ham'pi-ri, to draw near to, approach a thing.

ham'zah (Ar.), an orthographical sign, used to introduce a syllable commencing with a vowel.

han'chur, mng-han'chur, -kan, to crush, reduce to powder, dissolve in liquids, decompose; also metaphorically of the heart. Cf. rmok.

han'dai, companion, comrade, friend. Cf. taulan, sahabat and kawan.

han'dai tau'lan, friends and companions.

handak, see hndak.

hang' (Penang), thou, you = angkau.

ha'ngat, hot (fire heat); also of anger. Cf. panas.

ha'ngat-kan, to heat.

ha'ngus, to burn, be burnt, consumed or scorched. Cf. bakar, which means to apply heat to, without necessarily consuming, as in heating iron.

ha'ngus-kan, to burn up, consume.

hantam, see hntam.

han'tar, mng-han'tar, -kan, to convey, escort; also to send in charge of another. Cf. bawa, iring and kirim.

ter-han'tar, laid down, stretched out on a bed or on the ground, as a sick or sleeping person or a corpse.

han'tu, a ghost; evil spirits supposed to haunt certain places. Cf. jin and ‘ifrit.

bu'rong han'tu, the owl.
ja'ri han'tu, the middle finger.

ha'nya, only, merely, except, but. Cf. chuma, mlainkan and sahaja.

ha'nyir, a fishy smell; fetid, rancid.

ha'nyut, ber-ha'nyut, to drift, float on the water.

o'rang ha'nyut, a vagabond.

hapal, see hafatl.

ha'pus, mng-ha'pus, to obliterate, efface, rub out, wash out.

hara, see huru-hara.

ha'ram (Ar.), forbidden, proluibited, unlawful; sacred, hallowed. Cf. halal.

ha'ram-kan, to prohibit, declare illegal.

ha'rap (148), hope, trust, confidence; to hope, trust.

ha'rap-kan, to trust in, rely upon.
k-ha'ra-pan, disappointed.

har'dek, mng-har'dek, to reprove, scold. Cf. tngking.

ha'ri (Sk.), day of 24 hours. Cf. siang.

ha'ri b-sar', festival, holiday.
ha'ri bu'lan, date.
ha'ri hujan, a rainy day or rainy weather.