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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/55

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gu'mol, ber-gu'mol, to wrestle. Cf. gusti.

gum'pal, a clod, lump (as in dough), clot of blood. Cf. buku.

ber-gum'pal, clotted, lumpy; (B.) to wrestle (cor. of gumol).

gu'na (Sk.), use, utility; magic.

a'pa gu'na? what is the use?
o'bat gu'na, a charm.
ber-gu'na, useful.
gu'na-kan, to use, make use of.

gun'dek, concubine.

gundol, see gondol.

gu'ni (Hind.), a sack made of jute. Cf. karong.

ka'in gu'ni, sack cloth. Cf. kadut.

gu'nong, a mountain.

gu'nong ber-a'pi, a volcano.
kaki gu'nong, the foot of a mountain.
k-mun'chak gu'nong, the top of a mountain.

gun'ting, scissors, shears.

mng-gun'ting and gun'ting-kan, to cut with scissors, shear.

gun'tor, thunder; usually guroh.

gu'rau, ber-gu'rau, to jest. Cf. sindir and jnaka.

gurda, see gruda.

gu-rin'dam (Tam.), rhyming proverbs.

gu'roh, thunder, also similar loud noises. Cf. guntor.

g-mu'roh, thundering, like thunder.

gu'ru (Sk.), a teacher, schoolmaster, clergyman (X.). Cf. pngajar, pndita and padri.

ber-gu'ru k-pa'da, to have as one's teacher, learn from.

gus', in the phrase:

s-kali gus', all at once; all at the same time.

gu'sar, angry; to be angry. Cf. marah and gram.

gu'sa-ri, to be angry at or with.

gu'si, the gums.

gus'ti (Pers.), ber-gus'ti, to wrestle. Cf. gumol.

gus'ti (Jav.), lord.


ha'bis (75, 76), finished, completed, exhausted, extinct; utterly, entirely, completely; also in this sense s-habis-habis. Cf. sudah and jlas.

ha'bis bi-na'sa, entirely destroyed.
b-lum' ha'bis, not yet finished.
su'dah ha'bis, finished.
ha'bis-kan, to finish, complete, terminate.
png-ha'bi-san, the end, termination.

hab'lur (Pers.), crystal.

ha'bok, dust. Cf. lbu and dbu.

Hab'shi (Ar.), Abyssinian, Ethiopian.

ha'bu, ashes; see abu.

had' (Ar.), limit, boundary; until. Cf. smpadan and prenggan.

ha'dap, mng-ha'dap, -i, to face, stand before or in the presence of, interview a person.

ha'dap-kan, to bring or place before a person, introduce.
ha'da-pan and di ha'da-pan, before, in front of, in presence of; contracted to d-pan' (B.).