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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/152

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per-ti'dak-kan, to make nothing of, make light of, depreciate.

ti'dor, ber-ti'dor, sleep, slumber; to sleep.

ti'dor l-lap', deep sleep; to sleep heavily. Cf. nyadar.
ter-ti'dor, asleep.

ti'ga, three. (For derived forms see ampat).

tiharap, see tiarap.

ti'kam, m-ni'kam, to stab, pierce, prick. Cf. chuchok.

ti'kar, mat.

ti'kar ban'tal, bedding (of a native).

ti'kus, rat, mouse.

ti'lam, a mattress.

ti'lek, m-ni'lek, to look carefully, observe; to practise divination, prognosticate; also telek. Cf. tnong.

tim (B.) (Chin.), to cook in a double boiler.

ti'mah, tin and other similar metals. Cf. tin.

ti'mah hi'tam, lead.
ti'mah pu'teh, tin.
ti'mah sa'ri, zinc.
bi'jeh ti'mah, alluvial tin ore.

ti'mang, m-ni'mang, to brandish in the air, toss up in the air (as weapons or children).

ti-ma'ngan, a pet name, nickname; a pet, a plaything.

tim'ba, m-nim'ba, a bucket, baler to draw water with a bucket, bale out a boat.

tim'ba a'yer, to draw water.
tim'ba ru'ang, to bale out bilge water.

tim'bal, to balance.

ber-tim'ba-lan, balancing.

tim'bang, m-nim'bang, to weigh, ponder, contemplate, think, meditate. Cf. fikir.

tim-ba'ngan, scales. Cf. nracha.
bu'ah tim-ba'ngan, weights.

tim'bol, m-nim'bol, to float, come up to the surface of the water, rise (as the sun), spring up (as plants). Cf. terbit.

tim'bon, m-nim'bon, to heap up, pile up.

tim'bo-nan, a heap.

tim'bus, m-nim'bus, to fill in, fill up (a hole or well). Cf. sbu.

ti'mon, cucumber; also hntimon.

ti'mor, the East; east.

timor la'’ut, north-east.
bin'tang ti'mor, Venus as a morning star.

tim'pa, m-nim'pa, to fall on, strike by falling.

tim'pas, dead low water.

tin (Eng.), tin plate. Cf. timah.

tin'das, m-nin'das, to crush an insect.

tin'deh, m-nin'deh, to lay a weight on, press by laving something on. Cf. apit, impet and tkan.

tin'dek, m-nin'dek, to pierce the ears (for earrings).

ting'gal, to remain, stay; dwell, live. Cf. diam.

s-la'mat ting'gal, good-bye (159).
m-ning'gal, to die.
ting'gal-kan, to leave, abandon, omit, neglect.
p-ninggal and s-p-ning'gal, departure, on or after the departure.