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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/151

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ter'kas (Pers.), quiver.

ter-ma'sa (Pers. tamasha), festivities, rejoicings; to make merry, rejoice.

ter'pa, m-ner'pa, to spring forward, spring at. Cf. terkam.

ter-ta'wa, to laugh.

ter-ta'wa-kan, to laugh at (146).

ter'tib (Ar.), rank, station, order, arrangement.

te'tek, the breast when giving milk.

te'was (Jav.), defeated. Cf. alah.

te-yen' (B.) (Chin.), to subscribe, take a subscription.

t-gah', m-n-gah', to prevent, restrain, prohibit, hinder. Cf. larang and pantang.

t-gak', upright, erect, vertical.

t-gal', because, on account of.

t-gang', stretched tight. Cf. rgang.

t-gap', strong, muscular (of the body). Cf. kuat.

t-gar', stiff, fixed, unbending.

t-gar' k-m'udi, steady! (of the helm).

t-goh', firm, steady, strong; secure, sure (as a promise). Cf. ttap.

t-goh'kan, to strengthen, confirm.

t-gur', m-n-gur', -kan, to address, speak to, admonish, chide, rebuke. Cf. tngking and hardek.

tha-la'tha (Ar.), Tuesday; usually hari slasa.

thal'ju (Ar.), snow.

tian (B.) (Chin.), a hall.

ti-a'da (63-71), is not, are not; a contraction of tidak ada (64); used as an auxiliary verb (45).

ti-a'da a'da, there is not, there does not exist.
ti-a'da bo'leh, unable, cannot.
ti-a'da da'pat, cannot, does not succeed.
ti-a'da m-nga'pa = tidak apa, it does not matter, never mind.
d'ngan ti-a'da, without.
ta’da'pat ti-a'da, it cannot but be, it must.

ti'ang, post, pillar, mast.

ti'ang a'gong, mainmast.
ti'ang ba'tu, brick pillar.
ti'ang bn-de'ra, flagstaff.
ka'pal ber-ti'ang ti'ga, a three-masted ship.

ti-ap'-ti-ap', each, every. Cf. masing-masing.

ti-a'rap, m-ni-a'rap, prone, face downwards; to lie face downwards, prostrate oneself. Cf. jrumus and sujud.

ter-ti-a'rap, prostrated, prone.
ti-a'rap-kan, to lay a person face downwards.

ti'ba, to arrive, reach a place. Cf. sampai.

ti-ba-ti'ba, suddenly. Cf. kunnyong.

ti'dak, no, not (63-73); contracted to ta’, q.v. Cf. tiada.

ti'dak a'da, not present, absent.
ti'dak a'pa, never mind, it does not matter; also tiada mngapa.
tidak-kan. to deny the existence of.