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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/140

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s-mu', deceit, cheating.

s-mut', an ant.

s-nang' (146), ease, contentment; easy, contented, satisfied, comfortable. Cf. mudah.

s-nang'kan, to set at rest, set at ease.
k-s-na'ngan, case, complacence, serenity.

s-na'pang (D.), a gun, rifle, firearms.

sn'da, ber-sn'da, a joke, a jest; to jest. Cf. gurau and jnaka.

sn-da'wa (Sk.), saltpeter.

sn'di (Sk.), the joints or sinews of the human body.

sn-di'ri (22-24), self; see diri.

sn'dok, spoon = (B.) sendok. Cf. sudu.

s-ngai', to show the teeth.

s-nga'ja, on purpose, intentionally.

s-ngal', rheumatism.

s'ngat, m-ny'ngat, the sting of an insect; to sting.

p-ny'ngat, a wasp.

s-ngau', nasal sounds, speaking through the nose.

sng'kang, bar, cross-bar (of a door).

sng-sa'ra (Sk.), suffering, pain, agony, torture. Cf. seksa.

sng-sa'ra-kan, to torture.

s-ni', fine, thin, slender, threadlike. Cf. halus.

snin, see ithnain.

sn-ja-ka'la (Sk.), eventide.

sn-ja'ta, weapons, arms. Cf. alat.

ber-sn-ja'ta, armed.

sn-nyap', quiet, still, silent.

sn-nyum', usually ter-sn-nyum', smiling; to smile.

ter-sn-nyum' sim'pol, smiling quietly.

sn'tak, m-nyn'tak, to tug, jerk, snatch away. Cf. rntak.

sn-tau'sa (Sk.), security, safety, peace. Cf. sjahtra.

sn-ti-a'sa (Sk.), always, continually, incessantly; also snntiasa. Cf. slalu.

sn'toh, m-nyn'toh, to come in contact with, touch. Cf. jamah.

s-no'noh, seemly, becoming.

so'dok, m-nyo'dok, to scoop up, shovel.

p-nyo'dok, a shovel.

sohbat, see sahabat.

so'ja (B.), to worship, do homage by a movement of the hands with the palms together (of men only = smbah of women).

so'kong, a prop, shore. Cf. kalang.

sol-da'do (Port.), soldier. Cf. lashkar.

som'bong, proud, arrogant. Cf. chongkak.

song'kok, cap. Cf. kopiah and chpiau.

so'pak, a skin disease causing white patches on the hands and feet.

so'pan, polite, courteous, respectful; politeness.

so'rak, ber-so'rak, shouts of triumph or acclamation, war cry; to shout.

so're (Jav.), afternoon = Malay ptang.