s-ma'ja, only = sahaja.
s-mak', a thicket, underwood, bushes. Cf. blukar.
s-mam'bu, Malacca cane.
s-mang', aboriginal tribes of the Malay Peninsula. Cf. sakai and bnua.
s-ma'ngat, the soul, life, the spirit of life, consciousness. Cf. nyawa and roh.
hilang s-ma'ngat, to lose consciousness.
s-mang'ka, water-melon.
s-man-ta'ra, while, during. Cf. antara.
s-mat', m-ny-mat', to stitch, fasten together with rattan or thin pieces of wood or bamboo.
s-ma'yam, to sit in state (of kings).
sm'bah, m-nym'bah, to worship, do homage to, make obeisance; to speak to a superior. Cf. smbahyang.
sm'bah su'jud, to worship or do homage by prostrating oneself.
ber-da'tang sm'bah, to come and address a superior.
ki'rim sm'bah, to send a message of submission to a king.
su'rat sm'bah, a letter of submission.
per-sm'bah-kan, to to make a present to a superior, to make an offering to God.
per-sm'ba-han, a present to a superior, an offering or sacrifice to God. Cf. korban.
sm-bah'yang, worship, religious ceremonies; to worship: derived from smbah, to worship, and Yang, God, q.v.
a'yer sm-bah'yang, water for religious ablutions.
ber-sm-bah'yang, to worship.
sm'bap, dropsy, dropsical swelling.
sm'b-leh, m-nym'b-leh, to kill for food by cutting the throat (usually with religious ceremonies); to sacrifice. Cf. potong.
sm'b-lit, constipation.
sm-bi'lan, nine. (For derived forms see ampat).
sm-bi'lu, a splinter of bamboo used as a knife.
sm'boh, m-nym'boh, -kan, healed, recovered from sickness or wound; to heal, cure.
sm-bo'yan, an alarm signal.
sm-bu'yi, to hide, conceal. Cf. rahsia.
ter-sm-bu'nyi, hidden.
sm'bur, m-nym'bur, to squirt out, spirt out.
s-mer'bak, to pervade, be diffused (of odours).
s-mis'ta (Sk.), all, the whole, in the phrase: smista ‘alam, the whole universe.
s-mn'jak, since.
s-mo'a (Sk.), all. Cf. sgala and sklian.
sm-pa'dan, boundary.
sm'pat, leisure, time or opportunity or ability to do a thing.
sm'pit, narrow. Cf. pichek.
sm'poan (Chin.), abacus.
sm-pur'na (Sk.), perfect, complete.
sm-pur'na-kan, to perfect, complete.