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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/141

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so'rong, m-nyo'rong, to push along, shove.

so'toh (Ar.), house-top, the flat roof of a house.

so'tong, cuttlefish.

s-pak', m-ny-pak', a slap; to slap.

s-pang', sappan wood.

s-pa'roh (Jav.), half, one half; a part, a portion, some. Cf. tngah.

s-pa'roh ha'bis, half finished.
s-pa'roh ma'ti, half dead.

s-pat', a small fish.

s-pa'tu (Port.), shoe, boot. Cf. kasut.

s-pa'ya, in order that, so that.

s-pa'ya ja'ngan, lest.

s-per'ti, like, as, such as, as if.

d'ngan s-per'ti-nya, becomingly, befittingly.

s-pit', m-ny-pit', to nip, pinch.

ma'kan s-pit', to eat with chopsticks = (B.) makan sumpit.

s-poh', m-ny-poh', to temper steel, colour gold by dipping in turmeric.

s-pu'i-s-pu'i, light, gentle (of the wind).

s-rah', m-ny-rah', -kan, to hand over, deliver, intrust.

s-rah'kan di'ri, to yield, surrender.

s-rai', lemon grass.

s-ram'bi, a porch.

s-ram', the tremulous feeling produced by cold or fear.

s-ram'pang, a large fish-spear.

s-rang', m-ny-rang', to attack, assail, storm (cities or countries). Cf. langgar.

s-rang', head boatman.

s-ra'ni, Eurasian; a corruption of nasrani, q.v.

s-ra'si, suitable, well adapted; see rasi.

s-ra'ya, and.

s-rek', intimidated by pain.

s-ri' (Sk.), splendour, brightness, magnificence.

gi'gi s-ri', the front teeth.

s-ri-ga'la (Sk.), jackal.

s-rin'dit, the love-bird.

s-ro'ja (Sk.), the lotus.

sru, see serwa.

s-ru', m-ny-ru' and ber-s-ru', to call out, cry out.

s-ru'nai (Pers.), a kind of clarionet, giving a very shrill sound.

s-sah', m-ny-sah', to whip, flog (with a whip or rattan).

s-sak', tight, pinched, confined, hard pressed by want. Cf. pichek and smpit.

s-sak' da'da, asthma.
p-noh' s-sak', chock-full.

s-sal', m-ny-sal', remorse; to regret, repent. Cf. taubat.

s-sat', m-ny-sat', astray, in error: to stray, wander, err, go astray. Cf. hanyut.

s-sat' ba'rat, altogether astray.
s-sat'kan, to cause to err.

s-tang'gi, incense.

s-ti'a (Sk.), fidelity, loyalty. Cf. bakti.

o'bah-kan s-ti'a, to break faith.
sum'pah s-ti'a, to swear loyalty.

s-ti-a'wan (Sk.), faithful, loyal.

s-to'ri (D. and Eng.), a fuss, much ado.

ba'nyak s-to'ri, to make a long tale.