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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/124

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ra'wi (Ar.), historian.

ra'ya, great; in such phrases as:

ha'ri ra'ya, festival.
i'kan ra'ya, whale. Cf. paus.
ja'lan ra'ya, high road, main road.

ra'yap, m-ra'yap, to crawl, creep (of insects and plants); to spread (as a disease). Cf. jalar, rangkak and jangkit.

r‘a'yat (Ar.), subjects, the common people; soldiers of the rank and file.

r'ba, felled timber.

r-bab' (Ar.), the native violin. Cf. biola.

r'bah, to fall (of the human body, trees, etc.) Cf. tumbang.

r'ban, a fowl-house.

r-ba'na, a native drum which is struck with the hand. Cf. gndang.

r-bong', edible bamboo shoots.

r-bot', m-r-bot', -kan, to snatch, seize, take by violence.

r'bus, boiled; to boil. Cf. dideh.

r'chek, m-r'chek, sprinkled, spattered; to sprinkle; also pr'chek or per'chek. Cf. rnjis and siram.

r'da, to abate, diminish.

r-dop', cloudy, overcast, obscured.

re'al (Port.), dollar; usually ringgit.

re'di, a hammock-litter, used by Chinese women at Malacca.

re'dla (Ar.), satisfied, content, willing. Cf. knan and sudi.

re'ja, snips or scraps of paper or cloth.

re'mah, crumbs, the fragments of food that remain on the table or floor after eating and are thrown away; as opposed to sisa, which is the food left over and saved for others to eat or for a future occasion.

ren'dang, leafy, having thick foliage. Cf. lbat.

re'ngan, light (in weight), easy, unimportant, slight (of pain or sickness).

bu'at re'ngan, frivolous.
re'ngan-kan, to alleviate, lighten; to make light of.

re'ngek, m-re'ngek, to tease, worry.

reng'kas, short, abbreviated (especially of narratives). Cf. pendek and sengkat.

reng'kas-kan, to abbreviate.

r-gang', stretched tight (as ropes). Cf. rntang.

r-gang'kan, to stretch, make tight.

ri'a, joy; also su'ka ri'a.

ri-ang-ri'ang, the cicada.

ri'as (B.), ber-ri'as, ri'as-kan, adorned, ornamented; to decorate; a corruption of ber-hi'as; see hias.

ri'ba, m-ri'ba, the lap; to hold on the lap; nurse. Cf. pangku.

ri'ba’an, the lap.

ri'ba (Ar.), usury, interest.

ri'bot, a tempest of wind or thunder.

ri'bot tu'run, a storm came up.

ri'bu, thousand.

du'a ri'bu, two thousand.
s-ri'bu, a thousand.
ber-ribu-ribu, thousands.