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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/123

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ra'mi, the Indian flax.

ram'pas, m-ram'pas, to pillage, plunder, loot. Cf. rompak and sumon.

ram'pa-san, pillage, booty.

ra'mu, m-ra'mu, to collect materials.

ra'mu-an, materials for buildings, etc.

ran'chong, m-ran'chong, to cut to a point (as a pen).

ran'dok, kam'bing ran'dok, a hairy he-goat.

’rang', m-rg-rang', to groan; also hrang.

rang'ka, skeleton, framework.

rang'kak, m-rang'kak, crawl on hands and feet (as children).

ran'jang, a large bed.

ran'jau, a caltrop, pointed stakes so placed as to impede an enemy.

ran'tai, a chain.

ba'ju ran'tai, coat of mail. Cf. zirah.

ran'tau, a reach in a river, a stretch of coast line.

t-lok' ran'tau, the sinuosities of a river or coast.
m-ran'tau, to coast.

ran'ting, leafless twigs. Cf. charang.

ra'num, overripe.

ra'’ong, m-ra'’ong, to groan, howl, roar (as in pain). Cf. kloh, and ’rang.

ra'pat, m-ra'pat, close to, in contact with, touching: to be near or in contact. Cf. rnggarg.

ra'pat-kan, to put close together, join.

ra'pek, m-ra'pek, to talk nonsense.

ra'poh, fragile, brittle.

ras' (Hind.), reins.

ra'sa, m-ra'sa (Sk.), feeling, sensation, taste: to feel, taste.

ra'sa ha'ti, the feelings.
ra'sa-nya, it seems, it appears.
s-ra'sa, as if.
ra'sa’i, to feel, experience, undergo, endure, suffer.
per-ra'sa’an, the feelings, perceptions.

ra'si (Sk.), s-ra'si, suitable, well adapted.

ra'sok, m-ra'sok, to attack, possess (of evil spirits). Cf. haru.

ra'sok, floor beams, on which the joists rest. Cf. glgar.

ra'sul (Ar.), apostle.

ra'ta (Sk.), a chariot.

ra'ta, flat, level, even; all over, everywhere. Cf. datar.

cha'ri ra'ta, to search everywhere.
sa'ma ra'ta, on the same level.
ra'ta-kan, to level, make flat or smooth.

ra'tap, m-ra'tap, to wail.

rat'na (Sk.), jewel, princess; sometimes rakna.

ra'tu (Jav.), king, prince.

ra'tus, hundred.

du'a ra'tus, two hundred.
s-ra'tus, one hundred.
ber-ra'tus-ra'tus, hundreds.

ra'’ut, m-ra'’ut, to whittle, cut with a small knife (with the edge away from the body). Cf. ra’eh.

ra'’u-tan, rattan; usually rotan.

ra'wan, emotion, rapture; moved. Cf. pilu.