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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/125

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rimau, tiger; see harimau.

rim'ba, primeval forest. Cf. hutan and blukar.

rim'ba b-lan-ta'ra, the wilds of the forest.

rin'du, longing desire (especially of love); to long for. Cf. ingin and pilu.

rin'du dn'dam, anxious longings.
bu'loh p-rin'du, a bamboo so cut as to produce plaintive sounds when exposed to the wind.

ringan, see rergan.

ring'git, dollar.

rin'tek, small spots, speckles.

hu'jan rin-tek-rin'tek, light rain, drizzle.

ri'oh, a loud noise; loud, also rioh rndah.

ri-wa'yat (Ar.), story, narrative. Cf. hikayat and chrita.

r-jam' (Ar.), to stone, execute by stoning.

rj'ki (B.), subsistence, food = rzki; also jerki.

r-long', a measure of area = 1 acre.

r-mak', preferable.

r-mok', m-r-mok', -kan, to crush, break to pieces. Cf. hanchur.

rm-pah-rm'pah, spices.

r-nang', ber-r-nang' and ber-nang', to swim.

rn-cha'na (Sk.), an essay, narrative.

rn-cha'na-kan, to narrate.

rn'dah, low (in elevation), humble. Cf. hina.

rioh rndah, see rioh.
rn'dah-kan, to abase, humiliate.

rn'dam, m-rn'dam, -kan, to soak, wet by immersion in water.

rn'dang, m-rn'dang, to fry, bake. Cf. goring.

rng'gang, m-rng'garg, -kan, apart, separated, ajar; to separate, place things at a distance from each other. Cf. jarak.

rn'jis, m-rn'jis, -kan, to sprinkle. Cf. rchek and siram.

r-nong', m-r-nong', to gaze, look intently at.

rn'tak, m-rn'tak, to jerk, tug (as a dog on a chain). Cf. sntak.

rn-ta'ka, a swivel-gun.

rn'targ, m-rn'tang, -kan, to stretch out (as ropes, nets, etc.). Cf. rgang.

rn'tas, m-rn'tas, to cut a path through jungle = (Perak) rntis.

rntis, see rntas.

ro'boh, to fall (of large bodies, as houses, etc.). Cf. runtoh and rbah.

ro'boh-kan, to pull down (as buildings). Cf. rombak.

ro'da (Port.), wheel. Cf. jntra and lererg.

a'nak ro'da, spokes.
bing'kai ro'da, the felloes.
gan-tang-gan'targ ro'da, the hub.
gigi roda = anak roda.

ro'gol, m-ro'gol, rape; to rape.

roh' (Ar.), the spirit, soul, life. Cf. arwah and smangat.

Roh' Al-ku'dus, the Holy Spirit.
Roh' Al'lah, the Spirit of God (believed by the Mohammedans to be Jesus).
ber-roh' = bernyawa, having life.