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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/107

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ni'kah (Ar.), marriage; to marry. Cf. kahwin.

nikah-kan, to unite in marriage.

ni'la (Sk.), indigo.

ni'lai, m-ni'lai, -kan, valuation; to value.

ni'lam (Tam.), the sapphire.

n‘i'mat (Ar.), favour, benefit, grace; pleasure, enjoyment, delicacies.

ni'pah, a palm-like plant which grows in marshy land.

ni'pis, thin (as opposed to t-bal', thick). Cf. tipis and halus.

ni'ra, the sap of the coco-nut palm, which becomes tuak by fermentation.

nischaya, see nschaya.

ni'shan (Pers.), gravestone, monument; also nesan.

nis'ta, m-nis'ta, -kan, abuse, invective; to abuse, insult.

n-la'yan (Sk.), fisherman.

nntiasa, see sntiasa.

no'bat or nau'bat (Ar.), a large drum used only by reigning princes.

noktah, see nuktah.

nom'bor (Eng.), number.

nona, see nonya.

bu'ah no'na, the custard apple.

no'nya, married woman, Mrs. (in the Straits used only of Chinese women; in the Dutch Indies, nyonya = married woman, whether European or Chinese, and nona = a young unmarried woman).

n-ra'cha (Sk.), a balance, scales. Cf. daching and timbang.

n-ra'ka (Sk.), hell. Cf. jhannam.

ns-cha'ya (Sk.) (138), certainly. Cf. tntu.

’n'tah, it is doubtful, it is unknown, I don't know.

’n'tah..a'tau.., whether..or..

’n'tak, to bump.

nubuat, see nabuat.

nugraha, see anugrah.

nu'jum (Ar., stars), astrology; also ’ilmu ’n-nujum.

ah'lu ’n-nu'jum, astrologers.

nuk'tah (Ar.), vowel points, diacritical marks. Cf. baris.

nur' (Ar.), light.

nu'ri, paroquet.

nya (13, 24), his, hers, its.

nya'dar, deep, profound (of sleep). Cf. llap.

nyah', go away! be gone! to go away.

nyah'kan, to send away, drive away.

nya'la, m-nya'la, flame; to blaze.

ber-nya'la, flaming, blazing.
nya'la-kan, to cause to blaze up. Cf. galak.

nya'man, health; healthy, in good health. Cf. sihat.

nya'mok, mosquito.

nya'nyi, m-nya'nyi, to sing.

nya'nyi-an, song.

nya'ring, loud, shrill (of sounds).

su-a'ra yang nya'ring, a loud voice.
nya'ring-kan su-a'ra, to raise the voice.

nya'ris, almost, nearly. Cf. hampir.

nya'ta, plain, evident, clear, manifest. Cf. trang.