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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/106

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nan'ti d-hu'lu, wait a bit.
m-nan'ti-nan'ti, to keep waiting.
nan'ti-kan, to await, wait for.

nar-was'tu, spikenard.

na'sar (Ar.), vulture; usually burong nasar.

na'si, boiled rice. Cf. bras and padi.

k-rak' na'si, the burnt crust left in the pot after cooking rice.
ma'kan na'si, to take a meal, lit., to eat rice.

na'sib (Ar.), fate, destiny, lot in life.

na'si-hat (Ar.), exhortation, advice, admonition.

na'si-hat'kan, to advise, exhort, admonish.

nas'khah (Ar. nuskhah), manuscript.

nas-ra'ni (Ar.), Christian, especially Roman Catholic. Cf. srani.

na'wong, shade, shadow, shelter; also na'ong. Cf. bayang.

na'wo-ngi, to overshadow, shelter.

’nche', see inche.

’ndah, see indah.

’ndap, see hndap.

neg'ri (Sk.), country, state, territory, city, town. Cf. tanah, bnua and bandar.

neg'ri a'sing, a foreign country.
neg'ri o'rang, a country other than one's own.
a'nak neg'ri, native of a place.
i'si neg'ri, inhabitants of a town or country.
k-pa'la neg'ri, the capital of a country.

n‘emat, see n‘imat.

nen'da, polite form of nenek.

ne'nek, grandfather, grandmother. Cf. datok.

ne'nek mo'yang, ancestors.
da'tok ne'nek, ancestors.

nesan, see nishan.

nga'nga and ter-nga'nga, open (of the mouth or a door).

nga'nga-kan mu'lut, to open the mouth.

nga'um, m-nga'um, to roar (of tigers).

’ng-chek (B.) (Chin.), uncle; a form of address to fathers and other elderly persons.

’ng'gan, to object, refuse, be unwilling.

ng'gan-kan, to refuse or reject a thing.

’ng'gang, the hornbill or rhinoceros bird.

ngilu, see nyilu.

’ngkau, see angkau.

’ng-ko' (B.), elder brother.

’ng-koan' (B.), father-in-law.

’ng-kong' (B.), grandfather.

’ng-ku' (B.), mother's brother.

ng-ri', to shiver, shudder; terrible, horrible.

ni-a'ga, ber-ni-a'ga and m-ni-a'ga (Sk.), to trade; also bniaga.

per-ni-a'ga’an, trade, commerce.

ni'at (Ar.), intention, purpose, resolution, vow.

ba'yer ni'at, to pay a vow.
ber-ni'at, to intend, make a resolution or vow.

ni'bong, a palm, the wood of which is very hard and durable.