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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/105

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in'dok mu-ti-a'ra, mother-of-pearl.

mu'tu, the degree of purity of gold.

’mas' s-pu'loh mu'tu, pure gold.


na'bi (Ar.), a prophet.

na-bi'ah (Ar.), prophetess.

na'bu-at (Ar.), prophecy; properly nubuat. Cf. nabi.

ber-na'bu-at, to prophesy.

na'di (Sk.), the pulse.

na'fas (Ar.), breath, respiration.

ber-na'fas, having breath or life. Cf. nyawa.

na-fi'ri (Pers.), trumpet.

naf'kah (Ar.), expenses, cost of living.

naf'su (Ar.), desire, appetite, passion.

ha'wa naf'su, sensual desires.
naf'su du'ni-a, worldly desires or lusts.

na'ga (Sk.), dragon, fabulous serpent.

nah' (132), there; also = lah.

na'hu (Ar.), grammar.

na'ik, to go up, come up, ascend, rise, mount. Cf. daki.

na'ik da'rat, to go ashore.
na'ik ha'ji, to perform the pilgrimage to Mecca.
na'ik her'ga, to rise in price.
na'ik ka'pal, to go on board a ship from a boat. Cf. turun.
na'ik k-re'ta, to ride in a carriage.
na'ik ku'da, to mount a horse; on horseback.
na'ik mm'p-lai, to be a bridegroom.
na'ik pang'kat, to rise in rank.
na'ik p-ra'hu, to go on board a vessel.
na'ik ra'ja, to become king.
na'ik sak'si, to become a witness.
na'ik tu-run, to go up and and down (as a road in hilly country).
na'i-ki, to mount upon, get up on, climb on to.
na'ik-kan, to raise, elevate, cause to ascend.
k-na'i-kan, that on which one mounts, a horse, elephant, carriage or ship.

na'jis (Ar.), ceremonially unclean.

na'jis-kan, to defile.

nak', abbreviation of hndak.

na'kal, naughty.

na-kho'da (Pers.), the captain of a ship. Cf. kapitan.

’nam, see anam.

na'ma (Sk.), name.

na'ma bu'sok, a bad reputation.
na'ma yang ba'ik, a good reputation.
ber-na'ma, named, called.
ter-na'ma, famous.
na'ma’i, to name, give a name to, call.
k-na'ma’an, renowned.

nam'pak, to appear, be visible; also tampak. Cf. lihat and rupa.

na'nah, pus, matter.

na'nas, pineapple.

nang'ka, the jack fruit. Cf. chmpdak.

nan'ti, m-nan'ti, to wait; used colloquially as an auxiliary verb to express the future (45-48).