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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/104

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di mu'ka, in the fore part (of a ship).
di mu'ka pin'tu, in front of the door, at the door.

mu'kah, paramour; adultery.

ber-mu'kah, to commit adultery.

mu'kim (Ar.), a district. Cf. desa.

mu'la (Sk.), beginning, origin, cause.

mu-la-mu'la, at first, first of all.
ber-mu'la and s-ber-mu'la (133), punctuation words.
s-mu'la, as at first, as before, over again.
mu-la'’i, to begin.
per-mu'la’an, beginning, commencement.

mu-li'a (Sk.), glorious, illustrious, honorable, magnificent.

mu-li'a-kan, to honour, glorify.
k-mu-li'a’an, glory, splendour.

mu'lut, mouth.

mu'lut bo'chor, tell-tale, blab.
mu'lut ko'tor, foul-mouthed.
mu'lut ma'nis, smooth tongued, plausible.
ba'wa mu'lut, to talk scandal, gossip.
bi'bir mu'lut, the lips.
nga'nga-kan mu'lut, to open the mouth.

mu'’min (Ar.), believer. Cf. iman.

o'rang mu'’min, the faithful.

mu-na'fik (Ar.), hypocrite; hypocritical. Cf. pura-pura.

mun'chong, prominent, projecting (of the nose, lips, etc.); snout. Cf. jungor.

mun'kir (Ar.), to disavow, disown, renounce, retract, deny. Cf. sangkal.

mun'nyit and mu'nyit, monkey.

mun'shi (Ar., author), a teacher of languages. Cf. guru.

mun'tah, m-mun'tah, -kan, vomit; to vomit.

mu'rah, generous, liberal, benevolent; cheap.

k-mu'ra-han, generosity, liberality.

mu'rai, the magpie-robin.

mu'rid (Ar.), pupil, scholar, disciple.

mur'ka (Sk.), angry; wrath (of kings or of God). Cf. marah.

mur'ka’i, to be angry with.

murong, see morong.

mur'tad (Ar.), apostate, pervert, renegade. Cf. mu’alaf.

mu'sang, a species of civet cat.

mu'sang j-bat', polecat, civet cat.

mush'kil (Ar.), difficult.

mu'sim (Ar.), season of the year, monsoon.

mu'sim bu'ah, the fruit season.
mu'sim di'ngin, the cold season.
mu'sim hu'jan, the rainy season.
mu'sim k-ma'rau, the dry season.
mu'sim pa'nas, the hot season.

mu'soh, enemy of one's country, common enemy, as opposed to stru, a personal enemy.

mus'li-hat (Ar.), arrangement, stratagem, trick.

mus-ta'‘id (Ar.), prepared, ready.

mus-ta'hil (Ar.), impossible.

mu-ti-a'ra, a pearl.

a'yam mu-ti-a'ra, guinea fowl.