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kbinasa’andestruction atasupon diri-nyathemselves jugajust, deri-padafrom sbabbecause kurang (90)without budiwisdom bichara-nya.counsel of them.

There was a jungle, where many monkeys lived on the branches of the trees. Now there came a workman to get wood for house furniture, and when he had taken a considerable quantity, there remained one very big log, which he could not take away; so the workman split the log, putting in wedges. Now when it was midday, he left the log with the wedges, and went back to his house to eat. And one monkey when he saw the man go home, came down from the tree, and got upon the log which the man was splitting, and kept shaking it, and the wedges came out and its tail was pinched in the crack of the log, and he could not get it free; so the monkey died. Now the man who was splitting the log came and saw a monkey dead through being nipped, and he took it and threw it away. This is the way with people who mind other people's business and not their own, they just bring destruction upon themselves owing to their lack of wisdom. Kalilah dan Daminah.

Reading Lesson VI.

Al-kesah (135)The story ada-lahwas s’ekor (84)a burongbird bangaustork bertlor (144)laid eggs di atason pohon kayu.a tree. MakaAnd s-hari-haridaily di-churiwas stolen olehby ularsnake akan (150)  tlor-nyaeggs its itu.those. MakaNow padaon suatuone hariday di-lihatwas seen -  nya-lahby it akanas to tlor-nyaeggs its ituthose tiada,were not, makaand pergi-lahwent bangaustork ituthe k-padato sahabat-nya,its friend, ia’ituthat is s’ekor (14)a ktam,crab, makaand di-chertrakanwas told -  nya-lahby it akan (139)as to sgalaall hal ihualcircumstances tlor-nyaits eggs ituthose di-churistolen olehby ularsnake itu,that,