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Laman:A practical Malay grammar (IA practicalmalaygr00sheliala).pdf/42

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1 That cow is very weak, she is unable to stand. 2 The steamer will sail the day after to-morrow. 3 The children all go into school when the bell rings. 4 If the men are still working, tell then to stop. 5 Why have you not got the bed ready yet? 6 Hang up my coat amd trowsers. 7 They are hanging there. 8 Do not throw those shoes away, better give them to that poor imam. 9 Children ought to honour their parents. 10 Tell him to lock the gate of the fence. 11 Call that man who is selling fruit and fell him to fill this basket.


The Prefix “m.”

101. In writing or speaking correctly, Malays use the prefix m with all transitive verbs in the active voice, except as follows:

(a) When the verb is in the imperative mood, as,

panggil orang itu, call that man.

(b) If the verb expressing a command is without the prefix m, that prefix is usually omitted in the verb expressing the action ordered, as,

di-suroh-nya panggil orang itu, he ordered that man to be called.

(c) The prefix m is omitted when the object precedes the verb, as,

smoa-ya itu dapat kita buat, we can do all that.

102. For the sake of enphony, the prefix m assumes varions forms according to the initial letter of the root to which it is prefixed. The changes are governed by the following rules:

(a) M relains its simple form when prefixed to words commencing with the lellers l, m, n, r; as,

lihat, mlihat, see; makan, mmakan, eat.

(b) M becomes mn when prefixed to words conminencing with the letters, t, d, j, ch; but in words commencing with t, the initial letter drops off. Thus:—

dapat, mndapat, get: churi, mnchuri, steal; taroh, mnaroh, place.

(c) M becomes mm before p and b, bul the p drops off in the same way as the t mentioned above. Thus:—

bunoh, mmbunoh, kill; padam, mmadam, extinguish.