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Laman:A practical Malay grammar (IA practicalmalaygr00sheliala).pdf/41

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in many verbs either form may be used, in which case there is often a slight difference in the meaning, the suffix an expressing the stronger causation. Thus, bharui, renew, is formed from the adjective bharu, new, but the form bharukan does not exist; and on the other hand larikan is formed from the intransitive verb lari, run, but the suffix i cannot be used with this root.

The following are examples of the difference of meaning where both forms occur:—

jalankan, cause to walk, jalani, traverse, from jalan, road, walk.
sertakan, unite, serta’i, accompany, from serta, with.
lalukan, remove, lalui, pass (trans.), from lulu, pass.

In some cases, however, the difference of meaning is imperceptible, and the two forms are used interchangeably.

100. It should be noted, however, that a few verbs formed with ber appear to have a transitive meaning; as, berjual ikan, selling fish; berbuat salah, doing wrong, etc.

These must be considered as exceptions.



brikan, give; from bri, give.
buangkan, throw away; from buang, throw away.
gantongkan, hang; from gantong, hang (intrans).
hormatkan, honour; from hormat, honour (noun).
isikan, fill; from isi, contents.
jualkan, berjual, sell; from jual, sell.
kunchikan, lock; from kunchi, lock (noun).
sdiakan, make ready; from sdia, ready.


berbunyi, sound; from bunyi, sound (noun).
berdiri, stand; from diri, self.
bergantong, hang; from gantong, hang.
berhenti, stop; from henti, stop.
bkerja, work; from kerja, work (noun).
blayer, sail; from layer, sail (noun).


tmpat tidor, bed.
kapal api, steamer. sluar, trowsers.
locheng, bell.


orang tua, parents. lmah, weak.