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Laman:A practical Malay grammar (IA practicalmalaygr00sheliala).pdf/43

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(d) M becomes mng before k, g, h, or any vowel, but the k is dropped off in the same way as the t, and p. Thus:-

ajar, mngajar, teach; karang, mngarang, compose.

(e) When m in is prefixed to words commencing with s, the s is changed to ny. Thus,

suroh, mnyuroh, order.

(j) Exceptions to the above rules are mnngar, from dngar; mnyuchi from chuchi; and mngtahui from ktahui, an irregular derivative of tahu.

103. The prefix m is usually omitted by the Straits-born Chinese, but with some verbs the m is hardly ever omitted, as, mnangis, weep; mninggal, die; mndideh, boil; membaiki, mend; mltop, explode; mnari, dance; mngaji, read the Koran; mngaku, confess; mngerti, understand; mnguchap, utter; mnybrang, cross, pass over; mngantok, doze.

104. Though the use of the prefix m is almost entirely confined to transitive verbs, it will nevertheless be found that it is used with quite a considerable number of verbs which have a distinctly intransitive meaning; as, mnysal, to repent; and the words mngantok, mltop, mnari, mnangis, mninggal, mndideh, which are given above. In almost every such case, however, the m has practically become inseparable from the root, as explained in paragraph 103.



mnybrang, cross over.
ajar, teach. padam, put out, extinguish.
bunoh, kill. pnohi, fill.
chuchi, clean. ssal, repent.
dngar, hear. sukakan, rejoice (trans.)
jaga baik-baik, take care. turut, follow, obey.
karang, write, compose.
lihat, see.


mltop, explode. kreta api, railway.
mmbaiki, repair. mak-bapa, parents.
mnangis, weep. prentah, command.
mnari, dance. rumput, grass.
mndidek, bubble, boil. suadara, brother, near relative.
mngaji, read the Koran.
mngaku, confess. sual, question.
mngerti, understand.
mnguchap, utter, say.


mninggal, die. susah-hati, sad.