[ ii ]
[B. kělichap: a generic name given to small birds
suggesting the humming-birds of America in their
general appearance. Also b. perinchit. B. kělichap
jantong or b. inggerek: the smallest of these
[B. kendi a generic name given to the numenii, i.e., to
the curlew, numenius arquata, and to the whimbrel,
n. phaopus.]
B. kěsumba a generic name given to trogons, harpactes.
[B. kudong kětampi: the Malay fish-ow], ketupa javanensis.
Also b. to'kětampi.]
[B. kunyet the black-headed bulbul; micropus melano-
[B. kunyet-kunyet the black-naped oriole; oriolus indicus.]
[B. kuwang v. b. kuwau.]
[B. kuwang-kuwit the cuckoo-shrike; lalage terat.]
B. kuwan (Riau, Johor) a pheasant, especially an Argus pheasant, argusianus argus; [= (Kedah) b. kuwang raya.]
B. kuwau chěrěmin: (Selangor) a peacock-pheasant, polyplectrum bicalcaratum; [= (Dindings) kuwang ranting, or huwang ranggas, and (Kedah) měraḥ pongsu.] B. lang a generic name for hawks, kites, and eagles. [B. lang belalang: microhierax latifrons and m. fringil- Lavius. L. bubun spizaëtus cirrhatus. L. burit pernis tweeddalii. L. hindek: nisaëtus limnactus. L. ling or 1. in a variant of b. lilin, q. v. L. malam: machæramphus alcinus? L. merah: the Brahminy kite; haliastur indus. L. rajawali: a generic name given (Singapore) to small "hawks, e.g., tinnunculus alaudarius and accipiter virgatus; cf. b. sewah belalang. L. rimba: spizaëtus horsfieldi ? L. siput: the large sea-eagle, haliaëtus leucogaster. L. tembikar: haliastur sp.] B. layang-layang: a generic name for swallows and swifts. [B. lilin: the small pied hornbill, anthracoceros albirostris. Also b. měrlilin and b. lang ling.] B. měragi: the painted snipe, rostratula capensis. [B. merah mata:
- = ayam pegar, q. v.]
B. merak: the Malayan peacock, pavo muticus. [B. měraḥ pongsu the peacock-pheasant; b. kuwau chěrěmin, q. v.] - [B. měrěbah: the yellow-vented bulbul; pycnonotus analis.] B. měrěbok the Malay turtle-dove; turtur tigrinus. [B. měvlilin b. lilin, q. v.] B. murai: the magpie-robin, copsychus saularis. [B. murai batu: the shama; cittocincla macrura. B. murai gajah: the Malayan fairy blue-bird, irena cyanea.] B. murai gila: a name given to fantail fly-catchers; rhipadura javanica, r. albicollis, and r. perlata. [B. pěkakak: a generic name for king-fishers, especially (Dindings) the Malacca stork-bill kingfisher, pelar- gopsis malaccensis; the black-capped kingfisher, halcyon pileatus; and the white-collared kingfisher, halcyon cloris.] Also raja udang, q. v. [B. pěkakak hutan, or b. pěkakak rimba: a generic name for barbets.] [B. pělatok a variant of b. bělatok, q. v.] B. pergam: the imperial pigeons; carpophaga ænea and c. badia. [B. perinchit: a variant of b. kělichap, q. v.]
B. perling the tree-starling, calornis chalybeius. [Also chempĕrling. B. perling kampong and b. perling tanah: names representing varieties of coloration in the tree- starling but not different species.] B. pikau: the blue-breasted quail; excalfactoria chinensis. B. puchong: a generic name given to bitterns, e.g., dupetor flavicollis, ardetta cinnamomea, and ardetta sinensis; also to the purple heron, ardea manillensis. [The name is most commonly given (Dindings) to the little green bittern, butorides javanica.] B. punai: the common green pigeon, osmotreron vernans. B. punai gading, or b. punai jambu a pink-headed green pigeon having an ivory-white breast with a pink stain; ptilopus jambu. i B. punai siyul the small green pigeon; osmotreron olax. B. punai tanah: the bronze wing dove; chalcophaps indica. [B. punggok: the brown hawk-owl; ninox scutulata.] B. puyoh: the bustard-quail; turnix pugnax. B. raja hudang: a generic name given (Riau, Johor) to kingfishers, [and elsewhere to large sandpipers, e.g., to the redshank, totanus calidris. Cf. b. pěkakak.] [B. rajawali: a name given in literature to the eagle of romance, and in common talk to small hawks, c.g., lang rajawali. Sce s. v. lang.] [B. vakit: a name given (Dindings) to the broadbills; v. b. hujan.] B. vawa the pied fruit-pigeon, myristicivora bicolor. [B. segan: the Malay night-jar, caprimulgus macruvus.] B. sělanting the long-billed partridge; rhizothera longi- rostris.
B. serindit: the love-bird, loriculus galgulus. [B. sewah: a name given to some hawks. B. sewah bělalang: accipiter virgatus. B. lang sewah: a name sometimes given to the large kite pernis tweeddalii. B. sewah těkukor: the Indian koel; eudynamis honorata.] B. siyul: the crested wood-quail; rollulus roulroul. [Also (Dindings) b. chichit.] [B. tadah hujan see b. hujan.] B. těbang rumah mentuwa: the hornbill rhinoplax vigil. B. těkukor: the little Malay ground-dove; geopelia striata. B. tempura: the weaver-bird, ploceus megarhynchus. [B. tětirok (Kedah) the snipe ; b. běrkek, q. v.] B. tiyong: the mynah, gracula javanensis [and gracula . intermedia.] [B. tiyong batu: the Eastern broad-billed roller; euryst- omus orientalis.] [B. to'kětampi: b. kudong kětampi, q. v.] B. tukang a name sometimes given to hornbills.
B. undan: the Malay pelican; pelecanus philippensis.