[ iii ]

Ular bakau: a green viperine snake (lachesis) with dark-green markings, lachesis purpureomaculatus. Also u. kapaḳ bakau.
U. bělerang: a fabulous red sea-snake, described as being so venomous that a bite from it on the rudder of a boat will suffice to kill the crew.
U. chintamani: a fabulous gold-yellow snake, the finding of which betokens success in love.
U. chintamani gajah: a name given to lachesis wagleri (variety D.) when large and exceptionally light in coloration.
U. kapaḳ: a generic name given to viperine snakes; lachesis.
U. kapaḳ bakau: see u. bakau.
U. kapaḳ rimba: lachesis wagleri (variety D.), as usually met with. Cf. u. chintamani gajah.
U. katam tebu, or u. katang tebu: the banded karait, bungarus fasciatus.
U. kepala duwa: a name given to a number of snakes, the tails of which resemble their heads. The commonest kind is cylindrophis rufus.
U. kunyet: a name given to the common tree-snake, dryophis prasinus, when yellow in tint. Cf. u. puchok.
U. kunyet tĕrus: see u. tědong sělar kunyet tĕrus.
U. lidi: dendrophis pictus.
U. matahari: see u. tĕdong matahari.
U. mĕngĕnyior: chrysopelea ornata.
U. puchoḳ: the common green tree-snake, dryophis prasinus. Cf. u. kunyet.
U. punti: a large black snake with white banded markings, dipsadomorphus dendrophilus. Also u. tiyong.
U. rumah: a small thick black snake, hypsirhina plumbea.
U. sampah: a very small snake, psammodynastes pictus.
U. sawa: a generic name given to large non-venomous snakes, especially pythons.
U. sawa batu: the common python, python reticulatus, when living on rocky soil.
U. sawa burong: dipsadomorphus cynodon.
U. sawa chindai: the reticulate python when its coloration is very brilliant.
U. sawa lěkir: a name often given to the young reticulate python, but more correctly to the snake coluber melanurus from the peculiar whitish patches on its skin.
U. sawa rěndam: the reticulate python, when aquatic in its habits.
U. sawa těkukor: a name given to coluber melanurus.
U. sělenseng: a long greenish-yellow non-venomous snake, a colour-variety of coluber oxycephalus.
U. sělimpat: a generic name given to true sea-snakes from the peculiar appearance of their tails, especially (u. sělimpat bětul) to the common large sea-snake, enhydris hardwickii.
U. sělimpat katang tebu: a banded true sea-snake, chersydrus granulatus.
U. sělimpat sungai: a small true sea-snake without distinctive markings, enhydrina valakadyen.
U. tahi kěrbau: coluber radiatus.
U. tanah: = u. rumah.
U. tědong: a generic name given to a number of snakes believed (usually with truth) to be very venomous.
U. tědong liyar: a long black (white-bellied) non-venomous snake resembling the black cobra at first sight; zamenis korros. Also u. tědong tikus.
U. tědong matahari: the small venomous snake doliophis bivirgatus. The name, however, is often given to a comparatively large non-venomous snake, coluber oxycephalus, owing to a certain occasional resemblance in the tints of the body and in the colour of the tail.
U. tědong sělar: the hamadryad or king cobra, naia bungarus.
U. tědong sělar kunyet těrus: the hamadryad when not uniformly coloured but with peculiar markings along the posterior portion of the body. These markings seem to occur in specimens seven or eight feet long and not in the full-sized hamadryad of over ten feet.
U. tědong sendoḳ: the common black cobra, naia tripudians.
U. tědong tikus: see u. tědong liyar.
U. tědong usat: simotes octolineatus.
U. tiyong: a name given (Riau, Johor?) to the snake dipsadomorphus dendrophilus; = (Kedah) u. punti.