[This rudimentary list was given me by Mr. A. L. BUTLER, formerly of the Selangor Museum. I have since been able to supplement it somewhat; my additions and notes are given in brackets.]
Ayam-ayam : the water-cock; gallicrex cinerea. [Ayam borga, ayam denak,] and ayam hutan the jungle. fowl, gallus ferrugineus. Ayam pegar the fireback pheasant, lophura rufa or emplocomus vieilloti. [Also burong merah mata.] Burong babi the adjutant, leptoptilus javanicus.
B. bubut: the common coucal, centropus eurycercus; and the lesser coucal (or crow-pheasant), centropus bengalensis. [B. chawi-chawi: b. chěchawi, q. v.] B. chěchawi the racquet-tailed drongo; dissemurus platurus. [Also called b. chawi-chawi, and b. chen- chawi.] Cf. also b. hamba kĕra. B. bangan the egrets; bubulcus coromandus and herodias [B. chelong the black jay; platysmurus aterimus.] intermedia. [B. barau-barau: the yellow-crowned bulbul; trachycomus ochrocephalus. Also b. běharau.] B. bayan the paroquet; palæornis longicauda. [B. běbarau: v. b. barau-barau.] [B. beberek v. b. berek-berek.]
B. bělatok a generic name for wood-peckers of which about twenty specics occur in the Peninsula. [Also pělatok.] [B. bělatok biji nangka : the fulvous-rumped barred wood- pecker; miglyptes grummithorax. B. bělatok punggor: the Malay black wood-pecker; thriponax javensis. B. bělatok rimba the golden-backed wood-pecker; chrysocolaptes gutticristatus. B. bělibis the whistling teal; dendrocygna javanica. [B. berek-berek: the bay-backed bee-eater; merops suma- tranus. Also (Kedah) b. beberek.]
[B. chemperling: b. pērling, q. v.] [B. chenchawi = b. chechawi, q. v.] [B. chenok the malkohas, i.c., the red-breasted malkoha, ramphococcyx erythrognathus; and the Sumatran malkoha, rhopodytes sumatranus.] [B. chichit = b. siyul, q. v.] B. enggang: a generic name for [large] hornbills, [especially the great hornbill, dichoceros bicornis, and the rhinoceros hornbill, buceros rhinoceros.] B. gagak the Indian jungle-crow, corvus macrorhynchus. B. hamba kera: "the monkey's slave," a name given to the racquet-tailed drongo because it follows troops of monkeys to feed on the insects they disturb from the foliage. See b. chěchawi. [B. hantu a generic name for owls other than the brown hawk-owl (punggok).]
B. berkek the snipe; gallinago stenure and gallinago B. hujan the black and red broadbill, cymborhynchus cœlestis. [Also (Kedah) b. tětivok.] B. běrkok the largest of the green pigeons; butreron
capelli. B. bertam the black jungle-partridge; melanoperdix nigra. macrorhynchus; [and the dusky broadbill, corydon sumatranus. Better: b. tadah hujan. It is also called (Dindings) b. rakit.] [B. inggěrek v. b. kělichap.] B. itek ayer the cotton-teal, nettopus coromandelianus. [B. binti-binti: the Malayan blue king-fisher; alcedo B. kedidi: a generic name for a sandpiper (totanus) or meninting.] small plover (egialitis).