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ارڠ ĕrang. Mĕngĕrang: to groan with pain.

Kěna sěngat sembilang karang,
Siyang malam dudok měngĕrang:

if you are stung by the sembilang karang (a fish), day and night you will be sitting and groaning.

The form hěrang is also found.

ارڠ ĕreng. The vulture; a bird known in the northern Malay States only. Ada bangkai ada-lah ĕreng: where there is a carcase there will also be vultures; Prov.

Also hěreng, reng, and nokreng.

ارڤ arip. I. Jav. Sleepy; weighed down by sleep. Arip sangat mata kakanda: my eyes are heavy with sleep; Ht. Koris.

II. [Arab. عارف.] Knowing; wise.

ارڤس arpus. [Derivation?] Catgut; the material of which fiddle strings are made.
ارق arak. I. [Arab. عرق.] Arrack; spirits; distilled liquors generally. Běkas běrisi arak dan darah: a vessel filled with spirits and blood; Ht. Abd., 310. Also Sh. Bid., 95.

II. Processional progress; bearing or marching in procession; carrying about in triumph. Di-arah-lah di-atas kěreta: he was borne in procession on a carriage.

Arak-arakan: processional. Gěndang arak-arakan: a drum used in processions; a drum of a portable character; Sh. Sri Ben., 87.

Běrarak: following one after another as in a procession. Sapěrti awan běrarak: like driving clouds; Ht. Sg. Samb.; Sej. Mal., 38. Běrarak-arakan: in continual succession; = běrarak, but more frequentative.

Měngarak: to walk in a procession; to walk after anything at a regular interval as in a procession. Sapěrti bintang timor mengarak akan siyang: as the evening star follows upon daylight; Ht. Sh. Kub. Měngarak naga: to go in procession bearing an artificial dragon-of a Chinese procession; Sh. Jub. Mal., 12.

Sěkarang adinda baginda hěndak mengarak kapada Inděra Nata: now the Queen will go in procession to (the house of) Indra Nata; Ht. Ind. Nata.

Pěmarakan (Sh. Panj. Sg.) and pěrarakan: a processional car or emblem. Maka pěrarakan itu-pun měngarak sěndiri-nya berjalan: the processional car travelled automatically along with the procession; Ht. Sh. Kub. Sěgala bunyi-bunyiyan yang di-atas pěrarakan itu-pun di-palu orang: all the musical instruments on the processional car were beaten by the band; Ht. Sg. Samb.

Pěrarakan berjěntěra: a processional car, the top or cupola of which revolves horizontally round a pivot; Sh. Put. Ak., 13; Sh. Bid., 84. Cars of this description are occasionally seen in kudu processions in Singapore.

ارق arik. Arab. Sleeplessness; insomnia.
ارق arok. A sort of war-dance, said to be of Bugis origin, and danced as an act of fealty or homage before a reigning sovereign. Měngarok: to dance this dance.
ارکى arka. Arab. Weak; enfeebled.
ارکين arakiyan. Furthermore; moreover; thus; then.

This word is a compound of ara II. and kiyan, q.v., but is usually pronounced arkiyan. It is used at the commencement of a paragraph or sentence.

ارݢ arga. Skr. Price; value; = hěrga, q. v.
ارݢن organ. Eng. A concertina; an accordeon.
ارل aral. [Arab. .] An obstacle; a misfortune; a difficulty which stands in the way of progress. Suwatu pun tidak aral mělintang: there is absolutely no obstacle across the path; Sh. Bid., 120. Jikalau tiyada aral gěndala: if there is no unfortunate obstacle; Sh. Ik. Trub., 6.
ارلت urlit. An ear pendant with a metallic tassel.
ارلڠ orlong. A land measurement; = 20 jumbas (linear) or 400 jumbas (square measurement). A square orlong is about 1⅛ acre.

Also (Kedah) rělong.

ارلڤ orlop. A nautical term; orlop.
ارلوجي orlogi. Eur. A watch; a clock. Also horloji.
ارم aram. 1. Suspicion; feelings of watchful mistrust or hostility.

Bulan těrang, těrang temaram,
Hantu berjalan laki-bini;
Jangan tuwan di-aram-aram,
Sěhaya tidak lama di-sini:

do not look upon me with suspicion; I do not intend to stay here long.

II. Aram-těmaram: dimmed in lustre ; half lustrous only—as a clouded moon. Bulan pun aram-těmaram saperti bělas akan orang yang běrchěrai: the moon's face was clouded as though in pity at the parting (of the lovers); Ht. Perb. Jay.

The forms těrang-těmaram and tĕrang těmarang are also found.

III. Aram-aram: a temporary and easily moveable light lean-to, such as is used by a road coolie for protection against the sun while doing his work.

IV. Měngaram: = měngěram; v. next word.