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Laman:A Malay-English dictionary (IA

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II. [Arab.] An expression in chess; “guard your queen”; “the queen is 'en prise'”;—only used, however, when the queen is threatened by the knight.

III. (Kedah.) Connection; v. iras.

ارس aris. I. [Arab.] A husbandman.

II. [Arab.] Wise.

III. The sap or gum of plants; the soft portion of the trunk. Sapĕrti umpama gajah měmamah aris; baik di-ikat: like the case of an elephant which cats up the sap of a plantation and is only fit to be tied up; Ht. Ism. Yat., I. Cf. ĕriyas.

IV. A rope sewn round the margin of a sail to give it strength; a bolt-rope.

V. Eng. Arrest.

ارسال irsâl. Arab. Apostleship; mission.
ارشاد arshâd. Arab. Religious direction or guidance. Arshâdaka'llah: may God lead you on the right path; adieu; good-bye.
ارغن orghan. orghan. [Eng. organ.] A concertina; an accordeon. Also ارݢن.
ارڠ arang. I. Charcoal; charcoal dust. Měmbakar a.: to burn charcoal. Sudah jadi abu arang: it has become cinders and charcoal; it is an old and forgotten story; Prov.

Putus běnang, buleh di-hubong;
Patah arang, sudah sa-kali:

a broken thread may be joined again; a broken piece of charcoal is broken for ever; there are quarrels that can be settled and others that rankle for ever; Prov.

A. batu: coal.

A. di-muka: disgrace; defilement; v. infra.

A. kayu: charcoal, when special definition is required, e.g., arang kayu jati: charcoal made from teak, etc.

A. para or a. para-para: soot.

A. pěriyok: soot on pots and pans which have been placed directly on the fire.

Benang a.: a carpenter's line made with a piece of charcoal.

Kayu a.: ebony.

The smearing of charcoal dust on the face is a metaphorical description of extreme defilement or insult, and occurs in many idioms, e.g., jika tiyada těrsapu arang di-muka, dari hidop baik-lah mati: if a disgrace is not wiped out, better die than live; Prov. J.S.A.S., III., 32. Hapuskan apa-lah arang di-muka kita ini: wipe away somehow this disgrace which has been put upon me; Ht. Hg. Tuah, 51.

Bintang di-langit dapat di-bilang,
Tidak sědar muka-nya arang:

they can count the stars in the heavens but fail to perceive a smut on their faces—i.e., their knowledge may be greater but their sense of shame is dulled; Marsd. Gr., 211; cf. also Sh. Put. Ak., 26; Ht. Abd., 396; etc. The form harang also occurs.

II. Arang-arang: the ring to which the stays of a ship are fastened.

ارڠ aring. I. Foul-smelling—as a urinal.

II. The small piece of worked steel at the top of the blade of a kris. This piece, though forming part of the blade rather than of the handle, corresponds in some respects to the guard on a foil.

III. Urang-aring: the name of a plant (unidentified) in use in the Malay pharmacopoeia.

IV. A snare for catching small game by means of a noose. A. chachaḳ: this snare, if the noose is on the ground. A. těrbang: this snare, if the noose is suspended in the air.

ارڠ arong. I. Wading: pushing through water; fording. This word implies that the progress is made across the river or sea and not merely by wading along near one bank.

Arongan: the central (and presumably deeper) portion of a sea or river; the part which must be traversed if one desires to get across; the crossing. Di-těngah arongan: in the deepest portion of the crossing. Ht. Raj. Don., 21; Ht. Mar. Mah. Arongan běsar: the great deep; Ht. Mar. Mah.

Pisau raut dalam kuwali
Hěndak mĕraut bingkai talam;
Di-těngah arongan lautan Bali,
Ada-kah buleh di-layarkan malam:

in the midst of the deep seas by Bali, dare any person sail by night? Pel. Abd., 113.

Měngarong: to ford; to wade across; to traverse the deep; to cross the sea; (by metaphor) to cross a sea of forest.

Bělayar měngarong: to put out from the shore in contradistinction to hugging it; Ht. Raj. Don., 22. Běběrapa měngarong jorong yang dalam-dalam: many decp estuaries did they traverse; Ht. Sh. Ka-dalam kolam pateḳ měngarong: I shall wade into the pool.

Měngarong is also used of tramping about in water or any other liquid; = měrandok. Sapĕrti gajah měngarong minyak: like an elephant pressing out oil; Ht. Sh. Kub.

Měngarong darah: to wade through blood; a metaphorical expression for great slaughter; Ht. Raj. Kh., 18, 24. Biyar mati měngarong darah: may I die wading through blood (as a man running amok).

The form harong is also found.

II. Slender, slight; = ramping. Kl.