اديب | adîb. Arab. Mannerly; courteous. |
اذان | azân. Arab. The announcement of prayer. Sh. Lail. Mejn., 10. |
اذكار | idzkâr. Arab. Remembrance, especially of the name of God and constant repetition of it. |
اذلق | adzlaḳ. Arab. Arab. Eloquent; incisive in argument. |
اذن | idzin. Permission. Měminta idzin: to request permission. Měmběri idzin (Ht. Abd., 60, 347) or idzinkan (Sh. Lamp., 27; Sh. Abd. Mk., 4, 27) to grant permission. |
ار | ara. I. A generic name applied to various species of ficus, and to some trees resembling the ficus.
Menanti ara ta'-běrgětah: to wait for the figtree to lose its sap—an endless waiting; Prov. J.S.A.S., XXIV., 118. Hutang kayu ara: a “fig-tree” debt, i.e. a debt never paid,—being paid when the fig-tree loses its sap. A. akar: ficus binnendykit. A. batu: ficus miquelii. A. buloh: ficus villosa. A. daun lebar: ficus vylophylla. A. gajah: ficus dubia. A. jangkang: cynocephalus amanus. A. jějawi: ficus retusa. A. jěloteh: ficus altissima and ficus diversifolia. A. kěchil: ficus microstoma. A. kělalawar: ficus globosa. A. kubang: = a. kuwap. A. hubong: ficus annulata. A. huwap: ficus dubia. A. lampong = a. batu. A. lidah rimau: ficus pisifera. A. lumut: croton caudatus. A. nasi: ficus glabella. A. paya: ficus globosa. A. peraḳ: ficus alba reinwardt. A. tampoḳ pinang or a. tandoḳ: ficus indica. A. tanah: euphorbia pilulifera. Akar a.: aristolochia roxburghiana. Ara api, a. siyalang, a. punai: (unidentified). II. See arah. |
ارادة | irâdat. Arab. Will; intention; decree—used especially of the decrees of the Almighty. Mělakukan irâdat-nya: to work His will—of God; Sej. Mal., 119. Děngan irâdat mâliku'l-jabâr: by the will of the Almighty Lord; by the will of God; Sh. Dag., 7. |
ارارت | ararut. Eng. Arrowroot; Pel. Abd., 131. |
ارام | irama. Payong irama: better payung iram-iram; v. iram. |
ارباب | arbâb. [Arab. Plur. of rabb.] Lords; masters. |
اربب | êrbab. See hêrbab and rêbab. |
اربعا | arba‘â. Arab. Four. Hari arba‘â: the fourth day, Wednesday; usually corrupted in form to hari rabu. Malam arba‘â: Tuesday evening, or Tuesday night; Ht. Abd., 422. |
ارت | arta. [Skr. arta.] Property; wealth; Ht. Isk. Dz. = hêrta, q. v. |
ارت | arit. Jav. Slightly curved; a slightly curved reaping knife = sabit, q. v. In Malay it is used of cutting to draw nira in making toddy. |
ارت | erat. = rat and hêrat, q. v. |
ارتاون | êrtawan. [Skr. the adjective of arta.] Wealthy; = hêrtawan, q. v. |
ارتل | êrtawan. Saffron. Also hartal. |
ارتي | êrti. Meaning; signification. See hêrti. |
ارث | irth. Arab. Inheritance. |
ارجون | arjuna. Skr. The third of the Pandawa brothers. Usually Rajuna or Ranjuna, q. v. |
ارچ | archa. [Skr. archâ.] An image; a fresco or carving representing some religious or historical event. |
ارحم | arḥam. Arab. Most merciful; most compassionate. |
اردا | ĕrda. Better rěda, q. v. |
اردي | urdi or ordi. Eur. Order; instructions; directions; command. |
ارز | arz. Arab. The cedar or pine tree. |
ارس | aras. I. Rising to; up to; to a level with. Mĕngaras: to rise to a line with; to rise to the apparent level of. Naik ka-udara sampai pĕrgi mĕngaras awan: rising in the air till he was in a line with the clouds-i.e., in a line between the spectator's eye and the clouds; Ht. Mar. Mah.
Mĕngaras awan is also used of the sunset glow seeming to “lift up” the sky. Jingga pĕngaras (Ht. Mas. Edan.): the colour of a garment, may possibly be used of this golden yellow glow.
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