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Laman:A Malay-English dictionary (IA

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ابڠ abang. I. Elder brother or cousin; a friendly or familiar expression descriptive of male relatives not much older than the speaker; a term used by a woman in addressing her lover or husband. Cf. kakanda.

In North Malay (Kedah and Perak) abang is never used of an elder sister. In South Malay (Riau, Johor and Selangor) abang perempuan is used, in courtly language only, of a slightly elder female relative. Cf. kakak.

II. Jav. Red; v. ěbang and bang.

ابڠ ěbang. [Jav. abang.] Red. Cf. bang.
ابق aboḳ. Dust, chaff, powder; = haboḳ, q. v.
ابلر abělor. [Pers. بلور] Crystal; clear white of the eyes; (Kedah) piebald, of a horse; the name of a medicinal shrub, lada pahit; Kl.

Also habělor, q. v.

ابله abilah. Pers. Chicken-pox.
ابليس iblîs. Arab. Satan; the arch-fiend; a spirit of evil. Âdat iblîs: evil customs; laws inspired by the spirit of evil; Ht. Abd., 416. Iblîs laut dan iblîs darat: sea-devils and land-devils; Muj. 84. Něschaya jatoh-lah aku ka-dalam kěluboran pělanteḳ iblîs: I should certainly have tumbled into the pitfalls of Satan; Ht. Abd., 448.
ابم ěbam. See bam.
ابن ibn. Arab. Child; son; descendant. Ibnu's-sabil: "a son of the road,"—i.e., a traveller; a wayfarer.

Between two proper names, the form bin is used—i.e., Mat bin Děris: Mat, the son of Dĕris.

Cf. banû and banî.

ابنتار aběntara. A herald; v. běntara.
ابو abau. (Kedah.) A land tortoise common in marshy ground, and very destructive to padi. Also abau kěkura; v. kura. Main a.: (Kedah) amor lesbicus; (Riau-Johor) main tampok labu.
ابو abu. 1. Ash; cinders.

Jikalau tuwan hendak ka-Jambi,
Ambil che' Tahir juru batu-nya;
Jikalau tutan hendakkan kami,
Bakar-lah ayer ambil abu-nya:

if you desire to marry me, burn water and collect the ashes thereof,—a proverbial setting of an impossible task.

Sudah jadi abu arang: it has long been dust and ashes (literally: cinders and charcoal); it is ancient history. Prov.

Sunting a.: (Kedah) a sort of swordstick.

Ular tedong a.: (Riau, Johor, Malacca) the hamadryad; naia bungarus: = (Kedah) ular tědong selar. Ikan ular abu: a saltwater fish.

Cf. abok, děbu, lěbu, kělabu, etc.

II. Arab. Father; owner; possessor.

Abu bakr (in Malay usually pronounced Abu bakar, and often contracted to Bakar): a proper name; "the father of the maiden," the name of Muhammad's first successor, who was so called as the father of Ayesha, the only one of the Prophet's wives who was not a widow when he married her,

III. Abuwan: a complete set of anything; (also) a share; a portion. Often habuwan.

ابوبن ububan. Jav. Bellows.
ابون abuwan. See abu III.
ابوي abawi. Arab. Fatherly.
ابوي aboe. aboe. [Chin. a-poéh, a-péh: uncle, elderly gentleman.] A respectful form of address when speaking to the headman of a Chinese village the head of a gang of miners; a leading Chinaman on a country estate.
ابه abah. I. Sending on an errand; orders or directions regarding a journey; an order to go anywhere, as distinct from an order to do

anything (kěrah).

II. Abah-abah: tackle, gear, harness; anything, the appearance of which is sug-gestive of tackle; the entrails of an animal.

Abah-abah těnum: wearing gear.

Also aba.

III. Abah-abah: a porch or verandah built under the projecting eaves of a house.

ابي abi. Arab. To disregard a command. Měngabi: to disobey.
ابيد abid. Arab. Eternal.
ابيض abiadl. Arab. White.

Bahru'l-abiadl: the White River, i.e., the White Nile.

ابيمان abaimana. [Cf. Hind. apamanya : dis-graced?] The lower orifices of the body.
اتار utara. [Skr. uttara.] The North.

U. těpat: due North.

U. barat laut: North-North-West.

U. timor laut: North-North-East.

Musim u.: the period of the year during which the prevailing winds are northerly; the North-East Monsoon.