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Malay-English Vocabulary/S

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3037Malay-English Vocabulary — SW. G. Shellabear


s-, an abbreviated form of asa or satu, one, a; one and the same, the same, same, similar. When used as a numeral, s- is usually followed by one of a large number of words known as “numeral coefficients” or “classifiers” (83, 84).

s'a-kan-a'kan, as if, as it were.
s-ba'gai, the same kind, even as, like.
s-ba-ik-ba'ik-nya, just as well.
s-bang'sa, of the same race.
s-ba'nyak, so many, as many, as much.
s-ba'pa, having the same father.
s-ba'rang, any, anything.
s-ba'tang (84), a, one; num. coeff. of trees and cylindrical objects.
s-b-gi-ma'na, as, just as.
s-b-ha'gi, a part.
s-bi'ji (84), a one; num. coeff. of small objects.
s-bi'lah (84), a, one; num. coeff. of knives.
s-bi'lang, each, every.
s-b-lah' or sb'lah, one side, the other side of, beyond.
s-b-las', eleven.
s-b-lit' (83), one turn or coil.
s-b-lum', before (conj.).
s-b-nar'-nya, truly, verily.
s-bn'tar, a moment, an instant.
s-bn'tok (83), a, one; num. coeff. of rings.
s-bo-leh-bo'leh, to the best of one's ability.
s-b-ra'pa, as much as, as many as.
s-b-sar', as large as.
s-bu'ah (84), a, one; num. coeff. of houses, ships, towns, etc.
s-bu'lan, a month.
s-bu-lat-bu'lat, the whole, all.
s-bu'tir (83), a, one; num. coeff. of small round objects.
s-chu'kop, sufficient.
s-di'kit, see sdikit.
s’e'kor (84), a, one; num. coeff. of animals.
s-fa'kat, in agreement, in collusion.
s-g-nap', the whole, all.

s-ha-bis-ha'bis, completely, utterly.
s-ha-ri-ha'ri, daily, every day.
s-ha'rus-nya, properly, necessarily.
s-hing'ga, until, as far as.
s-h-lai' (84), a, one; num coeff. of thin flat objects.
s’i'bu s-ba'pa, of the same father and mother.
s’i'si du'ni-a, the whole world.
s-ja'lan, the same road.
s-ja'uh, as far as.
s-j'ma‘at. a week.
s-ju'rus la'ma-nya, for a moment.
s-ka'li, once; entirely, quite, very (92, 94).
s-ka'li gus', all at once.
s-ka'li pun (144), even.
s-kam'pong, of the same village.
s-ka'pur (83), a, one; num. coeff. of quids of betel nut.
s-ha'ta, agreeing.
s-ka'yu (83), a, one; num. coeff. of rolls of cloth.
s-k-dar', in proportion to, to the extent of.
s-ki'an, so much, so many.
s-ki'ra-nya, perchance.
s-k-lip' ma'ta, the twinkling of an eye.
s-ko'di, a score, twenty.
s-k-ping' (84), a, one; num. coeff. of things cut in blocks or slices.
s-k-rat', a piece, a part.
s-k-ti'ka, a moment.
s-ku-rang-ku'rang, at least.
s-la'gi, as long as, while.
s-lak'sa, ten thousand.
s-la'ku i'ni, in this manner, thus.
s-la'lu, always.
s-la'ma, as long as, while.
s-la-ma-la'ma-nya, forever.
s-la'pis (84), a, one; num. coeff. of folds or thicknesses of a thing.
s-le'kor, twenty one (in dates).
s-lng'kap, a complete outfit.
s-lu'roh, all, the whole.
s-ma'kin, so much the more.
s-ma'lam, last night.
s-ma-ta-ma'ta, altogether.
s-m-na-m-na', in the phrase:

tia'da s-m-na'-m-na', without cause.

s-mu'la, as before, over again.
s-neg'ri, belong to the same city.
s’o-lah-o'lah, as if.
s’o'rang, a person, someone.
s’o'rang a'kan s’o'rang, with one another.
s’o'rang di'ri, alone.
s’o'rang dua, one or two men.
s’o'rang l-pas s’o'rang, one after another.
s’o'rang sa-ha'ja, alone.
s’o'rang s’o'rang, one at a time.
s-pa'kat, see s-fakat.
s-pan'jang ha'ri, the whole day.
s-pan'jang ja'lan, all the way.
s-pa'roh, see sparoh.
s-pa'sang, a pair.
s-pa'tah ka'ta, one word.
s-pa'tut-ya, properly, becomingly.
s-pin'tu (84), a, one; num. coeff. of houses built in rows.
s-p-noh'-p-noh', fully, completely.
s-po'tong, a piece, a slice.
s-pu'chok (83), a, one; num. coeff. of letters and firearms.
s-pu'loh, ten.
s-pu'pu, of the first degree of relationship, as, first cousins.
s-ra'sa, as if.
s-ra'si, suitable, well adapted.
s-ra'tus, a hundred.
s-ra'wan (83), a, one; num. coeff. of nets.

s-ri'bu, a thousand.
s-ru'as (83), a length between joints.
s-ru'pa, similar, like.
s-sa'‘at, an instant.
s-su-ap', a mouthful.
s-su-a'tu, some, any.
s-su'ku, a quarter.
s-ta'hu, cognizant, privy to.
s-tang'ga (84), a, one; num. coeff. of houses.
s-ta'ra, of the same rank.
s-t'lah, after that, when.
s-t'ngah, a half.
s-tu'ju, with the same purpose.

sa'‘at (Ar.), moment, instant. Cf. bntar.

s-sa'‘at, an instant.

sa'ban (Jav.), sa'ban ha'ri, every day.

sa'bar (Ar.), patience; patient, long-suffering.

sa'bar d-hu'lu, please be patient.

sa'bas (Pers.), good! well done! that will do!

sab'da, ber-sab'da, command, order; to order, say, speak (of kings and prophets). Cf. titah.

sa'bit, a sickle.

sa'bok, a girdle. Cf. pinggang.

sa'bon (Port.), soap.

sa'bong, m-nya'bong, to fly at one another (as fighting cocks); to flash (as lightning); to conduct a cock-fight.

sa'bong-m-nya'bong, flashing or dashing about.
a'yam sa'bo-ngan, a fighting cock.

sa'bot, fibrous material, such as the husk of the coco-nut or the stem of the banana.

ta'li sa'bot, rope made of such fibre.

sab'tu (Ar.), the Sabbath, Saturday; also hari sabtu.

sa'dap, m-nya'dap, to draw the sap from the palm tree for making toddy. Cf. tuak.

p-nya'dap, a toddy-maker.

sadar, see sdar.

saf (Ar.), row, line, rank. Cf. baris.

ber-saf', in line, in battle array.

sa'ga, a tree bearing red berries which are used in weighing gold.

sagi, see sgi.

sa'gu, sago, the flour made from the rumbia or sago palm, and from tapioca.

sa'gu rn'dang, pearl sago.
ham'pas sa'gu, sago refuse.

sa'gur, a dug-out. Cf. jalur.

sah (Ar.), true, authentic, valid, legalised, right, correct.

sa-ha'bat (Ar.), friend, companion; also sobat. Cf. handai, kawan and taulan.

ber-sa-ha'bat, friendly; to be friends.
per-sa-ha'ba-tan, fellowship.

sa-ha'ja, only, merely; also saja. Cf. chuma and hanya.

sa'hib (Ar.), master, owner; usually tuan.

sa-hi'bu ’l-hi-ka'yat, the author of a story.

sa'hut, m-nya'hut, to answer, reply. Cf. jawab.

sah'ya (Sk.) (6, 7), slave, servant; used as a pronoun of the 1st person when addressing a superior, and amongst Europeans almost exclusively. Cf. hamba. sa’'id, see sayyid.

sa’'ing, ber-sa’'ing, together, going or working in company.

sa'’is (Ar.), groom, coachman.

saja, see sahaja.

sa'ji, dish, course, prepared food. Cf. hidang.

tu'dong sa'ji, a dish cover.
ber-sa'ji, to prepare food.
sa'ji-an, prepared food, a course.

sa'kai, followers, servants; aboriginal tribes of the Malay Peninsula. Cf. r‘ayat, smang, jakun and bnua.

sa'kal, contrary, foul (of the wind).

sakh'lat (Pers.), woollen cloth; also saklat.

sa'kit, ill, sick; sore, painful; illness, disease. Cf. grirg and bisa. For list of diseases see Appendix.

sa'kit gi'gi, toothache.
sa'kit ha'ti, offended, angry with a person.
sa'kit k-pa'la, headache.
sa'kit pa'yah, seriously ill.
sa'kit p-rot', stomach ache.
sa'kit t'rok', seriously ill.
ba'lek sa'kit, relapse.
ja'toh sa'kit, and k'na sa'kit, to fall ill.
sa'ki-ti, to cause pain, afflict. Cf. seksa.
p-nya'kit, illness, disease.

sak-sa'ma (Sk.), patience, accuracy.

sak'si (Sk.), a witness.

sak'si dus'ta, false witness.
na'ik sak'si, to bear witness.
ber-sak'si, to bear witness, give evidence.
sak'si-kan, to bear witness to a thing or person.
sak'si-an, evidence, testimony; also ktrargan.

sak'ti (Sk.), supernatural power; possessed of supernatural power.

k-sak'ti-an, supernatural power. Cf. hikmat.

sa'ku (Port.), a bag, pocket, sack. Cf. karong and pundi.

sa'lah, fault, error, mistake; wrong, erroneous, guilty. Cf. silap.

sa'lah d'ngar, misunderstood, misapprehension.
sa'lah fa-ham', misunderstood, misconstrued.
sa'lah sa'tu and sa'lah s’o'rang, one of them, one of the two.
sa'lah u'rat, a sprain.
a'pa sa'lah, what is the matter?
o'rarg sa'lah, a convict.
ser'ba sa'lah, entirely wrong.
ber-sa'lah, guilty.
sa'la-hi, to find fault with.
sa'lah-kan, to parry a blow.
k-sa'la-han, offence, crime.
ber-sa'la-han, in error, differing from, on the contrary.

sa'lai, m-nya'lai, to smoke over a fire.

sa'lak, m-nya'lak, to bark (as a dog).

sa-lam' (Ar.), peace; greeting, salutation.

b-ri' sa-lam', to salute, greet.
as-sa-lam' a-la'i-kum (159), peace be with you.

sa'lang, m-nya'lang, to execute by down from the stabbing down shoulder to the heart with a kris.

salasa, see thalatha. sa'leh (Ar.), pious, godly.

o'rang sa'leh, a saint.

sa'lib (Ar.), a cross.

sa'lib-kan, to crucify.

sa'lin, m-nya'lin, to change one thing for another (as clothes); to copy, transcribe, translate. Cf. tiru and terjmah.

ter-sa'lin, copied, transcribed, translated.
ber-salin, to change one's clothes, bear children.
per-sa'li-nan, a change of clothes (as a gift from a king).

salju, see thalju.

sa'lut, ber-sa'lut, envelope, wrapper; wrapped, covered, enveloped. Cf. balut.

sa'lu-ran, eaves-trough, gutter. Cf. alur and panchur.

sa'ma (Sk.) (91), the same, equal, like, resembling; with; the Baba Chinese use sama in place of akan between a transitive verb and the direct object (150).

sa'ma ba'nyak, the same quantity.
sa'ma b-sar', the same size.
sa'ma d'ngan, the same as.
sa'ma ju'ga, just the same.
sa'ma ma-nu-si'a, fellowmen.
sa'ma ra'ta, on the same level.
sa-ma-sa'ma and ber-sa-ma-sa'-ma, together.
sa'ma sn-di'ri-nya, among themselves.
sa'ma t'ngah, exactly in the middle.
ti-a'da sa'ma-nya, he has no equal.

sa'mak, m-nya'mak, to tan leather.

sa'man (Eng.), summons; to summon, prosecute.

sa'mar, m-nya'mar, to conceal, disguise, change one's form or appearance; also samarkan diri. Cf. jlma.

sam'bal, condiments eaten with curry and rice. Cf. hulam.

sam'bar, m-nyam'bar, to pounce on and carry off (as birds of baprey), seize; also sembar. Cf. rampas.

sam'bil (139), while, whilst, as, when.

sam'bong, m-nyam'bong, to join, unite, append. Cf. hubong.

sam-bo'ngan, lengthening piece, hyphen; sequel of a book.

sam'bot, m-nyam'bot, to receive in the hands, receive a guest, welcome. Cf. trima.

sa'mon, m-nya'mon, to rob, especially highway robbery; to take by force. Cf. rbot, sambar, rampas, and rompak.

p-nya'mon, a robber.

sam'pah, rubbish, refuse, dirt.

sam'pai (62 b), to arrive, reach, come to, come: until; sufficient. Cf. datang and hingga.

sam'pai k-kal', for ever.
sam'pai ‘u'mor, of full age.
sam'pai-kan, to convey to, bring about, accomplish, perform.
sam'pai-kan jan'ji, to perform one's promises.

sam'pak, a ferrule.

sam'pan (Chin.), a small boat.

sam'pan ko'tak, the Chinese boat with lockers in the stern.
sam'pan pan'jang, a long Malay boat carrying mast and sail.

sam'pan pu'kat, a fishing boat carrying a seine net.
sam'pan tam'bang, a ferry boat.

sam'par, epidemic, plague.

sam'seng, a ruffian.

sa'na, there; also di sana.

sa'na si'ni, here and there, on all sides.
de'ri sa'na, thence, from there.
k-sa'na, thither.
k-sa'na k-ma'ri, hither and thither, in all directions.

sa'nak (Jav.), near relatives.

sa'nak sau-da'ra, blood relations.

sa'nat (Ar.), year.

san'dang, m-nyan'dang, to carry a thing slung over the shoulder with a strap or sash.

san'dar, m-nyan'dar, -i, to prop up, support.

ber-san'dar, to lean, lean against, recline.

sa'ngat, very, exceedingly. Cf. amat.

k-sa'nga-tan, immensity, intensity.

sang'gol, chignon, a knot of hair twisted up at the back of the head. Cf. kundai.

chu'chok sang'kol, the native hair pin.

sang'gop, to guarantee or profess to be able to do a thing, be competent.

sang'ka (Sk.), a conjecture, supposition, idea; to think, imagine, suppose. Cf. fikir.

sang'ka-kan, to imagine a thing, suppose.

sang'kal, m-nyang'kal, -i, to deny, disavow, disown. Cf. munkir.

sang'kar, sang'ka-ran, a cage (as for birds).

sang'kot, to stick, catch, hold fast.

ter-sang'kot, caught, held fast.

san'tan, the juice extracted from the nutty part of the coco-nut. Cf. klapa.

san'tap, to eat or drink, or chew betel nut (court language).

san'tap si'reh, to chew betel-nut.

sa'pa, m-nya'pa, to address, speak to.

sa'pi, the ox; usually lmbu.

mi'nyak sa'pi, beef fat. Cf. gi.

sa'pu, m-nya'pu (86 d), to sweep, brush; rub lightly. Cf. gosok.

sa'pu chat', to paint.
sa'pu ka'pur, to whitewash. Cf. labur.
sa'pu ta'ngan, handkerchief.
p-nya'pu, a broom.

sa'put, m-nya'put, to cover (as clouds on a hill top).

sa'rang, a nest.

sa'rang la-ba-la'ba, a spider's web.
sa'rang l'bah, a bee's nest.
sa'rang ma'du, honeycomb.

sa'rat, full, heavily loaded.

sa'ri, ti'mah sa'ri, zinc.

sa'rong, sheath, scabbard, case, cover; especially the skirt which is worn both by men and women. Cf. kain.

sa'rong ban'tal, pillow case.
sa'rong ja'ri, finger-stall, thimble.
sa'rong ka'ki, socks, stockings.
sa'rong k-ris', the sheath of the Malay dagger.
sa'rorg p-dang', scabbard.

sa'rong su'rat, an envelope.
sa'rong ta'ngan, glove.
ka'in sa'rong, or simply sarong, the Malay skirt worn both by men and women; also kain.

sa'sa-ran, a target.

sas-t-ra'wan (Sk.), astrologer.

sa'tu, a, one; also s-, asa and suatu.

sa'tu pun ti'dak, not one.
sa-tu-sa'tu, one by one.
la'gi sa'tu, one more.
l-pas' sa'tu sa'tu, one after another.
sa'lah sa'tu, one of them, one of the two.

sau-da'gar (Pers.), a merchant, also su-da'gar. Cf. dagang.

sau-da'ra (Sk.), brother, sister, near relative; also sudara. Cf. abang, adek and kakak.

sau-da'ra s-pu'pu, first cousins.
a'nak sau-da'ra, nephew, niece.
ba'pa sau-da'ra, uncle.
mak' sau-da'ra, aunt.
sa'nak sau-da'ra, near relations.
ber-sau-da'ra, brothers, related.

sa'’uh, anchor, grapnel.

sa'’uh terbang, grapnel.
borg'kar sa'’uh, to weigh anchor.
la'boh-kan sa'’uh and b-la'boh, to anchor.

sa'wa, u'lar sa'wa, a python.

sa'wah, an irrigated rice field. Cf. bndang, huma and ladang.

sa'wan, a fit, convulsions.

sa'wi and s-sa'wi, mustard.

sa'yang, pity, compassion; alas (132); to pity, be sorry for, regret, be sparing of, he economical in regard to. Cf. kaseh and blas.

ka'seh sa'yang, love and sympathy.

sa'yap, wing. Cf. kpak.

sa'yu, sadness.

sa'yup, hardly perceptible (of sight or sound).

sa'yur, vegetables, herbs.

sa-yur-sa'yu-ran, vegetables in general; also sa'yur-ma'yur.

say'yid (Ar.), chief; a title given to the descendants of Mohammed.

s-bab' (Ar.), cause, reason, motive; because, for. Cf. kerna.

s-bab' i'tu, therefore.
a'pa s-bab', why?
de'ri s-bab' and o'leh s-bab', because of, on account of.
ber-s-bab', with a reason, for cause.
s-bab'kan, to cause, occasion, produce.

s-bak', a'yer s-bak', inundation (of a river overflowing its banks). Cf. bah.

s-bat', a blow (with a stick or rattan).

sblah, see blah.

s-bot', m-ny-bot', -kan, to mention, utter, say.

ter-s-bot', mentioned.

sb'rang, on the other side (of a road or river), beyond.

de'ri sb'rang, from the other side.
k-sb'rang, across, to the other side.
ber-sb-ra'ngan, on the opposite side.
m-nyb'rang, to cross, pass over.
sb'rang-m-nyb'rang, on both sides.

s-bu', m-ny-bu', to fill up a hole with earth.

s-dang' (139, 140), while; where as, as, inasmuch as; medium, average, mediocre.

s-dap', nice, pleasant to the senses. Cf. lazat.

s-dar', m-ny-dar', -kan, aroused, awakened, conscious of, aware of; to arouse, awaken. Cf. bangun and jaga.

s-deh', heartache, sorrow of heart, bitter grief.

ter-s-deh'-s-deh', bitterly grieved.

s-der-ha'na (Sk.), medium, average, middling. Cf. sdang.

s-di'a (Sk.), ready, prepared; already. Cf. siap.

s-dia-kan, to prepare, make ready.
s-di-a-ka'la, former, ancient; always, continually. Cf. sdkala.

s-di'kit, a little, a few, some; also sikit.

s'd-kah' (Ar.), alms, charity. Cf. derma.

min'ta s'd-kah', to beg.
s-d-kah'-kan, to give in alms.

s-d-ka'la (Sk.), always, continually, usual, usually. Cf. slalu, sntiasa and sdia.

s-d-ling'gam (Tam.), vermilion.

s-du', ter-s-du'-s-du', sobbing.

sebok, see sibok.

sehat, see sihat.

sek'sa (Sk.), punishment, ill-treatment, pain, suffering. Cf. sngsara.

k'na sek'sa, to get punished.
sek'sa-kan, to punish, inflict pain. Cf. hukum.

se'la (Port.), a saddle.

sem'bar, to pounce on = sambar, q.v.

sem'pang, m-nyem'pang, to deviate, diverge, branch off; cross roads, a branch road, a street corner.

sen'dok (B.), spoon = sndok.

se'nget, leaning, out of the perpendicular. Cf. chondrong, mereng and serong.

seng'kat, short, shortened. Cf. pendek and rengkas.

sengseng, see singsing.

se'pak, m-nye'pak, to kick to the front with the upper part of the foot, as opposed to tndang, to kick backwards with the sole of the foot, and trajang, to kick downwards with the sole of the foot.

se'pak ra'ga, to play the Malay game of football.

se'rak, scatter, spread out in confusion.

ser'ba (Sk. sarva, all), utensils, furniture, gear. Cf. perkakas.

ser'ba ka'pal, the tackle of a ship.
ser'ba ru'mah, household furniture.
ser'ba sa'lah, altogether wrong.

ser'ban (Pers.), a turban.

serbat, see sherbat.

ser'bok, powder.

ser'bu, m-nyer'bu, to rush at, spring upon, attack. Cf. terkam.

ser'dang, a tall palm tree.

se'ret (Jav.), to trail or drag along the ground.

ka'sut se'ret, slippers.

ser'kap, a hencoop, a basket of the same shape used to catch fish.

se'rong, oblique, slanting. Cf. mereng, senget and chondrong.

ser'ta, with, together with; (139) when, as. Cf. dngan and sama.

ser'ta d'ngan, together with.
ser'ta-mer'ta, immediately.
b-ser'ta (98), with, accompanying.
ser'ta'i (99), to accompany.
ser'ta-kan, to unite.

ser'wa (Sk. sarva), all, in the phrase: Tuhan serwa sklian ‘alam, Lord of the whole universe; usually mispronounced sru. Cf. serba.

setan, see shaitan.

se'wa, m-nye'wa, rent, hire; to let, hire.

se'wa ka'pal, passage money on a ship.
se'wa ru'mah, the rent of a house.
k-re'ta se'wa, hackney carriage.

s-ga'la (Sk.), all; sometimes used merely to indicate the plural number (82). Cf. smoa and sklian.

s-gan', reluctant, averse to.

p-ny-gan', a sluggard.

s-gar', refreshed, revived.

s-gi' or sa'gi, in its derivative:

per-s-gi', sided, having sides or faces.
am'pat per-s-gi', square.
ti'ga per-s-gi', three sided, triangular.

sg'ra (Sk.), speed, haste; quick, quickly. Cf. lkas and bangat.

ber-sg'ra, to be quick, make haste.
sg'ra-kan, to hasten, expedite.

shah' (Pers.), emperor, king.

sha-ha'dat (Ar.), confession of faith.

k-li'mah sha-ha'dat, the Mohammedan profession of faith.

shah-ban'dar, harbour-master.

sha'hid (Ar.), a witness, martyr.

sha‘ir' (Ar.), barley.

sha'‘ir (Ar.), a poem, poetry.

shai'tan (Ar.), Satan, the devil; a demon. Cf. iblis.

shak' (Ar.), doubt, suspicion, mistrust. Cf. wasangka.

sha'rat (Ar.), rule, regulation; condition, stipulation; contract, agreement.

sha'ri‘at (Ar.), law, divine law, statute.

shekh' (Ar.), a chief.

sher'bat (Ar.), lemonade.

shor'ga (Sk.), heaven. Cf. langit, indra and kayangan.

shu'kor (Ar.), thanksgiving, praise. Cf. kaseh and puji.

si, a particle placed before proper names, nouns and adjectives, somewhat in the same way as the word Mr. in English, as in the following phrases:

si-A'li, Mr. Ali.
si-a'nu, Mr. so and so.
si-a'pa? who?
ba'rang si-a'pa, whoever.
si bong'kok, Mr. hunchback.
si pn-chu'ri, Mr. thief.

si-a'-si-a', in vain, useless, futile, of no avail. Cf. chuma. si'al, unlucky, inauspicious, ill-omened. Cf. chlaka.

si-a'mang, the gibbon.

si-ang', daylight, day as opposed to night; early. early in the morning.

si-ang' ha'ri, daylight, day as opposed to night.
si-ang' ma'lam, day and night.
si-ang'-si-ang', very early.

si-ap', ber-si-ap', prepared, made ready; to be ready or prepared, especially of food, clothes, etc. Cf. sdia.

si-ap'kan, to prepare, make ready.

si-a'sat (Ar.), punishment, torture; to investigate, examine.

si-a'sat-kan, to torture, make a searching examination.

siau' (B.) (Chin.), to digest.

si'bok busy, busily engaged (of a number of persons at work); also sebok.

si-da-si'da, a title of certain officers at court, a eunuch.

si'dang, assembly, society, company; also sidarg jma‘ah. Cf. jma‘ah and kongsi.

si'dek, m-nyi'dek, to examine carefully; usually slidek.

siet-siet' (B.) (Chin.), false, deceptive, hypocritical.

si'fat (Ar.), quality, condition, attribute, character, nature; also pronounced sipat.

si'gai, a bamboo with the branches cut to the length of a span to form a ladder.

si'hat (Ar.), good health; healthy, well. Cf. nyaman and siuman.

si-hir' (Ar.), magic; also ‘ilmu sihir.

si'kap, figure, posture, attitude.

si'kat, a comb, a harrow; a bunch (of bananas). Cf. sisir.

si'kat ram'bot, a hair comb.

si'kit, a little = sdikit, q.v.

si'ku, the elbow; angle.

si'la, ber-si'la (158), to sit with the legs crossed under one; to invite a person to sit down; to invite; also silakan.

si'la du'dok, please sit down.
si'la ma'sok, please come in.
du'dok ber-si'la, to sit cross-legged.
per-si'la-kan, to invite.

si-la-si'lah (Ar. silsilah), genealogy.

si'lap (Ar. khilaf), a mistake, error, over-sight.

si'lap ma'ta, sleight of hand.

sim'pai, a circle, ring, hoop.

sim'pan, m-nyim'pan (86 c), to keep, preserve, take care of, save. Cf. plihara and taroh.

sim'pol, a knot.

sim'pol hi'dop, sim'pol pu'leh, running knot, bow.
sim'pol ma'ti, a knot that will not slip.
ter-sn-nyum' sim'pol, a slight smile.

si'nar, m-nyi'nar, a sunbeam, a ray of light; to shine. Cf. chahya.

sin'dir, m-nyin'dir, to mock, jeer, rail at. Cf. olok.

si'nga (Sk.), a lion.

sing'gah, to call in at a place, visit, stay temporarily.

sing-ga-sa'na (Sk.), throne. Cf. takhta.

singit, see senget. sing'kap, m-nying'kap, to turn back, draw aside (as a curtain).

sing'kek (Chin.), a Chinese cooly; a recent immigrant.

sing'sing, m-nying'sing, to turn up, turn back, tuck up (as the trowsers or the sleeves of a coat). Cf. singkap.

si'ni, here; also di sini.

sa'na si'ni, here and there, everywhere.
de'ri si'ni, from here, hence.

si'pai (Pers. sipahi), a soldier, sepoy. Cf. soldado and lashkar.

sipat, see sifat.

si'put, shell, univalve shellfish.

si'pu, ter-si-pu-si'pu, bashful, confused.

si'ram, m-nyi'ram, to sprinkle, water (as flowers). Cf. perchek and rnjis.

ber-si'ram, to bathe (court language).

si'reh, betel-pepper, a creeper, the leaves of which are chewed with betel-nut. Cf. pinang.

si'reh s-ka'pur, one chew of betel-nut.
ma'kan si'reh, to chew betel-nut.

si'rip, fin.

si'sa (Sk.), remainder, remains of a repast; see remah. Cf. baki.

si'sek, the scales of a fish or snake.

si'sek p-nyu', tortoise-shell.

si'si, the side; at the side, near by; usually di sisi.

si'sip, m-nyi'sip, to insert, slip in, thrust in. Cf. slit.

si'sir (Jav.), a comb = Malay sikat.

si'ti (Ar.), a lady, Mrs.; used as at a title of ladies of position.

si'tu and di si'tu, there. Cf. sana.

de'ri si'tu, thence.
k-si'tu, thither.

si'ul, ber-si'ul, to whistle.

si-u'man, conscious, in possession of one's mental faculties, recovered from a fainting fit. Cf. sihat.

s-jah't-ra (Sk.), peace, tranquility. Cf. sntausa and damai.

s-ja'rah (Ar.), genealogy, chronicles, annals.

s-juk', cold, cool. Cf. dingin.

k'na s-juk', to catch a chill.

s-ka'li, very; see kali.

s-kam', chaff, the husks of padi. Cf. hmpa.

s-ka'rang, now.

s-ka'rarg i'ni, just now.
ma'lam s-ka'rang, to-night.

s-kat', m-ny-kat', to barricade.

s-k-li'an all. Cf. sgala and smoa.

s-ko'i, millet.

s-ko'lah (Port.), school.

s-ko'lah a-ga'ma, Sunday-school (X.).

s-k-rup' (Eng.), screw; also pa'ku s-k-rup'.

s-ku'chi (D.), a small sailing boat.

s-ku'tu, associate, member of a society.

ber-s-ku'tu, to be associated with.
per-s-ku'tu-an, association, society. Cf. jma‘ah and kongsi.

s-la', empty space, space, room.

ti-a'da ber-s-la', there was no room.

s-la'dang, the wild ox.

s-lam', m-ny-lam', to dive, dive for.

s-la'mat (Ar.), health; safety, security; salvation (X.).

s-la'mat ja'lan (159), go in peace (the usual Malay salutation).
s-la'mat ting'gal, abide in peace.
Ju'ru S-la'mat, Saviour (X.).
s-la'mat-kan, to save, preserve from danger.

s-lam'pit, a plait, plaiting. Cf. anyam.

s-lang', interval of time or space. Cf. jarak and antara.

s-lar', m-ny-lar', to brand.

s-la'sa, ha'ri s-la'sa, Tuesday = thalatha.

s-la'sar, verandah.

s-la'seh (Sk.), basil, mint.

s-lat', strait, channel; the town of Singapore.

s-la'tan, the South.

slbi, see sulbi.

s-len'dang, a garment worn over one shoulder by Malay women.

s-le'ra, appetite.

slerang, see lerang.

s-li'dek, m-ny-li'dek, to examine carefully; also sidek. Cf. preksa.

s-li'gi, a javelin. Cf. tombak and lmbing.

s-li'mut, a blanket or other bed covering.

s-li'mut-kan, to cover with a cloth.

s-lin'dong, ber-s-lin'dong, to take shelter.

s-li'seh, ber-s-li'seh, to differ, be at variance, quarrel.

per-s-li'se-han, dispute, quarrel.

s-li'sek, m-ny-li'sek, to hunt for vermin in hair, to preen.

s-lit', inserted, slipped or pushed in between two surfaces.

s-lok', m-ny-lok', to insert hand or finger.

s-lo'ka (Sk.), verses of poetry, couplets. Cf. pantun and gurindam.

s-l-sai', m-ny-l-sai', -kan, to decide, settle, adjust.

s-l's-ma, catarrh, a cold in the head.

s-lu'ar (Ar.), trowsers. Cf. chlana.

s-lu'bong, m-ny-lu'bong, to cover up, envelop.

s-lu'dang, the sheath which covers the blossom on palms.

s-lum'bar, a splinter.

s-lu'pat, cuticle, thin membranous covering.

s-lu'roh, the whole, all (of superficial measure).

s-lu'roh neg'ri, the whole city or country.
s-lu'roh tu'boh, all over one's body.

s-mai', m-ny'mai, to sow seed in a nursery, from which the seedlings are afterwards to be planted out.

s-mai'an, a nursery for plants.

s-ma'ja, only = sahaja.

s-mak', a thicket, underwood, bushes. Cf. blukar.

s-mam'bu, Malacca cane.

s-mang', aboriginal tribes of the Malay Peninsula. Cf. sakai and bnua.

s-ma'ngat, the soul, life, the spirit of life, consciousness. Cf. nyawa and roh.

hilang s-ma'ngat, to lose consciousness.

s-mang'ka, water-melon.

s-man-ta'ra, while, during. Cf. antara.

s-mat', m-ny-mat', to stitch, fasten together with rattan or thin pieces of wood or bamboo.

s-ma'yam, to sit in state (of kings).

sm'bah, m-nym'bah, to worship, do homage to, make obeisance; to speak to a superior. Cf. smbahyang.

sm'bah su'jud, to worship or do homage by prostrating oneself.
ber-da'tang sm'bah, to come and address a superior.
ki'rim sm'bah, to send a message of submission to a king.
su'rat sm'bah, a letter of submission.
per-sm'bah-kan, to to make a present to a superior, to make an offering to God.
per-sm'ba-han, a present to a superior, an offering or sacrifice to God. Cf. korban.

sm-bah'yang, worship, religious ceremonies; to worship: derived from smbah, to worship, and Yang, God, q.v.

a'yer sm-bah'yang, water for religious ablutions.
ber-sm-bah'yang, to worship.

sm'bap, dropsy, dropsical swelling.

sm'b-leh, m-nym'b-leh, to kill for food by cutting the throat (usually with religious ceremonies); to sacrifice. Cf. potong.

sm'b-lit, constipation.

sm-bi'lan, nine. (For derived forms see ampat).

sm-bi'lu, a splinter of bamboo used as a knife.

sm'boh, m-nym'boh, -kan, healed, recovered from sickness or wound; to heal, cure.

sm-bo'yan, an alarm signal.

sm-bu'yi, to hide, conceal. Cf. rahsia.

ter-sm-bu'nyi, hidden.

sm'bur, m-nym'bur, to squirt out, spirt out.

s-mer'bak, to pervade, be diffused (of odours).

s-mis'ta (Sk.), all, the whole, in the phrase: smista ‘alam, the whole universe.

s-mn'jak, since.

s-mo'a (Sk.), all. Cf. sgala and sklian.

sm-pa'dan, boundary.

sm'pat, leisure, time or opportunity or ability to do a thing.

sm'pit, narrow. Cf. pichek.

sm'poan (Chin.), abacus.

sm-pur'na (Sk.), perfect, complete.

sm-pur'na-kan, to perfect, complete.

s-mu', deceit, cheating.

s-mut', an ant.

s-nang' (146), ease, contentment; easy, contented, satisfied, comfortable. Cf. mudah.

s-nang'kan, to set at rest, set at ease.
k-s-na'ngan, case, complacence, serenity.

s-na'pang (D.), a gun, rifle, firearms.

sn'da, ber-sn'da, a joke, a jest; to jest. Cf. gurau and jnaka.

sn-da'wa (Sk.), saltpeter.

sn'di (Sk.), the joints or sinews of the human body.

sn-di'ri (22-24), self; see diri.

sn'dok, spoon = (B.) sendok. Cf. sudu.

s-ngai', to show the teeth.

s-nga'ja, on purpose, intentionally.

s-ngal', rheumatism.

s'ngat, m-ny'ngat, the sting of an insect; to sting.

p-ny'ngat, a wasp.

s-ngau', nasal sounds, speaking through the nose.

sng'kang, bar, cross-bar (of a door).

sng-sa'ra (Sk.), suffering, pain, agony, torture. Cf. seksa.

sng-sa'ra-kan, to torture.

s-ni', fine, thin, slender, threadlike. Cf. halus.

snin, see ithnain.

sn-ja-ka'la (Sk.), eventide.

sn-ja'ta, weapons, arms. Cf. alat.

ber-sn-ja'ta, armed.

sn-nyap', quiet, still, silent.

sn-nyum', usually ter-sn-nyum', smiling; to smile.

ter-sn-nyum' sim'pol, smiling quietly.

sn'tak, m-nyn'tak, to tug, jerk, snatch away. Cf. rntak.

sn-tau'sa (Sk.), security, safety, peace. Cf. sjahtra.

sn-ti-a'sa (Sk.), always, continually, incessantly; also snntiasa. Cf. slalu.

sn'toh, m-nyn'toh, to come in contact with, touch. Cf. jamah.

s-no'noh, seemly, becoming.

so'dok, m-nyo'dok, to scoop up, shovel.

p-nyo'dok, a shovel.

sohbat, see sahabat.

so'ja (B.), to worship, do homage by a movement of the hands with the palms together (of men only = smbah of women).

so'kong, a prop, shore. Cf. kalang.

sol-da'do (Port.), soldier. Cf. lashkar.

som'bong, proud, arrogant. Cf. chongkak.

song'kok, cap. Cf. kopiah and chpiau.

so'pak, a skin disease causing white patches on the hands and feet.

so'pan, polite, courteous, respectful; politeness.

so'rak, ber-so'rak, shouts of triumph or acclamation, war cry; to shout.

so're (Jav.), afternoon = Malay ptang. so'rong, m-nyo'rong, to push along, shove.

so'toh (Ar.), house-top, the flat roof of a house.

so'tong, cuttlefish.

s-pak', m-ny-pak', a slap; to slap.

s-pang', sappan wood.

s-pa'roh (Jav.), half, one half; a part, a portion, some. Cf. tngah.

s-pa'roh ha'bis, half finished.
s-pa'roh ma'ti, half dead.

s-pat', a small fish.

s-pa'tu (Port.), shoe, boot. Cf. kasut.

s-pa'ya, in order that, so that.

s-pa'ya ja'ngan, lest.

s-per'ti, like, as, such as, as if.

d'ngan s-per'ti-nya, becomingly, befittingly.

s-pit', m-ny-pit', to nip, pinch.

ma'kan s-pit', to eat with chopsticks = (B.) makan sumpit.

s-poh', m-ny-poh', to temper steel, colour gold by dipping in turmeric.

s-pu'i-s-pu'i, light, gentle (of the wind).

s-rah', m-ny-rah', -kan, to hand over, deliver, intrust.

s-rah'kan di'ri, to yield, surrender.

s-rai', lemon grass.

s-ram'bi, a porch.

s-ram', the tremulous feeling produced by cold or fear.

s-ram'pang, a large fish-spear.

s-rang', m-ny-rang', to attack, assail, storm (cities or countries). Cf. langgar.

s-rang', head boatman.

s-ra'ni, Eurasian; a corruption of nasrani, q.v.

s-ra'si, suitable, well adapted; see rasi.

s-ra'ya, and.

s-rek', intimidated by pain.

s-ri' (Sk.), splendour, brightness, magnificence.

gi'gi s-ri', the front teeth.

s-ri-ga'la (Sk.), jackal.

s-rin'dit, the love-bird.

s-ro'ja (Sk.), the lotus.

sru, see serwa.

s-ru', m-ny-ru' and ber-s-ru', to call out, cry out.

s-ru'nai (Pers.), a kind of clarionet, giving a very shrill sound.

s-sah', m-ny-sah', to whip, flog (with a whip or rattan).

s-sak', tight, pinched, confined, hard pressed by want. Cf. pichek and smpit.

s-sak' da'da, asthma.
p-noh' s-sak', chock-full.

s-sal', m-ny-sal', remorse; to regret, repent. Cf. taubat.

s-sat', m-ny-sat', astray, in error: to stray, wander, err, go astray. Cf. hanyut.

s-sat' ba'rat, altogether astray.
s-sat'kan, to cause to err.

s-tang'gi, incense.

s-ti'a (Sk.), fidelity, loyalty. Cf. bakti.

o'bah-kan s-ti'a, to break faith.
sum'pah s-ti'a, to swear loyalty.

s-ti-a'wan (Sk.), faithful, loyal.

s-to'ri (D. and Eng.), a fuss, much ado.

ba'nyak s-to'ri, to make a long tale.

stra, see sutra.

s-t-ri'ka (Port.), to iron.

s-t-rop' (D.), syrup.

s-t-ru' (Sk.), adversary, personal enemy, as opposed to musoh, the enemy of one's country.

ber-s-t-ru', hostile, unfriendly.
per-s-t-ru'an, enmity, animosity.

su'al (Ar.), a question. Cf. tanya.

su'al ja'wab, interpellation, catechism.
ber-su'al ja'wab, to catechize.

su-am', lukewarm, tepid.

su-a'mi (Sk.), husband (more respectful than laki). Cf. istri.

ber-su-a'mi, to have a husband, be married (of women).
ber-su-a'mi-kan, to marry a husband.

su-ap', a mouthful, a bite (of food); a bribe.

b-ri' su-ap', to give a bribe.
ma'kan su-ap', to receive a bribe.
su-ap'kan, to feed by mouthfuls.

su-a'ra (Sk.), the voice.

su-a'ra yang nya'ring, a loud voice.
nya'ring-kan su-a'ra, to raise the voice.
ber-su-a'ra, to utter a sound.

su-a'sa (Sk.), an alloy of gold and copper.

su-a'tu, a, one; also satu and s-.

s-su-a'tu, something, anything.
s-ga'la s-su-a'tu, everything.
ba'rang s-su-a'tu, whatever.

su'bang, ear ornaments. Cf. anting.

sub-ha'na-hu (Ar.), to Him be praise; usually in the phrase: Allah subhanahu wa ta‘ala, God, to Him be praise, and be He exalted.

su'boh (Ar.), dawn; one of the hours of prayer.

su'bur, healthy, luxuriant (of plants and sometimes of human beings).

su'chi, clean, pure, holy. Cf. chuchi, kudus and berseh.

su'chi-kan, to clean, cleanse, purify.
k-su'chi-an, purity.

sudagar, see saudagar.

su'dah (41, 74-76), done, finished, completed; an auxiliary verb indicating past time (45-48); enough, sufficient, that will do. Cf. habis and jlas.

su'dah chu'kop, that is enough.
su'dah ha'bis, finished.
su'dah hi'lang, it is lost.
su'dah la'ma, a long time ago.
su'dah ma'lam, it is night already.
su'dah tu'a, it is old.
su'dah t’a'da, it is gone or disappeared.
b-lum' su'dah, not yet finished.
la'ma su'dah, a long time ago, finished a long time.
su'dah-kan, to terminate, bring to an end.
k-su'da-han, end, conclusion.
ti-a'da ber-k-su'da-han, without end, unending. Cf. putus.

sudara, see saudara.

su'di, to be satisfied, agree, be willing. Cf. knan and redla.

su'du, a spoon. Cf. sndok.

su'gi, ber-su'gi, to brush the teeth. su'ji, m-nyu'ji, to embroider.

su'ji (Sk.), meal, grain.

su'jud (Ar.), to prostrate oneself, bow down with the face to the earth (as in prayer).

su'ka (Sk.), pleasure, joy; to rejoice, be glad, enjoy, like, wish. Cf. gmar.

su-ka-chi'ta, joy, gladness.
su'ka ha'ti, pleasure.
ber-su'ka and ber-su-ka-su'ka, to rejoice, enjoy oneself.
su'ka-kan, to please, satisfy.
k-su'ka’an, enjoyment, pleasure, desires, wishes.

su'kar, difficult, not easy, irksome, arduous. Cf. susah.

k-su'ka-ran, trouble, affliction.

su'kat, m-nyu'kat, to measure (capacity). Cf. ukor.

su'ka-tan, a measure.

su'ku (35), a quarter, fourth part; a tribe, branch of a family.

s-su'ku, a quarter.
ti'ga su'ku, three-quarters.

su'kun, the bread fruit.

su'la (Sk.), a sharp stake on which formerly criminals were impaled; to impale; also sulakan.

sul'bi (Ar.), the backbone; the loins.

sul'di, bu'ah sul'di, Adam's apple.

su'ling, a flute, flageolet.

su'lit, hidden, secret. Cf. rahsia and smbuni.

su'loh, m-nyu'loh, a torch; to show a light with a torch.

su'long, first-born, eldest child; also anak sulong. Cf. bongsu.

sul'tan (Ar.), sultan, supreme ruler.

su'lu, a spy.

sum'bat, m-nyum'bat, a plug, cork, stopper; to plug, stop up. Cf. tumpat.

sum'bing, a notch (as in the edge of a knife).

bi'bir sum'bing, harelip.

sumboh, see smboh.

sum'bu, lampwick.

sum'pah, ber-sum'pah, an oath, a curse; to swear, curse. Cf. kutok and l‘anat.

k'na sum'pah, to be cursed.
ma'kan sum'pah, to perjure oneself.

sum'pit and sum'pi-tan, the blow pipe.

sum'pit, a small bag of plaited mngkuarg leaves.

sum'pit (B.), chopsticks, see spit.

su'nat (Ar., tradition), m-nyu'nat, -kan, circumcision; to circumcise. Cf. khatan.

sun'dal, a prostitute.

per-sun'da-lan, fornication.

su'ngai, a river.

a'nak su'ngai, a stream.

sung'goh, true, real, genuine. Cf. bnar, btul, and sah.

s-sung'goh-nya, truly.
sung'goh pun, although. Cf. mski.
ber-sung'goh-sung'goh, in earnest, with all one's might.
sung'goh-kan, to verify, substantiate, corroborate.

sung'kor, m-nyung'kor, to bend, bow down. Cf. tundok.

ter-sung'kor, bowed down.

sung'kop, m-nyung'kop, to cover with a vessel. sung'sang, backwards, upside down.

su'ngut, ber-su'ngut, to grumble, murmur.

sun'ting, flowers or ornaments worn in the hair or behind the ear.

sun'tok, complete (of time).

su'nyi (Sk.), solitary, lonely, desolate, uninhabited, unfrequented, quiet, private.

su'rah (Ar.), a chapter of the Koran.

su'rat, a writing, letter, book, handwriting. Cf. tulis.

su'rat hu'tang, a bill.
su'rat kha'bar, a newspaper.
su'rat ki'ri-man, a letter.
su'rat k-t-ra'ngan, certificate.
su'rat ku-a'sa, a power of attorney.
su'rat per-jan'ji-an, written agreement.
su'rat ta’lak, a letter of divorce.
su'rat wa'si-at, a will.
ba'las su'rat, to answer a letter.
bu'nyi su'rat, the contents of a letter.
k-pa'la su'rat, the heading of a letter.
mu'ka su'rat, a page of a book.
ter-su'rat, written.

su'rau, a village mosque or prayer house. Cf. mandarsah.

su'roh, m-nyu'roh, to order, command. Cf. hukum and psan.

su'roh-kan, to order, send a person.
p-nyu'roh and p-su'roh, a messenger.
su'ro-han, an envoy. Cf. utus.

surong, see sorong.

su'rut, ebb tide; also ayer surut. Cf. pasang.

su'sah, trouble, annoyance, worry, distress; troublesome, annoying, vexatious, difficult. Cf. sukar.

su'sah-kan, to trouble, annoy, worry.
k-su'sa-han, annoyance, affliction, distress.

su'su, the breasts; milk.

a'yer su'su, milk.
k-pa'la su'su, cream.
ma'ta su'su, nipple.
su'su’i, to give milk to, nurse.

su'sun, m-nyu'sun, to arrange in regular order, fit together, pile up. Cf. rakit.

su'sur, m-nyu'sur, edge, margin; to go along the edge of anything, sail along the coast.

su'sut, to diminish, shrink.

su't-ra (Sk.), silk.

b-nang' su't-ra, silk thread.
in'dok su't-ra, the cocoon of the silk worm.