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Malay-English Vocabulary/R

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2938Malay-English Vocabulary — RW. G. Shellabear


ra‘ayat, see r‘ayat.

ra'ba, m-ra'ba, to feel, touch, fumble, grope.

rab'bi (Ar.), my Lord, Lord.

ra'bek (B.), to tear, rend.

ra'bit, frayed, torn at the edge.

ra'bok, tinder, touchwood.

ra'borg, ridge pieces on atap roofs.

ra'bu, ha'ri ra'bu, Wednesday = rbu.

ra'bun, m-ra'bun, to smoke, fumigate.

ra'chun, poison. Cf. bisa.

k'na ra'chun, to be poisoned.

ma'kan ra'chun, to take poison.

ra'dak, m-ra'dak, -kan, to thrust, poke (as with a spear). ra'’eh, m-ra'’eh, to draw towards oneself to cut with a sickle or a knife with the edge towards one. Cf. ra’ut.

ra'ga, a roughly made basket; the Malay football. Cf. kranjang.

se'pak ra'ga, to play the Malay game of football.

ra'gam, kinds, varieties (especially of colours and sounds); whim, caprice.

m-ra'gam, to be capricious.

ra'gi, leaven, yeast. Cf. khamir.

ra'hang, the jaw.

tu'lang ra'hang, jawbone.

ra'hat, a machine for spinning thread. Cf. pintal.

ra'him (Ar.), womb. Cf. prot.

ra'him (Ar.), merciful, pitiful, compassionate. Cf. murah.

rah'man (Ar.), ar-rah-man, The Merciful.

rah'mat (Ar.), mercy, compassion, pity; grace, favour. Cf. kaseh.

rah'si-a (Sk.), secret; a secret; sometimes pronounced ruhsia. Cf. smbuni.

bu'ka rah'si-a, to reveal a secret.
ta'roh rah'si-a and sim'pan rah'si-a, to keep a secret.

ra'ja (Sk.), king, prince; one of the pieces in the game of chess; see chatur.

ra'ja mu'da, the heir to the throne.
ra'ja p-rem'pu-an, queen. Cf. permaisuri.
a'nak ra'ja, prince.
bu'rong ra'ja hu'dang, kingfisher.
bu'rong ra'ja wa'li, eagle.
ham'ba ra'ja, a king's servants or retainers.
ma-ha-ra'ja, a great king, a Malay title.
ber-ra'ja (114), having a king, governed by a king.
ra'ja-kan, to proclaim or make a person king.
k-ra'ja'an, kingdom.
ber-k-ra'ja'an, reigning, having a kingdom.

ra'jin, diligent, industrious. Cf. usaha.

ra'jok, m-ra'jok, sullen, surly, sulky; to be sulky, be ill-tempered.

ra-k‘ah' (Ar.), prostration, genuflexion; the series of postures used by the Mohammedans in prayer.

ra'kit, a raft; to fit together in an orderly arrangement. Cf. pasang and susun.

rakna, see ratna.

rak'sa, mercury, quicksilver.

rak-sa'sa (Sk.), a kind of evil spirit, a giant. Cf. gergasi.

ra'mah, familiar, intimate.

ber-ra'mah-ra'ma-han, having friendly or intimate relations.

ra'mai, crowded, numerous.

ra'mas, m-ra'mas, to knead.

ram'bai, an edible fruit.

ram'bot, the hair of the head, the mane of horses. Cf. bulu and roma.

ram'bu-tan, an edible fruit. Cf. pulasan.

ram'dlan (Ar.), the Mohammedan fasting month. ra'mi, the Indian flax.

ram'pas, m-ram'pas, to pillage, plunder, loot. Cf. rompak and sumon.

ram'pa-san, pillage, booty.

ra'mu, m-ra'mu, to collect materials.

ra'mu-an, materials for buildings, etc.

ran'chong, m-ran'chong, to cut to a point (as a pen).

ran'dok, kam'bing ran'dok, a hairy he-goat.

’rang', m-rg-rang', to groan; also hrang.

rang'ka, skeleton, framework.

rang'kak, m-rang'kak, crawl on hands and feet (as children).

ran'jang, a large bed.

ran'jau, a caltrop, pointed stakes so placed as to impede an enemy.

ran'tai, a chain.

ba'ju ran'tai, coat of mail. Cf. zirah.

ran'tau, a reach in a river, a stretch of coast line.

t-lok' ran'tau, the sinuosities of a river or coast.
m-ran'tau, to coast.

ran'ting, leafless twigs. Cf. charang.

ra'num, overripe.

ra'’ong, m-ra'’ong, to groan, howl, roar (as in pain). Cf. kloh, and ’rang.

ra'pat, m-ra'pat, close to, in contact with, touching: to be near or in contact. Cf. rnggarg.

ra'pat-kan, to put close together, join.

ra'pek, m-ra'pek, to talk nonsense.

ra'poh, fragile, brittle.

ras' (Hind.), reins.

ra'sa, m-ra'sa (Sk.), feeling, sensation, taste: to feel, taste.

ra'sa ha'ti, the feelings.
ra'sa-nya, it seems, it appears.
s-ra'sa, as if.
ra'sa’i, to feel, experience, undergo, endure, suffer.
per-ra'sa’an, the feelings, perceptions.

ra'si (Sk.), s-ra'si, suitable, well adapted.

ra'sok, m-ra'sok, to attack, possess (of evil spirits). Cf. haru.

ra'sok, floor beams, on which the joists rest. Cf. glgar.

ra'sul (Ar.), apostle.

ra'ta (Sk.), a chariot.

ra'ta, flat, level, even; all over, everywhere. Cf. datar.

cha'ri ra'ta, to search everywhere.
sa'ma ra'ta, on the same level.
ra'ta-kan, to level, make flat or smooth.

ra'tap, m-ra'tap, to wail.

rat'na (Sk.), jewel, princess; sometimes rakna.

ra'tu (Jav.), king, prince.

ra'tus, hundred.

du'a ra'tus, two hundred.
s-ra'tus, one hundred.
ber-ra'tus-ra'tus, hundreds.

ra'’ut, m-ra'’ut, to whittle, cut with a small knife (with the edge away from the body). Cf. ra’eh.

ra'’u-tan, rattan; usually rotan.

ra'wan, emotion, rapture; moved. Cf. pilu. ra'wi (Ar.), historian.

ra'ya, great; in such phrases as:

ha'ri ra'ya, festival.
i'kan ra'ya, whale. Cf. paus.
ja'lan ra'ya, high road, main road.

ra'yap, m-ra'yap, to crawl, creep (of insects and plants); to spread (as a disease). Cf. jalar, rangkak and jangkit.

r‘a'yat (Ar.), subjects, the common people; soldiers of the rank and file.

r'ba, felled timber.

r-bab' (Ar.), the native violin. Cf. biola.

r'bah, to fall (of the human body, trees, etc.) Cf. tumbang.

r'ban, a fowl-house.

r-ba'na, a native drum which is struck with the hand. Cf. gndang.

r-bong', edible bamboo shoots.

r-bot', m-r-bot', -kan, to snatch, seize, take by violence.

r'bus, boiled; to boil. Cf. dideh.

r'chek, m-r'chek, sprinkled, spattered; to sprinkle; also pr'chek or per'chek. Cf. rnjis and siram.

r'da, to abate, diminish.

r-dop', cloudy, overcast, obscured.

re'al (Port.), dollar; usually ringgit.

re'di, a hammock-litter, used by Chinese women at Malacca.

re'dla (Ar.), satisfied, content, willing. Cf. knan and sudi.

re'ja, snips or scraps of paper or cloth.

re'mah, crumbs, the fragments of food that remain on the table or floor after eating and are thrown away; as opposed to sisa, which is the food left over and saved for others to eat or for a future occasion.

ren'dang, leafy, having thick foliage. Cf. lbat.

re'ngan, light (in weight), easy, unimportant, slight (of pain or sickness).

bu'at re'ngan, frivolous.
re'ngan-kan, to alleviate, lighten; to make light of.

re'ngek, m-re'ngek, to tease, worry.

reng'kas, short, abbreviated (especially of narratives). Cf. pendek and sengkat.

reng'kas-kan, to abbreviate.

r-gang', stretched tight (as ropes). Cf. rntang.

r-gang'kan, to stretch, make tight.

ri'a, joy; also su'ka ri'a.

ri-ang-ri'ang, the cicada.

ri'as (B.), ber-ri'as, ri'as-kan, adorned, ornamented; to decorate; a corruption of ber-hi'as; see hias.

ri'ba, m-ri'ba, the lap; to hold on the lap; nurse. Cf. pangku.

ri'ba’an, the lap.

ri'ba (Ar.), usury, interest.

ri'bot, a tempest of wind or thunder.

ri'bot tu'run, a storm came up.

ri'bu, thousand.

du'a ri'bu, two thousand.
s-ri'bu, a thousand.
ber-ribu-ribu, thousands.

rimau, tiger; see harimau.

rim'ba, primeval forest. Cf. hutan and blukar.

rim'ba b-lan-ta'ra, the wilds of the forest.

rin'du, longing desire (especially of love); to long for. Cf. ingin and pilu.

rin'du dn'dam, anxious longings.
bu'loh p-rin'du, a bamboo so cut as to produce plaintive sounds when exposed to the wind.

ringan, see rergan.

ring'git, dollar.

rin'tek, small spots, speckles.

hu'jan rin-tek-rin'tek, light rain, drizzle.

ri'oh, a loud noise; loud, also rioh rndah.

ri-wa'yat (Ar.), story, narrative. Cf. hikayat and chrita.

r-jam' (Ar.), to stone, execute by stoning.

rj'ki (B.), subsistence, food = rzki; also jerki.

r-long', a measure of area = 1 acre.

r-mak', preferable.

r-mok', m-r-mok', -kan, to crush, break to pieces. Cf. hanchur.

rm-pah-rm'pah, spices.

r-nang', ber-r-nang' and ber-nang', to swim.

rn-cha'na (Sk.), an essay, narrative.

rn-cha'na-kan, to narrate.

rn'dah, low (in elevation), humble. Cf. hina.

rioh rndah, see rioh.
rn'dah-kan, to abase, humiliate.

rn'dam, m-rn'dam, -kan, to soak, wet by immersion in water.

rn'dang, m-rn'dang, to fry, bake. Cf. goring.

rng'gang, m-rng'garg, -kan, apart, separated, ajar; to separate, place things at a distance from each other. Cf. jarak.

rn'jis, m-rn'jis, -kan, to sprinkle. Cf. rchek and siram.

r-nong', m-r-nong', to gaze, look intently at.

rn'tak, m-rn'tak, to jerk, tug (as a dog on a chain). Cf. sntak.

rn-ta'ka, a swivel-gun.

rn'targ, m-rn'tang, -kan, to stretch out (as ropes, nets, etc.). Cf. rgang.

rn'tas, m-rn'tas, to cut a path through jungle = (Perak) rntis.

rntis, see rntas.

ro'boh, to fall (of large bodies, as houses, etc.). Cf. runtoh and rbah.

ro'boh-kan, to pull down (as buildings). Cf. rombak.

ro'da (Port.), wheel. Cf. jntra and lererg.

a'nak ro'da, spokes.
bing'kai ro'da, the felloes.
gan-tang-gan'targ ro'da, the hub.
gigi roda = anak roda.

ro'gol, m-ro'gol, rape; to rape.

roh' (Ar.), the spirit, soul, life. Cf. arwah and smangat.

Roh' Al-ku'dus, the Holy Spirit.
Roh' Al'lah, the Spirit of God (believed by the Mohammedans to be Jesus).
ber-roh' = bernyawa, having life.

ro-ha'ni, spiritual.

ro'kok, the native cigarette. Cf. chrutu.

hi'sap ro'kok and ma'kan ro'kok, to smoke tobacco.

ro'ma (Sk.), the hair of the body, as opposed to rambot = the hair of the head. Cf. bulu.

bu'lu ro'ma, the hair on the human body.

ro'man (B.) = roma, q.v.

rom'bak, m-rom'bak, to destroy, demolish, pull down. Cf. roboh and runtoh.

rom'pak, m-rom'pak, to plunder, commit piracy. Cf. rampas.

p-rom'pak, a pirate.

rom'pong, m-rom'pong, -kan, with the point off; to cut off the end, or the nose.

ron'deng, m-ron'deng, to cogitate, think over a thing, meditate upon; also runding. Cf. fikir.

rong, see ruang.

rong'ga, hollow, empty.

rong'kong, the throat; usually krongkong.

ro'sak, m-ro'sak, -kan, damaged, injured; to injure, damage, spoil, ruin.

ro'tan, rattan. Cf. ra’ut.

ro'ti (Hind.), bread.

tu'kang ro'ti, baker.

r-sak', the generic name of several timber trees.

r-sam', a fern from which Malays make pens.

r'tak, cracked; fine cracks in porcelain.

r'ti (B.), meaning = arti, q.v.

ru'ang, space, open space; especially the bilge of boats, and the space between the posts on which the Malay houses are built.

a'yer ru'ang, bilge water.
ba'lai ru'ang, ba'lai-rong', a king's hall of assembly.
tim'ba ru'ang, to bale out bilge water.

ru'as, the length between the joints of bamboo or sugar cane, or between the joints of the arms and legs.

ru'bin, ba'tu ru'bin, flooring tiles; see batu and ubin.

ruboh, see roboh.

ru'gi, loss (especially financial loss), damage; to incur loss. Cf. bnchana.

k'na ru'gi, to incur loss.
k-ru'gi-an, loss, damage; having incurred loss.

rugul, see rogol.

ruh'si-a (B.), secret = rahsia, q.v.

ru'kun (Ar., pillar) the chief rules or duties of the Mohammedan religion; also rukun agama.

ru'mah, a house.

ru'mah a'pi, lighthouse.
ru'mah a'tap, a thatched house.
ru'mah ba'tu, a house built of masonry.
ru'mah ber-ha'la, heathen temple.
ru'mah ko'song, an uninhabited house.
ru'mah mu'nyit, a sentry box.
ru'mah pa'pan, a house built of planks.
ru'mah pa'song, a police station.
ru'mah tang'ga, home, household.

i'si rumah, family, household.
ser'ba ru'mah, furniture.

rum'bai, fringe, tassel.

rum'bi-a, the sago palm. Cf. sagu.

rum'pun, a tuft (of grass), clump (of bamboo).

rum'put, grass.

rum'put k-ring', hay.

runding, see rondeng.

run'toh, to fall (of large objects such as houses and mountains). Cf. roboh.

run'toh-kan, to demolish, pull down (masonry). Cf. rombak.

ru'pa (Sk.), appearance, shape, form.

ru'pa-nya, apparently, it seems, it appears. Cf. nampak.
s-ru'pa, similar, like.
ta’ru'pa (B.), not capable of.

ru-pi'ah, the Dutch florin or guilder; the Indian rupee.

ru-pi'ah B-lan'da, guilder.
ru-pi'ah Bng-ga'la, rupee.

ru'sa, deer, stag. Cf. kijang and plandok.

ru'sok, the side. Cf. lambong.

tu'lang ru'sok, the ribs.

rz'ki (Ar.), nourishment, food. Cf. makan.