Malay-English Vocabulary/D
da'ching, a steelyard.
ba'tu da'ching, the weight of a steelyard.
da'da, the breast, the chest.
tam'par da'da, to beat the breast.
da'deh (Sk.), curdled milk.
a'yer da'deh, whey.
da'du (Port.), dice.
da’erah, see da’irah.
daf'tar (Pers.), a list, inventory, register, index, table of contents.
da'gang, foreign; a foreigner; also o'rang da'gang.
da-ga'ngan, merchandise.
da'ging, the flesh of living bodies or fruits, also dead meat.
da'ging ba'bi, pork.
da'ging da'rah, blood relationship.
da'ging kam'bing or da'ging biri-biri, mutton.
da'ging lm'bu, beef.
da'gu, the chin.
dahaga, see dhaga.
da'hak, phlegm.
daham, see dham. da'han, the smaller branches of a tree. Cf. chabang, charang, ranting, and chawang.
da'hi, the forehead.
dah'shat (Ar.), terrified; terrible; terror.
b-ri' dah'shat, to cause terror.
da'’ing, dried fish; also ikan kring.
da’i'rah (Ar. circuit), district, neighbourhood. Cf. jajahan.
da'kap, ber-da'kap and mn-da'-kap, to embrace. Cf. plok.
da'ki, dirt on the skin.
da'ki, usually in the form mn-da'ki, to ascend, climb (a hill).
dak-si'na (Sk.), south; usually slatan.
da'ku, phonetic form of aku, when following words ending in n.
da'lam (27), in, inside; while, whilst, during.
da'lam an-ta'ra itu, in the meanwhile.
dalam ber-ka-ta-ka'ta, while speaking.
ba'ju da'lam, vest, underclothing.
de'ri da'lam, from within.
di da'lam, in, inside.
k-da'lam, into.
ma'sok k-da'lam, to go in; to go into a king's palace (court language).
o'rang da'lam, royal household.
da'lam (36, Note), deep; depth.
da'leh, excuse.
ber-da-leh-da'leh, to make excuses.
da-li'ma (Sk.), the pomegranate.
da-lu-da'lu, willow.
dam' (D.), the game of draughts. Cf. choki.
da'mai, peace, concord. Cf. sjahtra and sntausa.
ber-da'mai, at peace.
da'mai-kan and ber-da'mai-kan, to pacify, reconcile.
per-da'mai-an, reconciliation, atonement (X.).
da'mar, resin: hence a torch.
da'mar ba'tu, common resin.
da'mar la'ut, a timber tree.
da'mar ma'ta ku'ching, a fine kind of resin.
damdam, see dmdam.
dam'par, ter-dam'par, aground, stranded. Cf. kandas.
dam'ping, ber-dam'ping, near by, close to.
dan, and. Cf. pun.
da'nau, a small lake. Cf. tasek.
da'pat, mn-da'pat (45, 55), to find, obtain, get, be able.
ta'da'pat ti-a'da, it cannot but be, it must.
da'pa-ti, to find, obtain, get.
da'pat-kan, to come up to or reach a person, meet.
pn-da'pa-tan, earnings.
'da'pur, cooking place, kitchen, stove, oven.
'dar' (Ar.), abode, dwelling; only used in such phrases as:
da'ru 's-sa-lam', the abode of peace.
da'ra (Sk.), usually a'nak da'ra, a virgin.
da'rah, blood.
'chirit da'rah, dysentery.
ta-han' da'rah, to stop bleeding, stanch.
tm'pat tum'pah da'rah, birthplace.
da'ging da'rah, blood relationship.
'ma'bok da'rah, faint through loss of blood.
bu-ang' a'yer da'rah, dysentery.
da'rat, dry land, land as opposed to water.
ber-ja'lan da'rat, to go by land or inland.
na'ik k-da'rat, or tu'run da'rat, to land, disembark.
mn-da'rat, to go inland.
dar'jat (Ar.), rank.
darji, see derji.
da'tang (62), to come. Cf. mari and sampai.
bu'lan da'tang, next month.
yang a'kan da'tang, future.
ber-da'tang sm'bah, to come and address a superior.
da'ta-ngi, to attack.
da'tang-kan, to bring to pass, bring about, cause.
k-da'ta-ngan, arrival, coming; attacked (by sickness, etc.).
da'tar, flat, level; usually rata.
da'tok or da'to', grandfather; a title of Malay chiefs. This word is used by Chinese to denote their gods = Chinese kong.
da'tok ne'nek, ancestors.
dau'lat (Ar.), power. state, majesty; hail!
dau'lat tu'an-ku, your majesty.
da'un, a leaf, blade of grass.
da'un ka'yu, the leaf of a tree.
da'un teh', tea-leaves.
da'un t-linga, the lobe of the ear.
d‘a'wa (Ar.), a prosecution, lawsuit.
k'na d‘a'wa, to be prosecuted.
mn-d‘a'wa and d‘a'wa-kan, to prosecute.
da'wai, wire. Cf. kawat.
da'wat (Ar.), ink. Cf. tinta.
tm'pat da'wat, inkpot.
da'ya (Sk.), means, resource, plan; also in a bad sense, trick, stratagem.
ti'pu da'ya, trickery, deceit.
da'ya u-pa'ya, resources, means of doing things.
per-da'ya-kan, to deceive, dupe, outwit.
da'ya, in its derivatives:
ba'rat da'ya, southwest. s-la'tan da'ya, south-southwest.
Da'yak, the inhabitants of the interior of Borneo.
da'yang, a girl, a maid-servant at court; used as a form of address in speaking to a girl.
da'yong, an oar.
a'nak da'yong, oarsman, rower.
ber-da'yong, to row, use an oar.
d'bar, ber-d'bar, to palpitate, beat (of the heart).
d-dak', bran (of rice).
d-bu', dust; see dbu and habok.
dekar, see dikar.
den'deng, dried meat.
de'ret, a row, series. Cf. banjar.
ber-de'ret, in a row.
der-ha'ka (Sk.), rebellion, treason: to rebel: also mnderhaka'.
der-ham' (Ar. dirham), a small silver coin.
de'ri or da'ri (27), from (usually of places).
de'ri a'tas, from above, above.
de'ri ba'wah, from below.
de'ri da'lam, from within.
de'ri-hal', about, concerning.
de'ri lu'ar, from outside.
de'ri ma'na, whence?
de'ri-pa'da, from (of persons), on account of (150), owing to (140), than (89, 90); baik de'ri-pa'da or l'beh ba'ik de'ri-pa'da, better than.
de'ri sa'na, thence.
de'ri s-bab', on account of.
de'ri situ, thence.
der'ji (Hind.), Indian tailor.
der'ma (Sk.), almsgiving, alms; usually sdkah.
der-ma'wan (Sk.), charitable, beneficent.
de'sa (Sk.), a district, territory, country.
de'wa and de-wa'ta (Sk.), the gods of Hindu mythology.
de'wan (Pers.), hall of justice, law court.
de-wa'sa (Sk.), time, period; usually zman or masa.
de'wi (Sk.), goddess; fem. of de'wa.
d-gil', obstinate.
d-ha'ga, thirst.
ber-d-ha'ga, thirsty.
d-ham', a slight cough, made to attract attention or to clear the throat.
ber-d-ham', to cough as described above.
dhat' or zat (Ar.), substance, essence.
zat' Allah or dha-tu ’l'lah, the divine essence or nature.
dho'bi, washerman; see dobi; also bnara.
d-hu'lu, previous, former; before (adv.); see hulu.
d-hulu kala, formerly, in olden times.
d-hu'lu de'ri-pa'da, before (prep.).
nan'ti d-hu'lu, wait a moment.
sa'bar d-hu'lu, please be patient.
z'man d-hu'lu, olden times.
d-hu'lu-i, to precede, go before.
d-hu'lu-kan, to prefer, put first.
di- (105), a particle prefixed to verbs to form the passive.
di'a (6, 9, 13, 15), he, she, it, they, him, her, them; also ia.
di'a o'rarg, they (colloquial, not found in Malay writings).
di'a pu'nya, his, hers, theirs.
di-am', ber-di-am', silent, quiet; to be silent, be quiet, dwell, live. Cf. tinggal and dudok.
di-am-di-am', quietly, secretly.
ber-di-am' di'ri, to keep silence.
di-a'mi, to inhabit.
di-am'kan, to silence, put to silence; to permit.
k-di-a'man, habitation, dwelling place.
di'an, a candle. Cf. lilin.
ka'ki di'an, a candlestick.
di'arg, mn-di'arg, to toast, warm at an open fire. Cf. panggang.
ber-di'ang and ber-di'ang diri, to warm oneself at a fire.
di'dal (Port.), thimble; also lidal.
di'deh, mn-di'deh, to boil, bubble.
a'yer di'deh, the water in which rice has been boiled = (E.) ayer am.
di'kar, mn-dikar, to fence (with kris or sword); also dekar.
di'kau, thee, phonetic form of angkau, chiefly used after words ending in n. dikit, see sdikit.
di'na (Sk.), poor, unfortunate.
hi'na di'na, the poor and lowly, the common people.
di'nar (Ar.), a coin, usually of gold.
din'ding, a partition, interior wall of a house.
di'ngin, cold, cool. Cf. sjuk.
di-ni-ha'ri, early dawn, twilight.
diraja, see adiraja.
dirham, see derham.
di'ri (22-24), self, oneself; also sn-di'ri.
ba'wa di'ri, to take oneself off.
bef-di-am' di'ri, to keep silence.
da'lam di'ri, inwardly, in one's heart.
min'ta di'ri, to excuse oneself, take leave.
s'o'rang di'ri, alone, by oneself.
kn-di'ri, self.
sn-di'ri, self.
sa'ma sn-di'ri-rya, among themselves.
ber-di'ri, standing erect; to stand.
di'ri-kan, to erect, construct, establish.
ber-di'ri-kan, to erect.
di'rus, mn-di'rus, to sprinkle; also diris; usually perchek.
d-kan', the bamboo rat.
d-kat', close, near, nearly, almost ; also d-kat' d'ngan, and d-kat' k-pa'da. Cf. hampir.
d-ka'ti, to approach.
d-kat'kan, to bring near.
dla'’if (Ar.), weak, feeble, infirm; usually lmah.
d-la'ki (B.), male = laki-laki.
dlam'mah ( Ar. ), the vowel point corresponding to o and u; see baris.
d-la'pan, eight; also pronounced lapan. (For derived forms see ampat).
d-li'ma, pomegranate; see dalima.
d-mam', fever.
d-mam' gi'gil, ague.
d-mam' k-pi-a'lu, continued fever.
d-mam' ku'ra, intermittent fever.
dm'dam, rancour, animosity; see dndam.
d'mi or da'mi, when, as, at the time when; by (in oaths).
dm'ki-an or d-mi-ki'an (143), thus, in this manner, in that manner.
dm'ki-an i'ni, in this manner.
dm'ki-an i'tu, in that manner.
dm'ki-an ju'ga (162 a), just in that way.
dn'da (Sk.), a fine, mulct.
k'na dn'da, to incur a fine.
dn'dam, desires, longings; also in a bad sense, a desire for vengeance.
ba'las dn'dam, to revenge oneself.
m-na'roh dn'dam, to harbour revenge, bear malice; see dngki.
rin'du dn'dam, anxious longings.
d'ngan, with, together with, and, (91) as.
d'ngan dm'ki-an, that being the case.
d'ngan hi'dop-nya, alive.
d'ngan ka-dar'-nya, proportionately.
d'ngan na'ma Al'lah, in the name of God.
d'ngan p-ren'tah, by order.
d'ngan s-lng'kap-nya, fully equipped, complete.
d'ngan s'o'rang di'ri, alone.
d'ngan ti-a'da, without.
ber-ch-rai d'ngan, to separate from.
ser'ta d'ngan, together with.
d'ngar, m-n'ngar, (102f), to hear, listen.
d'ngar-kan, to listen to. k-d'nga-ran, it was heard (impers.). p-n'nga-ran, the sense of hearing.
dng'ki, envy, malice.
m-na'roh dng'ki, to bear malice.
dng'kur, ber-dng'kur, to snore.
d-gong', ber-d-ngong', to buzz, hum.
d'ngu or du'ngu, stupid, dull-witted; usually bodoh.
do'a (Ar.), prayer.
ba'cha do'a, to read or repeat prayers.
min'ta do'a, to pray.
ber-do'a, to pray.
do'a-kan, to pray for.
do'bi (Hind. dhobi), a washerman, Cf. bnara.
do'dol, a kind of sweetmeats.
dok'tor (Eur.), a doctor, one who practises western medicine. Cf. bomo and dukun.
dom'ba (Pers.), a sheep. Cf. kambing and biri-biri.
a'nak dom'ba, a lamb.
a'nak dom'ba Allah, the Lamb of God (X.).
do'sa (Sk.); a crime, an offence; sin.
ber-do'sa, to commit an offence, be guilty of a crime or sin; sinful.
dosin, see dusin.
d-pan', in front of; see hadap.
d-ras', rapid, swift. Cf. laju, pantas, lkas and bangat.
d-ri'ta, mn-d-ri'ta (Sk.), to withstand, bear, endure. Cf. tahan.
ti-a'da ter-d-rita, unendurable, unbearable.
d-ru', mn-d-ru', to roar (as the noise of waves or voices).
d-rum', mn-d-rum', to kneel (of elephants and camels).
d-rum'kan, to cause to kneel.
ds'tar (Pers.), turban, headcloth.
du'a, two. (For the usual derived forms see ampat). Cf. pasang and ganda.
du-a-du'a, both.
du'a ka'li, twice.
du'a la'pis, double (as cloth).
du'a-ti'ga, two or three.
ber-du'a and ber-du-a-du'a, in pairs.
du'a-kan, to make two.
pn-du'a, second, duplicate.
du'dok, to sit down, sit, remain, dwell.
du'dok ber-si'la, to sit with legs crossed like a tailor.
du'dok d'ngan, to be married to.
si'la du'dok, please be seated.
du'do-ki, to sit on, inhabit.
du'dok-kan, to seat (a person).
k-du'do-kan, seat, place of abode.
du'ga, mn-du'ga, to find out the depth, sound, probe, fathom.
ba'tu du'ga, sounding lead. Cf. prum.
ta'li du'ga, lead-line.
du'it (D.), a copper coin; in Singapore = ¼ cent, in Penang = 1 cent.
d'pa, a fathom. du'ka (Sk.), grief, sorrow, sadness; also du-ka-chi'ta.
ber-du'ka and ber-du-ka-chi'ta, to be sad, grieve.
du'kong, mn-du'kong, to carry a person or a child, usually on the back or hip, sometimes in the arms.
du'ku, the name of a fruit.
du'kun, a native doctor, midwife. Cf. doktor, bidan and bomo.
du'lang, a salver or tray, usually of wood; smaller than the talam.
dulapan, see dlapan.
du'li (Sk.), dust; a form of address to kings, as du'li bgin'da, du'li yang di-per-tu'an, your or his majesty; see junjong.
dun'ia (Ar.), the inhabited world.
her'ta dun'ia, worldly goods.
i'si dun'ia, the inhabitants of the earth.
naf'su dun'ia, worldly lusts.
per-i'da-ran dun'ia, a cycle, period of time.
dun'ia a'khi-rat, in this world and the next, for all time.
du'ngu, stupid; see dngu.
du'pa (Sk.), incense. Cf. stanggi.
du'ri, a thorn, spine.
du'ri lan'dak, porcupines' quills. Cf. bulu landak.
ber-du'ri, thorny.
du'ri-an, the name of a fruit, the durian.
du'sin (Eng. and D.), dozen; also lusin.
dus'ta (Sk.), false, mendacious, untrue; (B.) jus'ta.
sak'si dus'ta, a false witness.
du'sun, a village; the country as opposed to the town.