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Malay-English Vocabulary/Ch

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Malay-English Vocabulary oleh W. G. Shellabear

[ 38 ]


cha'bai (Sk.), the chili, capsicum; also lada China.

cha'bang, main branch of a tree, bifurcation; forked. Cf. dahan and charang.

cha'bok (Pers.), a whip.

cha'bol, licentious; outrageous behaviour.

cha'bot, mn-cha'bot (146), to pull out, pull up, uproot, extract, draw a weapon (cf. hunus); in Perak chabot means also the royalty on tin. Cf. bantun.

cha'chak, to thrust into the ground (as a pole). [ 39 ]cha'char, small pox.

cha'char a'yer, chicken pox.
ta'nam cha'char, to vaccinate.

cha'chat, blemish, spot, stain, defect. Cf. chla.

cha'ching, a worm = (B.) taching.

chah'ya (Sk.), light, luminosity. Cf. sinar.

ber-chah'ya, luminous; to shine.

cha'ir, thin (of fluids), liquid; as opposed to pkat, thick, glutinous.

cha'kap, ber-cha'kap, to speak; (sometimes) to profess one's ability to do a thing, be capable of. Cf. tutor.

per-cha'ka-pan, speech, oration, phrase.

cha'kar, to scratch (as a bird).

cham', cham'kan, to recognize, observe, take note of.

cham'pak, mn-cham'pak, -kan, to throw, throw down, throw away. Cf. buang and hmpas.

champing, see chompang.

cham'pur, mn-cham'pur, -kan (149), to mix, mingle.

cham'pur ba'ur, in confusion.

chamti, see chmti.

cha'nai, to polish (metals).

cha'nang, a gong.

chan'du, opium prepared for smoking. Cf. apiun and madat.

chang'gong, awkward, incongruous. Cf. janggal.

chang'kat, a low hill; cf. bukit.

chang'ke (B.), tea cup.

chang'kol, a large hoe used for digging.

chang'kok, mn-chang'kok, to graft. Cf. tut.

chan'tek, pretty.

chap', a seal, stamp; to print; also chapkan and chitak.

chap' ba'tu, lithography.
tu'kang chap', printer.

cha'pai, mn-cha'pai, to seize, take hold of.

cha'pe (Jav.), weary; usually pnat.

cha'pek, halting, limping. Cf. tempang and penchang.

cha'ra (Sk.), manner, style, custom.

cha'ra China, in Chinese style.

cha'rang, a small branch, twig. Cf. chabang and dahan.

cha'rek, mn-cha'rek, -kan, to tear, rend. Cf. koyak.

cha'ri, mn-cha'ri (Sk.) (146), to seek, look for.

cha'ri 'a'kal, to devise means. cha'ri ma'kan, to get a living. pn-cha'ri-an, livelihood.

cha'rut, mn-cha'rut, to use obscene language.

chat' (Chin.). paint.

tu'kang chat', painter.

cha'tur (Sk.), the game of chess; also main gajah, q.v. The pieces used are called raja, mntri, gajah, kuda, tir, and bidak.

bu'ah cha'tur, chessmen.
pa'pan cha'tur, chess board.

cha'wan (Chin.), cup, bowl. Cf. mangkok and piala.

cha'wang, a branch = chabang.

cha'wat, loin-cloth.

cha'yir, see cha'ir.

ch-bis', a fragment, small piece. [ 40 ]chd'ra (Sk.), opposition, defect; against.

che’ = inche’, q.v.

che'bok, a piece of coco-nut shell, used for ladling water. Cf. gayong.

checher, see chichir.

che'dok, mn-che'dok, to ladle.

cheh', pshaw; exclamation of disgust or scorn.

cheng'si (B.) (Chin.), kitchen spoon.

che'pir, a metal tray or saucer.

cher'cha, mn-cher'cha, to abuse, insult. Cf. maki.

cher'dek, cunning, shrewd, clever, sharp.

che'rek, a kettle.

cheret, see chirit.

cherewet, see chrewet.

cherita, see chrita.

cher'mat, careful, frugal, economical.

cher'min, mirror, looking glass, pane of glass. Cf. kacha.

cher'min mata, spectacles.
cher'min mu'ka, looking glass.

cher'p-lai (Tam.), mongoose.

cher'pu (Tam.), sandals. Cf. trompah.

cher't-ra, cher't-ra-kan (Sk. charitra), a narrative, tale; to narrate; also chtra and chrita.

che'tek, shallow. Cf. tohor.

chi'chak, the common house lizard. Cf. tkek.

chi'chir, to spill, drop out in small quantities, quantities, dribble. Cf. chuchor.

chi'chit, great-grandchild.

chi-ke'weh (B.) (Chin.), family.

chim'chen (B.) (Chin.), the open court in a Chinese house.

Chi'na, China, Chinese.

la'da China, the chili, red pepper.

chin'chang, to chop up, mince.

chin'chin, a ring.

chin'chu (Chin.), a supercargo.

chin'ta (Sk.), sadness, solicitude, heartache, love.

ber-chin'ta-kan, to mourn for.
per-chin'ta’an, mourning, sorrowing.

chi'rit, diarrhoea; usually buang-buang ayer.

chirit da'rah, dysentery.
chirit bin'tang, meteor.

chi'ta (Sk.), feelings, sensations, emotions.

du-ka-chita, sorrow.
su-ha-chita, joy.

chi'ta (Hind.), print, printed calico, chintz.

chi'tak, to print: usually chap.

chi-um', mn-chi-um', to smell, kiss.

ch-kar' (Hind.), hard over (of a helm or ruder).

ch-kek', to throttle, strangle.

chkeweh, see chikeweh.

ch-ki' (Chin.), Chinese cards.

ch-kra-wala (Sk.), the firmament.

ch-la', mn-ch-la', -kan. defect, fault, flaw: to blame, censure. Cf. chachat.

ch-lah', crack, crevice, fissure.

ch-la'ka, misfortune, calamity, unlucky; an imprecation. [ 41 ]ch-la'na, trowsers; usually sluar.

ch-lek', open (of the eyes).

ch-lek'kan ma'ta, to open the eyes.

ch-lop', mn-ch-lop', to dip into, soak, steep, dye.

ch-lor', to scald, immerse in hot water or oil.

ch-lor' a'yam, to dip a fowl in hot water before plucking it.

ch-mar', dirty. Cf. kotor and najis.

chm'bul, a small box.

chm-bu'ru, jealousy.

chm-bu'ru-an, jealous.

ch-mer'lang, glittering.

chm-pa'ka (Sk.), a tree with sweet-scented flowers.

chm'p-dak, a fruit similar to the jack-fruit, but smaller.

ch'm-ti (Tam.), a whip. Cf. chabok.

chnchang, see chinchang.

chn-chu'rut, the musk rat.

chn-da'na (Sk.), sandalwood.

chn-da'wan, mushroom, fungus.

ch-gang' and ter-ch-ngang', amazed, astonished.

chng-ka'dok, grasshopper.

chng'keh, the clove tree.

bu'nga chng'keh, cloves.

chng'kong, sunken (of the eyes).

chng'k-ram, earnest money.

chng'k-rek, a cricket.

cho'ba, mn-cho'ba, to try, attempt; also used in giving orders in the same way as the English word “please?” (157).

cho'ba'i, to tempt.
pn-cho'ba'an, temptation.

cho'ki or chu'ki, the Malay game of draughts; also dam, q.v.

cho'kin (Chin.), bathing cloth. Cf. basahan.

chok'mar, a battle axe or club.

chom'pang, in the phrase:

chom'pang-champing, ragged.

chon'd-rong and chon'dong, slanting, out of the perpendicular. Cf. mering, senget and serong.

chon'dong ma-ta-ha'ri, when the sun is low.

chong'kak, pride; proud. Cf. sombong.

chong'kak, cowrie shells: also a game played with shells on a board containing 18 holes.

chong'po (Chin.), a cook.

chon'toh, pattern, sample.

chon'teng, to smear, daub.

cho'rak, the colour or pattern of a print or sarong.

cho'reng, streaked, striped, stained.

cho'rong, a pipe, lamp chimney.

ch-pat', quick, quickly. Cf. bangat, dras, lkas, laju.

ch-pi'au (Port.), a hat, cap. Cf. topi and songkok.

ch-rai', ber-ch-rai (149), to part from, separate from.

ch-rai-b-rai', scattered.
ber-ch-rai d'ngan bi'ni, divorced.
ch-rai'kan, to separate, detach.

ch-re'wet, importunate.

ch-ri'ta (Sk.), a tale, story. Cf. chertra.

ch-rok', corner of a room, nook, hidden place. [ 42 ]ch-ru'tu (Tam.), cigar.

chtra = chrita and chertra.

cht'ri (Hind.), an awning.

chu-a'cha, clear sky, fine weather.

chu'bit, to pinch.

chu'chi, to clean. Cf. suchi.

chu'choh, to kindle, set fire to.

chu'chok, to stab, pierce, poke, push in, push through. Cf. tikam.

chu'chok a'tap, to stitch ataps with rattan.
chu'chok sang'gol, hairpin.

chu'chor, to flow, trickle (as water, tears, etc.).

chu'chu, grandchild.

a'nak chu'chu, descendants.

chu'ka (Sk.), vinegar.

chu'kai, tax.

chu'kai k-pa'la, poll tax.
chu'kai pin'tu, house assessment.

chuki, see choki.

chu'kop, enough, sufficient, complete. Cf. pada.

chu'kor, to shave.

tu'kang chu'kor, a barber.
pi'sau chu'kor, a razor.

chu'la (Sk.), the horn of the rhinoceros and of some fabulous animals.

chu'ma, only. Cf. sahaja and hanya.

per-chu'ma and chu-ma-chu'-ma, in vain, to no purpose, for nothing, gratis. Cf. sia-sia.

chung'kil, to pick with a pointed instrument.

chung'kil gi'gi, tooth-pick.

chu'pak, a measure of capacity.

chu'rah, mn-chu'rah, to pour out, spill. Cf. tumpah and tuang.

chu'ram, steep, precipitous, sloping (as the side of a hill).

chu'ri, mn-chu'ri, to steal.

chu-ri-chu'ri, secretly, stealthily.
pn-chu'ri, a thief.

chu'ti (Hind.), leave of absence.