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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/85

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ks-tu'ri (Sk.), musk; see kasturi.

k-su'ma (Sk.), a flower.

k-ta'geh, craving (e.g. for opium).

k-tam', a crab. Cf. kpiting.

k-tam', a small knife with which rice is harvested; a carpenter's plane.

k-ta'pang, the Indian almond tree.

k-tat', tight fitting. Cf. longgar.

k-ta'wa, to laugh; see tertawa.

k-ti' (Sk.) (33), one hundred thousand.

k-ti'ak, armpit.

k-ti'ka (Sk.), time, period, moment; also kutika.

k-ti'ka yang ba'ik, a favourable time.
pa'da k-ti'ka itu, at that time.
s-k-ti'ka la'ma-nya, a moment, a short time.

k-ting', the leg below the calf.

m-ng-ting', to hamstring.

k-tok', m-ng-tok' (146), to knock, rap. Cf. tpok.

ber-k-tok', to cackle.
p-ng-tok', a knocker, mailet, gavel.

k-to'pong, helmet.

k-tu'pat, rice cooked in an envelope of palm leaf.

k-tul', a lump, a loaf.

ku' (13), possessive pronoun of the first person; also used as an abbreviation of aku when immediately preceding a verb of which it is the subject.

ku-ah', gravy, sauce.

ku'ak, m-ngu'ak, to low, bellow (of cattle).

ku-a'la, the mouth of a river where it enters the sea or flows into another river.

ku-a'li, a cooking pot or pan, of iron or earthenware. Cf. priok.

ku-a'sa (Sk.), power, strength, authority, attorney. Cf. kuat.

b-ri' ku-a'sa, to empower, authorise.
ma'ha ku-a'sa, almighty.
su'rat ku-a'sa, power of attorney.

ku-at' (Ar.), strength, force, power; strong. Cf. kuasa.

ku-at'kan, to strengthen.

k-ku-a'tan, strength.

kuatir, see khuatir.

ku'bang, ber-ku'bang, a wallow; to wallow.

ku'bu, a rampart, parapet, earthwork, stockade, fort. Cf. benteng and kota.

ku'bur (Ar.), tomb, sepulchre.

ku'bur-kan, to bury, inter. Cf. tanam.
p-ku'bu-ran, cemetery, burial ground.

ku'chai (Chin.), garlic.

ku'ching, cat.

ku'ching blan'da, rabbit.
ku'ching hu'tan, wild cat.
a'nak ku'ching, kitten.

ku'chup, a kiss; also kchup. Cf. chium.

ku'da, a horse; the trusses supporting a roof; one of the pieces in the game of chess; see chatur.

ku'da ja-hat', a vicious horse.