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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/84

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k-ran', a small wasp.

k-ra'na, see kerna.

k-ran'da (Sk.), coffin; also long.

k-rang', a shell fish, cockles.

k-ra'ni, clerk.

k-ran'jang, a large basket, crate. Cf. bakul.

k-ran'ji, a timber tree.

k-rap', often, frequently: also k-rap' ka'li.

k-rar' and ka'rar (Ar), settled, fixed, established.

k-ras', hard, stiff, severe, difficult.

k-ras' ha'ti, hard hearted.
k-ras' k-pa'la, obstinate.
k-ras' pren'tah-nya, he rules with severity.
a'rgin k-ras', a strong wind.
a'yer k-ras', spirituous liquors.
bu'ah k-ras', the candle-nut.
pu'kol k-ras', to strike hard.
k-ra'si, to force, compel. Cf. gagahi.
k-ras'kan, to increase the severity or intensity of a thing.
k-k-ra'san, hardness, compulsion.

k-rat', m-ng-rat', -kan, to cut, cut off, amputate. Cf. pnggal.

s-k-rat', a piece, a part.
k-ra'tan, a piece cut off.

k-ra'wang, open work such as carving, crochet or lace.

k-re'ta (Port.), carriage, cart.

k-re'ta a'pi, railway, tram.
k-re'ta Hong-kong', jinrikisha.
k-re'ta le'reng, a bicycle.
k-re'ta lm'bu, bullock cart.
k-re'ta pos', mail cart.
k-re'ta se'wa, a hackney carriage, gharry.
k-re'ta som'bong, express train.
k-re'ta ta'rek, hand cart.
na'ik k-re'ta, to ride in a carriage.

k-ri'au, to scream (Penang).

k-ring', dry.

ba'tok k-ring', consumption.
i'kan k-ring', dried fish. Cf. da'ing.
k-k-ri'igan, dried up.

k-ris', the Malay dagger or creese.

hu'lu k-ris', the hilt of a kris.
hu'nus k-ris', to draw the kris from the sheath.
ma'ta k-ris', the blade of a kris.
sa'rorg k-ris', the sheath of a kris.

krisek, see kersek.

k-ri'ting, curly (of hair). Cf. ikal.

k-ris'ten (Eur.), Christian.

k-rng'ga, a very large red ant.

k-roh', muddy, thick, dirty (of liquids or colours).

k-ron'chong, bangles with tinkling bells attached.

k-rong'kong, the throat, windpipe. Cf. lehir.

k-ro'sang, brooch.

k-ru'mun, ber-k-ru'mun, to assemble, come together, swarm, throng. Cf. himpon and kumpol.

krusi, see kursi.

k-rut', ber-k-rut', wrinkled. Cf. kchut and kdut.

k-sad' and ka'sad (Ar.), intention, aim, object, purpose. Cf. kahandak.

ksah, see kloh.

k'si-at (B.), advantage: see khasiat.