ji'lat, mn-ji'lat, to lick, lap (as a dog, or as flames).
ji-lid' (Ar., leather), binding; volume.
ji'mat, careful, thrifty.
ji'mat (Ar.), a corruption of ‘azimat, q.v.
jin' (Ar.), a spirit; usually an evil spirit, demon. Cf. hantu and ‘ifrit.
ji'nak, tame, docile, domesticated, bold, familiar.
ji'nak-kan, to tame, render docile.
jin'tan, caraway seed.
jin'tan ma'nis, aniseed.
ji'wa (Sk.), the soul. Cf. smangat.
j'jak, ber-j'jak, footsteps, footprints; to step, tread, just touch with the end. Cf. pijak.
j-las' (Ar.), settled, arranged (as accounts or other business). Cf. sudah and habis.
j-las'kan, to settle, arrange.
j-la'tang, the nettle.
jlid, see jilid.
jl'ma (Sk.), incarnation.
mn-jl'ma, to be incarnate, take a human or other form.
j-lu'jur, basting, loose sewing.
j-lu'tong, a large tree which yields rubber.
j'ma'ah (Ar.), a society, company. Cf. kongsi.
j'ma‘at' or ju'ma‘at' (Ar., assembly), Friday, the day of congregation.
ha'ri j'ma‘at', Friday.
s-j'ma‘at', a week.
j'man (B.), time, epoch, age = zaman.
jm-ba'tan, a bridge, pier, wharf.
jm'lah (Ar.), total, sum; also jum'lah.
jm'lah-kan, to add up.
j'mor, mn-j'mor, -kan, to dry in the sun. Cf. anginkan.
jm'pot, mn-jm'pot, -kan, to invite; also to hold between the finger and thumb. Cf. sila.
jm'po-tan, invitation.
o'rang jm'po-tan, guest. Cf. jamu.
j-mu', satiated, satisfied, wearied, nauseated. Cf. knnyjang and puas.
j-na'ka, joke, pun; facetious. Cf. gurau and sindir.
j-nang', the side posts of a door or window, or of the frame of a screen or partition. Cf. ambang.
tu'top j-nang', the upper post of a screen or partition.
jn-de'la (Port.), window; also j-ne'la. Cf. tingkap.
jng'kal, the span as a measure of length.
j-nis' (Ar.), sort, kind, species. Cf. macham and bagai.
ber-j-nis-j-nis' (115), all sorts.
j-gok', mn-j-ngok', to look with the head protruding.
jn't-ra (Sk.), a wheel, machinery, an engine. Cf. psawat and injin.
ber-jn't-ra, having wheels or machinery, revolving.
jo'doh, pair, couple, mate, fellow. Cf. kmbar, pasang and jori.
jo'doh-kan, to mate.
jo'gan (Pers.), a standard, ensign.