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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/68

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lo'bang ja'rom, the eye of a needle.

ja'sa (Sk.), useful service, credit for services rendered, merit.

ber-bu'at ja'sa, to do meritorious service. ber-o'leh ja'sa, to get credit for good work.

ja'ti (Sk.), true, real; usually btul or sunggoh.

ka'yu ja'ti, teak. o'rang M-la'yu ja'ti, a real Malay.

ja'toh, to fall, become bankrupt. For other words meaning fall see Grammar § 163.

ja'toh sa'kit, to fall it.
ja'toh-kan, to let fall, drop.
ja'toh-kan hukum di a'tas o'rang, to condemn.

Jaudi, see Yahudi.

ja'uh, distant, far, afar; distance.

ja-uh-ja'uh, a long way off, far apart.
ja'uh ma'lam, far into the night, late at night.
de'ri ja'uh, from afar, far off.
ja'uh-kan, to remove to a distance, avert.

jau-ha'ri (Pers.), a jeweller.

Ja'wa, Java; usually ta'nah Ja'wa.

ja'wab (Ar.), mn-ja'wab, a reply, an answer; to answer. Cf. sahut.

ja'wat and ja'wa-tan, office, post, duty, employment.

Ja'wi, an Arabic derivative of Jawa, meaning Javanese, and hence Malayan.

Ja'wi p-kan' = Ja'wi per-a'na-kan, of Malay blood, applied to persons of mixed Indian and Malay blood.
hu'ruf Ja'wi, the Malay character.

ja'ya (Sk.), victory.

j-bang', a large shield.

j-bat' (Ar.), musk, civet.

mu'sang j-bat', the civet cat.

jel' (Eng.), prison, gaol. Cf. pnjara.

jeram, see jram.

jerang, see jrang.

jerat, see jrat.

jerawat, see jrawat.

jer'jak, thin rods to which ataps are tied.

jer'ki (B.) = rzki, q.v.

jer'mal, fishing stakes. Cf. blat.

Jer'man (Eng.), German

jer'neh, clear, transparent (of liquids); also metaphorically, sincere, upright.

jerok, see jrok.

jerumat, see jrumat.

jerumus, see jrumus.

j-han'nam (Ar.), hell. Cf. nraka.

Jib'ra'il (Ar.), Gabriel.

jijak, see jjak.

ji'jit, ji'jit-kan (B.), to tease = ejek.

ji'ka, if, in case, supposing that, provided that; also jikalau and kalau.

ji-ka'lau (141-144), if, in case, supposing that, provided that.

ji-ka'lau kira-nya, if perchance.
ji-ka'lau s-ka'li-pun, even if.
ji-ka'lau ti-a'da, unless.