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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/65

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in'tai, m-ngin'tai, -kan, to spy, peep at, watch for, peep into; also hlntai.

in'tan, diamond.

i'par, brother-in-law, sister-in-law.

i'poh, the upas tree; the poison made from that and other trees for poisoning darts.

i-ra'dat (Ar.), the will or decrees of God.

‘I'rak (Ar.), Mesopotamia.

i'rek, m-ngi'rek, to stamp on, thresh by trampling on. Cf. injak and pijak.

peng-i're-kan, threshing floor.

i'ri, i'ri ha'ti, spite, malevolence.

i'ring, m-ngi'ring, to accompany, escort. Cf. hantar.

i'ring, i'ri-ngan, side, see ereng.

I-ro'pah, Europe = Airopah.

‘Isa (Ar.), Jesus.

‘i'sha (Ar., evening), one of the lima waktu, or five periods of prayer; also sm-bah'yang ‘i'sha.

i-sha'rat (Ar.), a signal, sign. Cf. tanda.

i-sha'rat-kan, and b-ri' i-sha'rat, to make a sign. Cf. lambai.

i'si, contents.

i'si dun'ia, the inhabitants of the world, the whole world.
i'si kah'win, dowry.
i'si ki'tab, contents of a book.
i'si neg'ri, inhabitants of a city.
i'si p-rot', intestines.
i'si ru'mail, family, household.
ber-i'si, containing; to contain. Cf. muat'.
i'si-kan and m-ngi'si, to fill, load.

Is-kan'dar (Ar.), Alexander.

Is'lam (Ar.), Mohammedan.

a-ga'ma Is'lam, the Mohammedan religion.
ma'sok Is'lam, to become a Mohammedan.
is'lam-kan, to make a person a Mohammedan.

isnin, see ithnain.

is-ta'na (Sk.), palace; also astana.

is-tang'gi (Sk.), incense; usually stanggi.

is-ti-‘a'dat (Ar.), custom.

is-ti-me'wa, especially.

is-ting'gar (Port.), matchlock.

is-tin'ja (Ar.), ablutions after evacuation.

is't-ri (Sk.), wife (more respectful than bini).

ber-is't-ri, to have a wife, be married.
ber-is't-ri-kan, to take to wife, marry a woman.

i'tek, duck.

a'yam i'tek, poultry.

ith'nain, is'nin or s-nin' (Ar., second), Monday; usually ha'ri is'nin.

i'tu (16), that, those.

si'tu and di si'tu, there.

i'zin (Ar. idhin), permission, leave.

b-ri' i'zin, to give leave or permission.
min'ta i'zin, to ask leave, or permission.


ja'bat, mn-ja'bat, to touch, grasp, lay hold of.

ber-ja'bat ta'ngan, to grasp the hand or to shake hands.