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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/64

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ik'rar (Ar.), fixed, settled. Cf. krar.

i'kut, m-mgi'kut, to follow, imitate, obey. Cf. turut.

ber-i-kut-i'kut, in succession.

i'lah (Ar.), God, a god.

i-la'hi (Ar.), divine; my God.

il'ham (Ar.), divine inspiration.

il'ham-kan, to impart divine inspiration.

‘il'mu (Ar.), knowledge, scholarship, science.

ber-‘il'mu, learned, scholarly.

i'mam (Ar.), priest.

i'mam b-sar', high priest (X.).

i'man (Ar.), belief, faith, creed, religion; the Mohammedan faith.

ba'wa i'man, to embrace the faith, become a Mohammedan.

im'pit, m-ngim'pit, to press, squeeze. Cf. apit, tkan, tindeh.

i'nai, henna, a red dye.

i'nang, nurse; also i-nang'da (court language). Cf. asoh.

in-che’', a title equivalent to the English Mr.; also ’n-che’' and che’.

in'chi (Eng.), an inch.

in'dah, beautiful, attractive, important, valuable, precious; also in-dah-in'dah.

in'dah-kan, to value, pay attention to, care about.

in'dok and in'dorg, mother; chiefly used in the phrases:

in'dok ma'du, honeycomb.
in'dok mu-ti-a'ra, mother of pearl.
in'dok su't-ra, cocoon of the silk-worm.

in'd-ra (Sk.),' the name of a Hindu deity.

K'in'd-ra'an, the heaven of Indra. This word is often confused with kndara'an, q.v.

i'ngar, noise, clamour.

i'ngat, m-ngi'ngat, to remember, think, pay attention, heed.

i'ngat-ingat, take care, be cautious.
b-ri' i'ngat, to remind, caution.
i'gat-kan, to remind a person.
i'nga-tan, attention, thoughts.
ter-i'ngat, remembered.
per-i'nga-tan, a reminder, memento.

Ing'g-ris (Eur.), English.

i'ngin (148), to desire, covet. Cf. rindu.

k’ingi-nan, desires, longings.

Ing'lan, neg'ri Ing'lan, England.

i'ngus, mucus from the nose.

bu-ang' i'gus, to blow one's nose.

i'ni (16), this, these.

i'ni ha'ri, today.
i'ni ju'ga, this very thing; at this very time, just now.
a'ku ini, I (emphatic).
s-ka'rang i'ni, just now.
si'ni and di si'ni, here.

in'jak, m-ngin'jak, to tread on. Cf. pijak and irek.

in'jil (Ar.), Gospel, the New Testament.

in'jin (Eng.), engine, machine. Cf. jntra and psawat.

in'saf (Ar.), justice, equity, fairness. Cf. ‘adil.

in'san (Ar.), man, mankind; usually manusia.

in'sha’ Allah (Ar.), please God, God willing; also insha’llah.