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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/48

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du'ka (Sk.), grief, sorrow, sadness; also du-ka-chi'ta.

ber-du'ka and ber-du-ka-chi'ta, to be sad, grieve.

du'kong, mn-du'kong, to carry a person or a child, usually on the back or hip, sometimes in the arms.

du'ku, the name of a fruit.

du'kun, a native doctor, midwife. Cf. doktor, bidan and bomo.

du'lang, a salver or tray, usually of wood; smaller than the talam.

dulapan, see dlapan.

du'li (Sk.), dust; a form of address to kings, as du'li bgin'da, du'li yang di-per-tu'an, your or his majesty; see junjong.

dun'ia (Ar.), the inhabited world.

her'ta dun'ia, worldly goods.
i'si dun'ia, the inhabitants of the earth.
naf'su dun'ia, worldly lusts.
per-i'da-ran dun'ia, a cycle, period of time.
dun'ia a'khi-rat, in this world and the next, for all time.

du'ngu, stupid; see dngu.

du'pa (Sk.), incense. Cf. stanggi.

du'ri, a thorn, spine.

du'ri lan'dak, porcupines' quills. Cf. bulu landak.
ber-du'ri, thorny.
du'ri-an, the name of a fruit, the durian.

du'sin (Eng. and D.), dozen; also lusin.

dus'ta (Sk.), false, mendacious, untrue; (B.) jus'ta.

sak'si dus'ta, a false witness.

du'sun, a village; the country as opposed to the town.


eh'wal, see ihwal.

e'ja, to spell ; see heja.

e'jek, m-nge'jek, to tease.

ekh'las (Ar.), sincerity; sincere; also ikhlas.

ek-li'si-a (Gr.), the church, the church universal (X.). Cf. perhimponan and greja.

e'kor (84), tail; numerical coefficient of animals.

e'kor ma'ta, the corner of the eye.
bin'tang ber-e'kor, comet.

e'la (Port), an ell, a yard.

e'lak, m-nge'lak, to dodge, avoid a blow, evade an order.

‘elmu, see ‘ilmu.

e'lok, beautiful, handsome, pleasant, excellent.

k'e'lo-kan, beauty, excellence.

e'nak (Jav.), pleasant, nice, agreeable to the senses; usually sdap.

enggan, see ’ng-gan.

eng'sil (D.), hinges.

e'reng, lateral, on the side.

e're-ngan rumah, the side of a house.
bi'lek e're-ngan, a side room.

E-ro'pah, Europe; also Airopah.

erti, see arti.

e'rut, twisted, crooked.

e'sok, to-morrow; also besok.

k'e'so-kan ha'ri-nya, the next day.