d'ngan s'o'rang di'ri, alone.
d'ngan ti-a'da, without.
ber-ch-rai d'ngan, to separate from.
ser'ta d'ngan, together with.
d'ngar, m-n'ngar, (102f), to hear, listen.
d'ngar-kan, to listen to. k-d'nga-ran, it was heard (impers.). p-n'nga-ran, the sense of hearing.
dng'ki, envy, malice.
m-na'roh dng'ki, to bear malice.
dng'kur, ber-dng'kur, to snore.
d-gong', ber-d-ngong', to buzz, hum.
d'ngu or du'ngu, stupid, dull-witted; usually bodoh.
do'a (Ar.), prayer.
ba'cha do'a, to read or repeat prayers.
min'ta do'a, to pray.
ber-do'a, to pray.
do'a-kan, to pray for.
do'bi (Hind. dhobi), a washerman, Cf. bnara.
do'dol, a kind of sweetmeats.
dok'tor (Eur.), a doctor, one who practises western medicine. Cf. bomo and dukun.
dom'ba (Pers.), a sheep. Cf. kambing and biri-biri.
a'nak dom'ba, a lamb.
a'nak dom'ba Allah, the Lamb of God (X.).
do'sa (Sk.); a crime, an offence; sin.
ber-do'sa, to commit an offence, be guilty of a crime or sin; sinful.
dosin, see dusin.
d-pan', in front of; see hadap.
d-ras', rapid, swift. Cf. laju, pantas, lkas and bangat.
d-ri'ta, mn-d-ri'ta (Sk.), to withstand, bear, endure. Cf. tahan.
ti-a'da ter-d-rita, unendurable, unbearable.
d-ru', mn-d-ru', to roar (as the noise of waves or voices).
d-rum', mn-d-rum', to kneel (of elephants and camels).
d-rum'kan, to cause to kneel.
ds'tar (Pers.), turban, headcloth.
du'a, two. (For the usual derived forms see ampat). Cf. pasang and ganda.
du-a-du'a, both.
du'a ka'li, twice.
du'a la'pis, double (as cloth).
du'a-ti'ga, two or three.
ber-du'a and ber-du-a-du'a, in pairs.
du'a-kan, to make two.
pn-du'a, second, duplicate.
du'dok, to sit down, sit, remain, dwell.
du'dok ber-si'la, to sit with legs crossed like a tailor.
du'dok d'ngan, to be married to.
si'la du'dok, please be seated.
du'do-ki, to sit on, inhabit.
du'dok-kan, to seat (a person).
k-du'do-kan, seat, place of abode.
du'ga, mn-du'ga, to find out the depth, sound, probe, fathom.
ba'tu du'ga, sounding lead. Cf. prum.
ta'li du'ga, lead-line.
du'it (D.), a copper coin; in Singapore = ¼ cent, in Penang = 1 cent.
d'pa, a fathom.