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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/34

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bn-da-ha'ra (Sk.), the title of the highest official in a Malay State, originally meaning treasurer.

per-bn-da-ha'ra'an, treasury.

bn-da-ha'ri (Sk.), treasury officers.

bn'dang, fields (either irrigated or dry). Cf. huma, ladang and sawah.

bn-de'ra (Port.), flag.

ti-ang' bn-de'ra, flagstaff.

bn'dul, the beams on which the walls of a native house rest.

bn'dul pin'tu, threshold.

b-neh', seed, grain.

Bng-ga'la, Bengal.

Bng-ga'li, a Bengalee.

b-ngis', cruel; cruelty.

bng'kak, a swelling; swollen.

bng-ka'rong, a kind of lizard.

bng'ku-ang, the screw-pine, from the leaves of which kajangs are made, see kajang; also mngkuang.

b'ni or ba'ni (Ar.), sons.

b'ni Is'ra'el, the children of Israel.

bn-ia'ga (Sk.), trade, commerce; to trade; also mniaga and berniaga.

bn'tang, mm-bn'tang, to spread out, lay out (as a mat or cloth). Cf. hampar.

bn-ta'ngor, the name of several timber trees.

bn'tar, in its derivative:

s-bn'tar, a moment, an instant.

bn-ta'ra (Sk.), herald, an officer of court.

bn'tok, curved; numeral coefficient of rings, fishhooks, etc.

b-nu'a, a large region or country, continent.

o'rang b-nu'a, aborigines.

bo'chor, leaky.

mulut bo'chor, tell-tale, blab.

bo'doh, foolish, stupid. Cf. bbal.

k-bo'do-han, stupidity.

boek (B.) (Chin.), stocking.

bo'hong, false, untrue; a lie or falsehood. Cf. dusta.

pm-bo'hong, a liar.

bo'kor, a metal basin.

bo'la (Port.), a ball, billiards, football.

bo'leh, able, can, may, could, might. See oleh.

bo'lu (Port.), sponge cake; also buah hulu.

bom' (Eng. and D.), a boom, the pole or shafts of a carriage.

bom'ba (Port.), pump, fire-engine, syringe.

bo'mo or bo'mor, a native doctor. Cf. dukun and doktor.

bon'da, mother (polite style); a contraction from i-bu-n'da.

bong'kar, mm-bong'kar, to pull up (as an anchor).

bong'kar sa'uh, to weigh anchor.

bong'kok, hunchbacked, bent (as: an old man).

bong'su, youngest child, last born; also anak bongsu.

bo'peng, pockmarked.

bor' (D.), auger, drill.

bo'rong, wholesale, outright, en masse.