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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/33

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b-lang', piebald, variegated; spotted, striped.

b-la'nga, an earthenware pot used for cooking.

b-lan'ja, expenses, cost of anything, allowance to meet expenses, hence salary.

b-lan'ja-kan, to expend.

b-lan-ta'ra, wild, waste places, as:

hu'tan b-lan-ta'ra, the jungle.
rim'ba b-lan-ta'ra, the wilds of the forest.

b-las' (30), a word which forms the numerals from eleven to nineteen, similar to the English “teen.”

b-las', pity, sympathy, compassion.

b-las'kan, to arouse sympathy or to have pity on.

b-lat', network of rattans laced together, used with fishing stakes; hence fishing stakes or fish traps.

b-la'tok, woodpecker.

b-la'yer, to sail; see layer.

b-le'rang, brimstone, sulphur.

b-le'tir, to babble, chatter; see letir.

b-li', to buy, purchase.

jual b-li', to trade, buy and sell.
pm-b-li', that which buys, the price or the buyer

b-li'an, a timber tree.

b-li'kat, the shoulder blade.

b-li'ong, the large Malay axe. Cf. kapak and patil.

a'ngin pu'ting b-li'ong, waterspout.

b-lit', a coil, a turn; a necklace or a bandage; to encircle (as a snake).

b-lu'du (Port.), velvet; also pronounced bal'du.

b-lu'kar, underwood, jungle cut down and grown up again, scrub. Cf. hutan and rimba.

b-lu'lang, untanned or raw hides; callus, callosity of the skin.

b-lum' (72), not yet; this word sometimes has only the force of a simple negative.

b-lum' kah'win, unmarried.
b-lum' la'gi, not yet.
b-lum' ma'sak, unripe or insufficiently cooked.
b-lum' per'nah, never yet.
s-b-lum', before (conj.).

b-lung'gu, fetters, shackles.

b-lut', eel.

b-nam', ter-b-nam', sunken, depressed, partly buried.

b-nang', thread.

b-nang' a'rang, chalk line.

b-nar', true, right, just, good.

s-b-nar-nya, truly, verily.
b-nar'kan, to confirm, authorise, approve, justify.
k-b-na'ran, accuracy, truth, verification, righteousness.

b-na'ra, a washerman; usually dobi.

b-na'sa, ruin; see binasa.

b-na'tang, animal; see binatang.

bn-cha'na (Sk.), trouble, injury, harm.

bn'chi, mm-bn'chi, to hate.

bn'da, a thing, an article or object, especially valuables.

her'ta bn'da, property, especially household property.
ma'ta bn'da, jewellery.