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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/25

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gi'la ba'bi, epilepsy.

ba'cha, mm-ba'cha, to read.

ba'chang, the horse mango.

ba'dak, the rhinoceros.

ba'dam (Pers.), the almond.

ba'dan (Ar.), the human body. Cf. tuboh.

ba'gai, kind, sort.

ber-ba-gai-ba'gai (115), plba'gai, ba-gai-ba'gai, of various kinds.
s-ba'gai, the same kind, even as. like.
bagaimana, see bgimana.

ba'gan, (Penang) landing stage; see pangkalan.

ba'ghal (Ar.), mule.

ba'gi, to, for, towards; (Penang) to give, cause = kasi.

bagitu, see bgitu.

ba'gus, beautiful, fine, nice.

bah', flood, inundation. Cf. sbak.

ba'hang, radiant heat.

bah'kan, yea, moreover.

bah't-ra (Sk.), state barge; ark (X.).

ba'hu, shoulder.

bah'wa (Sk.) (138). a punctuation word; see bhawa.

bah'ya or ba'hi-a (Sk.), danger, peril. Also ma'ra bah'ya.

bai-du'ri (Sk.), certain precious stones, opals, cat's eyes, etc. Cf. manikam.

ba'ik, good, well; (B.) in good health.

ba-ik-ba'ik, be careful.
ba'ik … ba'ik …, both … and …
ba'ik-lah, all right.
ba'ik pa'ras, handsome.
a'da ba'ik? (B.) are you well?
ja'ga ba-ik-ba'ik, be careful.
kha'bar ba'ik, lit., good news, a reply to salutation; see khabar.
mm-ba'i-ki (103), to mend.
k-ba'i-kan, goodness.

bait' (Ar.), house, in certain phrases, as:

ba-i'tu ’llah, the house of God.
Bai'tu ’l-mu-ka'dis, Jerusalem.

ba'ja, manure.

mm-ba'ja, to manure.

ba'ja (Sk.), steel.

b-si' ba'ja, steel.

ba'jak, plough. Cf. tnggala.

ma'ta ba'jak, ploughshare. tang'kai ba'jak, plough handle.

ba'ji, wedge.

ba'jik, only found in its derivative:

k-ba'ji-kan, virtue, good deeds, welfare, advantage.

ba'ju, coat, jacket. Cf. jubah.

ba'ju da'lam, underwear, vest.
ba'ju ran'tai, coat of mail.
ba'ju zi'rah, coat of mail.
ta'ngan ba'ju, sleeve.

ba'ka, origin, birth, breeding.

ba'ka (Ar.), eternal, imperishable, as opposed to fana, perishable. Cf. kkal.

ba'kar, mm-ba'kar, -kan, to burn, roast. Cf. hangus.

ba'kar b-si', to make iron hot.
ter-ba'kar, burnt.

ba'kau, mangrove.

ba'ki (Ar.), surplus, remainder, cash balance.

ba'koig, lily.

bak'sis (Pers.), present.

bak'ti (Sk.), loyalty, loyal service, devotion.