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Laman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/24

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a'tap gn'ting, a tile roof.

a'tas, on (27), above, over, against (150).

di a'tas a'ngin, windward, western lands.

a'tau (Sk. atawa), or.

a'tla-mat (Ar.), greatness, power; great, mighty.

at'las (Ar.), satin.

a'tur, m-nga'tur, -kan, to arrange, put in order.

a'tu-ran (125), arrangement.

a'um, m-nga'um, roar (as a tiger).

a'ur, several kinds of large bamboos.

a'wak, thou, you.

a'wal (Ar.), first; commencement, beginning.

a'wan, cloud.

a'wat (Penang), why.

a'yah, father. Usually bapa.

a'yah-n'da, father (polite form).

a'yak, m-nga'ya'k, to sift.

a'ya-kan, a sieve.

a'yam, a generic name for fowls.

a'yam b-lan'da, a turkey.
a'yam hu'tan, jungle fowl.
a'yam i'tek, poultry.
a'yam jan'tan, cock.
a'yam km-bi'ri, a capon.
a'yam mu-ti-a'ra, guinea fowl.
a'yam sa'bong, a fighting cock.
a'nak a'yam, chicken.
gom-ba'la a'yam, one who tends poultry.
layer bu'lu a'yam, latteen sail.

a'ya-pan, food, eatables (court language).

a'yat (Ar.), verse of the Koran, or of the Bible (X.).

a'yer, water, liquid, juice.

a'yer ang'gor, wine.
a'yer a'pi, strong acids.
a'yer bah', a flood, inundation.
a'yer b-ku', a'yer ba'tu, ice.
a'yer di'deh, whey.
a'yer gu'la, molasses, sirup.
a'yer kan'ji, gruel, rice water.
a'yer k-ras', spirituous liquors.
a'yer ma'du, honey.
a'yer man'di, bathing water.
a'yer ’mas', gilding.
a'yer ma'ta, tears.
a'yer ma'war, rose water.
a'yer mi'num, drinking water.
a'yer mu'ka, complexion, expression of the face.
a'yer pa'sang, flood tide.
a'yer sm-bah'yang, water for religious ablutions.
a'yer su-rut', ebb tide.
a'yer ta'war, fresh water.
a'yer teh', tea.
a'yer ter'jun, waterfall.
bu-ang' a'yer, to ease oneself; see buang.
ma'ta a'yer, spring.
ta'nah a'yer, one's native land.

a'yun, ber-a'yun, to swing, rock, oscillate.

a'yu-nan, a rocking cradle, swing.

a'zal (Ar.), that which had no beginning, an eternal past. Cf. abad.

‘a'zi-mat (Ar.), charm, spell, amulet. Also tangkal.


bab' (Ar.), chapter.

ba'ba, foreigners born in Malaya, especially Chinese.

ba'bi, pig.

ba'bi hu'tan, wild pig.